A.D. 957. King Eadwig to Brihthelm, bishop (of London); grant of land at Orsett, Essex. Latin


London, St Paul's


Oxford, Bodleian Library, James 23 (S.C. 3860) (s. xvii)

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    • — Brithelemo episcopo .x. cassatos perpetualiter concedo in illo loco ubi ruricolæ appellativo usu ludibundisque vocabulis nomen indiderunt æt Orseaþan. Anno Domini <957>. Ego Eadwig rex Anglorum prefatam donationem cum sigillo sanctæ crucis confirmavi. Ego Edgar eiusdem frater regis fieri celeriter consensi.
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    • — I grant in perpetuity 10 hides to Bishop Beorhthelm in that place where rustics by appellative practice and with sportive words give the name Orsett. In the year of the Lord <957>. I, Eadwig, king of the English, confirmed the aforementioned gift with the sign of the holy cross. I, Edgar, brother of the same king, swiftly agreed that [this] be done.