A.D. 878 x 899. Alfred, king of the Anglo-Saxons, to Denewulf, bishop of Winchester, and the church of SS Peter and Paul, Winchester; regrant of the reversion of 50 hides (manentes) at Chisledon, Wilts., and 60 at Hurstbourne Priors, Hants., in exchange for 100 hides at Cholsey, Hagbourne and Bæstlæsford (Basildon), Berks. With bounds of Cholsey, Hagbourne and Bæstlæsford. Latin with English bounds


Winchester, Old Minster


1. London, British Library, Add. 15350, f. 113r (s. xii med.)


K, 1069; B, 565; PN Berks., iii. 756, bounds only


Plummer 1892; 1899, ii, p. 175, spurious; Stevenson 1904, pp. 151 n. 2, 299 and n. 3, spurious or interpolated, mentions Danegeld; Stenton 1913, pp. 13, 46, spurious; Harmer, SEHD, p. 97, very doubtful authenticity; Grundy, Berks., II, pp. 68-70, on bounds of Cholsey; Grundy, Berks., III, pp. 120-2, 204-5, on bounds of Hagbourne, on bounds of Bæstelæsford; Finberg, ECW, no. 28, authentic; Finberg 1964, p. 135, authentic; John 1966, p. 45, on royal style; Hart 1970a, p. 37 (no. 196), authentic; PN Berks., i. 6, 10, 153, 162, ii. 428, 497, 512-13, 516, 519, 524, 528, 531, 535-6, iii. 750-1, 756-7, three sets of bounds cover (a) Cholsey with Moulsford, (b) modern part of Basildon, perhaps with part of Ashampstead, (c) both Hagbournes with Didcot, Upton and (probably) Chilton; Gem 1978, p. 105, on Cholsey; Gelling, ECTV, no. 29, authentic; Keynes and Lapidge 1983, pp. 227-8 n. 1, on royal style; Nelson 1986a, p. 61, possibly authentic; Nelson 1986c, p. 39, on viking tribute; Dumville 1992, pp. 45, 46 n. 90, spurious in present form, but information deserves consideration; Dumville 1993, p. 81 n. 372, on Cholsey; Keynes 1994b, pp. 1137-8, may be authentic, possibly a survival from royal archives; Abrams 1996, pp. 52-3, on Chisledon; Pratt, Alfred, p. 52, on attesetations; Pratt, Alfred, pp. 97-8, 101, on viking tribute payment; Pratt, Alfred, p. 173, on reservation clause

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    • Donum Ælfredi Regis de Ciseldenæ . In nomine domini Ego Ælfredus gratia Dei Angulsaxonum rex recordans qualiter sæcularium tempestatum turbines sepe ea quæ a fidelibus viris ordinata sunt conquassant . 7 maxime si non sunt litterarum apicibus causa memoriæ commendata . vel dominice crucis signo corroborata . iccirco in palam duco qualiter a venerabili Wentane civitatis episcopo Denewulfo aliquantulum terræ adquisieram cum satis ei placabili pecunia . necnon 7 æcclesiam beatorum apostolorum Petri 7 Pauli cui præfatus presul Deo favente deservit aliarum terrarum donatione ditavi . Dedi namque antenominato episcopo . l . libras purissimi argenti . insuper 7 ad prædictam æcclesiam beatorum apostolorum dedi terram quinquaginta manentium in loco ubi ruricoli vocitant Ciseldenu . necnon 7 in alio loco ubi dicitur æt ni∂eran Hissanburnan . lx . manentes . Has autem terras pater meus Aˇelwulfus venerabilis rex prius ad prædictam ecclesiam post obitum meum in propriam hereditatem dedit . sed Alfre∂us episcopus una cum familia Wintonie civitatis æcclesiæ illas mihi iterum in æternam hereditatem reddiderunt . quia eos non suppetebat magnitudinem tributi solvere quam tota nostra gens solebat paganis reddere . precati sunt me ut tributum soluissem 7 terram possedissem . quod 7 feci . Eas vero nunc ea conditione ad supramemoratam ecclesiam dedi . ut meis diebus finitis in servitio ante memoratæ æcclesiæ Deoque ibi famulantium perpetualiter maneant ab omni sæculari negotio libere . præter expeditione et pontis arcisve instructionem . Terra etenim quam michi presul antenominatus dederat quantitate est . c . manentium . Sita est autem in loco ubi accoli Ceolesig nuncupant cum aliis duobus villulis illuc pertinentibus sicque nominatis Haccaburna 7 Bæstlæsford . 7 ab omnibus sunt equaliter ut aliæ sæcularibus negotiis preter expeditione 7 pontis arcisve instructione libere . ˘is sindon ∂a land gemere to ceolsige ofer sunesforda upp on grenan dune . ∂onon on higran hongran nor∂e weardne . ˇonon on bullanholt on diopan wei . ∂onon on marge wei and grim gelege . ∂onon on romes leg on stanwei . ∂onon andlang dices on west welle . ∂onon andlang mores on tibbælde lace . ∂onon on maccan eige andlang mores . ∂onon on ∂one ealdan dic est to temæse æt welingaforda . ˘is sind ∂a landes gemære æt bestles forda cæccam wæl ∂onon andlang hagan on ealden halh . ∂onon on lid geat . ∂onon to wæst legæ . ∂onon to rah slede . ∂onon to mules hamstæde . ∂onon to hiorotlege . ∂onon to blacan mære . ∂onon to cylf hongran . ∂onon eft to temæse on wiredes wær . ˘is sindon ∂es landes ge mære æt hacceburnan ∂onon of haccebroce on ealdan lace . ∂onon to tottencumbe ufeweardon . ∂onon to burgilde treowe . ∂onon to drægeles bæce . ∂onon andlanges drægeles bæce to gemær weige emb cylda tun . ∂onon flecges garan su∂e wardan . ∂onon to widan geate . ∂onon to eadulfes mære . ∂onon to stoccæs wælle . ∂onon of stocces wylle on wittan mære . of wittan mære on cyninges dic . of cyninges dice on hæ∂byrg . ∂onon of hæ∂byrge on haccaburnan emb mortun . Ego Ælfred rex . + Ego Eadweard fR' + Ego Æ∂elweard fR' + Ego Orlaf dux . + Ego Vbba minister .