S 317
A.D. 856. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to Ealdred, his minister; grant of 20 hides (cassati) at Æscesbyrig (i.e. Woolstone), Berks. Latin with English bounds
Winchester, Old Minster
1. London, British Library, Add. 15350, ff. 104v-105r (s. xii med.)
K, 1056; B, 491; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 3, no. 53; PN Berks., iii. 680, bounds only
Gelling 1967-8, on topography and bounds; Reynolds 2002, pp. 176, 190, on burial feature in bounds; Reynolds 2002, pp. 176, 193, on burial feature in bounds; Stenton 1913, p. 29, cited in connection with history of Berks; Grundy, Berks., V, pp. 141-5, bounds refer to land at Woolstone; Robertson, Charters, p. 276, errors in witness-list; Hart 1970a, pp. 22, 36 (no. 181), on rubric; authentic; PN Berks., i. 5, 14, 15, ii. 360, 380, 383, iii. 675, 680-2, bounds describe western half of modern parish of Woolstone; Sawyer 1978, p. 152, cited; Forsberg 1979, p. 144, bounds partly miscopied, with addition of material from S 575; Gelling, ECTV, no. 24, authentic; Hooke et al. 1987, on topography, on topography; Nelson 1991, p. 58, on a witness; Hart 1992, p. 116, on beneficiary; Keynes 1994b, p. 1122 n. 1, spurious, operative formulas derived from 10th-century text and witness-list from one of the decimation texts of 854; Smyth 1995, pp. 6-7, 381-2
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Old Text
- ˘is is ˇara . xx . hida boc to Æscesbyrig ˇe Æ∂elwulf cing gebocode Aldrede his ˇegne on ece yrfe . Regnante eternaliter eterno domino et salvatore nostro Jhesu Christo ; omnium visibilium et invisibilium summo opifice cunctis liquet hominibus quod ea quæ videntur fini sunt obnoxia ; que autem non videntur incommutabilia . Quapropter ego Æ∂elwlf altithroni favente clementia rex occidentalium Saxonum ; quandam ruris portionem ; videlicet . xx . cassatos æt . Æscesbyrig . nuncupatos . cuidam michi oppido fideli et devoto ministro nomine . Aldredo ; cum consensu et consilio optimatum meorum perpetuo jure possidendum libenter concedo . et cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus . appendiciis eidem comiti perfruendam subicio . Quatinus vita comite ea feliciter utatur . et post vite sue terminum cuicunque voluerit . in perhennem derelinquat hereditatem . Sit vero prefatum rus ab omni terrenæ servitutis jugo liberum . exceptis tribus expeditione videlicet . pontis arcisve recuperatione . Hoc quoque in nomine sanctæ trinitatis et individue unitatis precipio . ut nemo successorum meorum sive regum . sive episcoporum . sive ducum . seu principum sive alicujus altioris inferiorisve dignitatis persona . hanc meam donationem in aliud quam hic scriptum est inmutare presumat . Quod si quisquam ausu temerario hoc decretum transgredi nisus fuerit ; æternæ maledictioni subjaceat . et æternas inferni penas sine fine sustineat . nisi humiliter emendaverit . quod contumaciter deliquit . Istis limitibus prefatæ viginti mansæ circumquaque gyrantur . ˘is synd ˇæra . xx . hida gæ mæro æt Æscesbyrig . Ærest on ˇonæ garan suˇæweardnæ . ˘onnæ and lang wægæs o∂ ˇonæ mægen stan . ˇa non uuon hlinc . And lang hlincæs o∂ loddæræs sæccinge . 7lang hlincæs o∂ ˇonæ brystæ del . ˇanon and lang fyrh ænnæ æcer to ˇam hlincæ . ∂anon on ∂a heafda on hrycwæg . of hrycwæge on ˇonæ ˇorn styb . ˇanon on hordwyllæ on ˇonæ ealdan hord wyllæs wæg . and lang ˇæs ealdan wægæs . on hrysc slædes bygæ . and lang ri∂æ on swynbroc . And lang brocæs on beahhildæ byrigels . ˇonon on ˇonæ ealdan wæg . And lang wægæs on ˇonæ garan nor∂æ wear∂næ . ˝onon east and lang wæges on hnottan mæræ norˇæ weardnæ . ˇanon on ∂a dic . and lang dic on ˇæt on bulan mædæ norˇæ wæardæ . ˇonon on ˇa brembæl hyrnan . of ˇæræ hyrnan on stan mæræ . ˇonon to ˇæn æˇænan byrigelsæ on æoccænen upp and lang stremæs on ˇonæ æwulm . ˝onon on wæardæs bæorh. of ˇam bæorgæ on hrung putt . ˇonon on ˇa æaldan hola . of ∂am holum æft on ˇonæ garan suˇæ wæardnæ . ˇonnæ ˇæt on tættucan stan . Of ˇam stanæ on ˇa æaldan dic . ∂ær hit ær onfæng . Anno dominicæ incarnationis . dccc . lvi . Indictione . iiii . scripta est hæc cartula . His testibus consensum prebentibus . quorum hic inferius onomata secundum uniuscujusque dignitatem caraxata adesse videntur . Ego Æ∂elwlf Rex hanc donationem prefato comiti meo Ældredo perpetualiter habendam concessi . Ego Ealhstan episcopus . Ego Swithun episcopus . Ego Æ∂elbald episcopus . Ego Eanulf dux . Ego Æ∂elbyrht dux . Ego Osric dux . Ego Wulfhere dux . Ego Lullæde dux . Ego Wullaf dux . Ego Werfær∂ abbas . Ego Æ∂ere∂ filius regis. Ego Ælfræd filius regis. Ego Esnæ minister . Ego Cynewulf minister . Ego Cyneheah minister . Ego Alhstan minister . Ego Aldræd minister . Ego Om's minister .