Bounds of Badby, Northants. English




1. London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian B. XXIV, f. 22r (s. xii/xiii; partly erased)
2. London, British Library, Harley 3763, f. 65v (s. xii)
3. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Top. Northants c. 23 (S.C. 16640), f. 7r-v (s. xviii)


K, 1356


Hart 1972, pp. 35-7, survey covers Badby, Newnham and Dodford, but omits Everdon; Hart, ECNE, no. 31 and p. 62; Brown et al. 1977, pp. 163-5; Brown and Key 1977-8, pp. 5-6; Brown et al. 1990-1

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    Old Text

    • ærest on Baddanbyrg westweard nor∂riht on ∂one stocc. Of ∂am stocce to wearge dune betweone ∂e twege beorges. Eastriht andlang dice on ∂one fulan wylle. Of ∂am wylle on foxhylle nor∂weard on ∂one ealdan heortwæg on ∂one wylle. Of ∂am wylle on ∂one ealde heortsole. Of ∂am heortsole on ∂one beorge. Of ∂am beorge on ∂one graf. Of ∂am grafe on wy∂igwylle. Of ∂am wylle on ∂one stodfald. Of ∂am stodfalde on ∂æt stangedelf. ∂æt on mæres wylle. Andlang mæres dene on Weaclinga stræt. Andlang stræte ∂at it cym∂ to ∂am ricgwege. Andlang ricgweges ∂æt it cym∂ to emnes Doddanforda, for∂riht on ∂one stocc. Of ∂am stocce on ∂ene broc. Andlang broces to emnes Niwanham. Andlang slædes on ∂a dic æt ∂am grafe. Eastweard andlang dice ∂æt it cym∂ æt ∂am grafe. Westweard on ∂ene ford. Up andlang broces ∂æt it cyme to emnes Baddanbyrig. Westweard of ∂am broce æft on Baddanbyrig westwearde.