A.D. 946 x 975. King Edgar allows Æthelflæd, widow of his father Edmund, to give land at Hadham, Herts., to St Paul’s. Latin


London, St Paul's


Oxford, Bodleian Library, James 23 (S.C. 3860) (s. xvii)

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    • Hinc ego Eadgar Anglorum basileus, per omnipatrantis inexpugnabile dexteram uniuerse Britannie regni subthronizatus solio, quandam telluris portionem, .xl. uidelicet cassatos, scilicet in loco qui a ruricolis huiusque prosapie noto nuncupatur uocabulo <Hadham>, cuidam uidue que sanctimonialis ob amorem eterni caelestique sponsi dicata [......] uelamine, olim patri meo videlicet regi Eadmundo legitimo usque ad uite finem copulata conubio, et ab ineunte etate Æþelflæt nobili appellatur vocabulo, ob eterne vite brauium supernorumque ciuium contubernium perpetua largitus sum hæreditate, quatenus ipsa uita comite cum omnibus utensilibus suis summa moderatoris clementia in ipsa telluris edidit superficie uoti compos perfruatur et post uitæ transitum sue quibuscunque uoluerit successionis cleronomis perpetualiter contradendo derelinquat. <This she had granted to the church of Paules.> Sit igitur <saith the king> prefatum rus omni terrene seruitutis iugo liberum fiscalique tributo solutum, tribus his exceptis, rata uidelicet expeditione, pontis arcisue restauratione. <Hadham is the land granted and then it is bounded in Saxon. Anno 969, indictione 4. Diuers duces.> (b) Viduæ uxori patris sui Eadmundi, quæ ab ineunte ætate Æþelflæt nobili appellabatur vocabulo, permittit rex Eadgar ut post mortem suam donet Hædham villam, cum omnibus suis supellectilibus Deo agioque predicatori gentium Paulo — Et sit igitur inquit prefatum rus omni terrenæ servitutis iugo liberum, fiscalique tributo solutum, tribus hiis exceptis, rata videlicet expeditione, pontis arcisve restauratione.
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    • Here I, Edgar, king of the English, enthroned on the inviolable royal seat of the kingdom of whole of Britain through the favour of the All-Accomplishing One, have bestowed as a perpetual inheritance for the sake of the reward of eternal life and the companionship of the denizens of heaven a certain parcel of land, namely, 40 hides, to wit, in a place that is called by rustics and by the known name of this people <Hadham>, on a certain widow who, being a nun dedicated with the veil on account of [her] love for the eternal and heavenly Bridegroom, once was joined in lawful matrimony to my father, namely, King Edmund, up to the end of his life, and from her birth has been called by the noble name Æthelflæd, so that during her life, having been granted her prayer, she may enjoy [it] with all its appurtenances [that] the supreme benignity of the Ruler has produced on the surface of the earth and after the passing of her life she may bequeath it by handing it over in perpetuity to whichever heirs coming afterwards she wishes. <This she had granted to the church of [St] Paul’s.> May it be, therefore, <saith the king>, that the aforementioned land be free of the whole yoke of earthly service, released from royal tribute, these three being excepted, namely, a share of military service, [and] the restoration of bridge and fortress. <Hadham is the land granted and then it is bounded in Saxon. In the year 969, indiction 4. Various duces.> (b) To the widowed wife of his father Edmund, who from her birth was called by the noble name Æthelflæd, King Edgar grants permission that after her death she may give the estate [called] Hadham, with all its appurtenances, to God and to the holy preacher to the gentiles, Paul—And may it be, therefore, he said, that the aforementioned land be free of the whole yoke of earthly service, released from royal tribute, these three being excepted, namely a share of military service, [and] the restoration of bridge and fortress.