A.D. 805. Cuthred, king of Kent, to Aldberht, his minister, and Selethryth, abbess; grant of 2 sulungs (aratra) at Ruckinge, Kent. Latin


Canterbury, Christ Church (ex Lyminge)


1. Lost original
2. London, British Library, Stowe 853, f. 11r-v (s. xvii; ex 1)


B, 1336


Wallenberg, KPN, p. 307, on place-name; Wright 1950, p. 390; Scharer 1982, p. 264, authentic; Brooks 1988, pp. 95-6, on topography; Keynes 1993a, p. 114 n. 13, cited.; Foot 2000, II. 115, 126

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    • + In nomine almo trino diuino . Ego Cuthredus rex Cantiae anno incarnationis dominicæ .dcccv. nostri regni concessi a Deo .v. indictione .xiiii. cum consensu atque licentia Coenulfi regis Merciorum dabo Aldberhto meo ministro et Seleðrythe abbatissæ suæ scilicet propinquæ duos aratrorum in loco qui dicitur Hrocing quod est positus in utroque parte fluminis Liminea . cum omnibus ad eam pertinentibus bonis : Hanc uero donationem illis condonabo pro pecunio eorum et pro salute anime meæ eo quod agnosco iniquitatem quod fecimus illis Ideo libenti animo donauo in æternam hereditatem ab omni regale tributo ad abendam et possidendam . et post obitum suum ita in sua libertate et spontanea uoluntate cuicumque hominum placuerit tradendam . Si quis uero hanc donationem meam imminuerit sit separatus a participatione corporis et sanguinis Domini nostri Iesu Christi et in extremo die iudicii a congregatione iustorum nisi reatum suæ præsumptionis ante ea digna satisfactione emendauerit . Huius uero terræ terminos ideo non ponimus quia ab accolis undique nota sunt ; Nomen uero regis hoc donum donantis . et suorum fidelium hic infra conponuntur. + Ego Cuthred rex Cantiae cum signo crucis Christi confirmo hoc donum quod donaui. + Ego Aethelherdus gratia Dei archiepiscopus cum signo sancte crucis Christi confirmo. + Ego Beornmod episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Signum manus Coenwaldi filii regis. + Signum manus Wernothi abbatis. + Signum manus Osulfi principis. + Signum manus Eamberhti. + Signum manus Heahfridi. + Signum manus Herefrithi. + Signum manus Suithhuni. + Signum manus Wynbaldi. + Signum manus Berhtnodi. + Signum manus Aldberht. + Signum manus Osberhti. + Signum manus Berhtwaldi. + Signum manus Aethelurdi. + Signum manus Aethelnothi.
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    • + In the name of the bountiful Divine Trinity. I, Cuthred, king of Kent, in the year of the Lord’s incarnation 805, in [year] 5 of our reign granted by God, in indiction 13, with the agreement and authorisation of Cenwulf, king of the Mercians, will give to Ealdberht, my minister, and Abbess Selethryth, his relative, two sulungs in the place that is called Ruckinge, which is placed on either side of the River Lyminge, with all good things that belong to it: I will in truth give this gift to them in return for their money and for the salvation of my soul, by which I acknowledge the iniquity that I have done. Therefore, I shall give [it] to them with a willing spirit as an everlasting inheritance, to have and to hold [free] from all royal tribute, and after his death to be handed over freely and of his own free will to whomsoever he pleases. Truly, if anyone should violate this gift of mine, may he be separated from sharing in the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and on the final Day of Judgment from the assembly of the just unless before that he atone for the offence of his presumption with a worthy penance. We have not declared the boundaries of this land because it is known by the inhabitants on both sides. The name of the king giving this gift and of his faithful men are set down together below. + I, Cuthred, king of Kent, confirm with the mark of the cross of Christ this gift that I have given. + I, Æthelheard, by the Grace of God archbishop [of Canterbury], confirm with the mark of the holy cross of Christ. + I, Beornmod, bishop [of Rochester], agreed and subscribed. + Mark of the hand of Wærnoth [of St Augustine’s, Canterbury], abbot. + Mark of the hand of Oswulf, princeps. + Mark of the hand of Eanberht. + Mark of the hand of Heahfrith. + Mark of the hand of Herefrith. + Mark of the hand of Swithhun. + Mark of the hand of Wynbald. + Mark of the hand of Beorhtnoth. + Mark of the hand of Ealdberht. + Mark of the hand of Osberht. + Mark of the hand of Beorhtwald. + Mark of the hand of Æthelweard. + Mark of the hand of Æthelnoth.
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    Old Text

    • + In nomine almo trino divino . Ego Cuthredus Rex Cantiae Anno Incarnationis Dominicae . dcccv . nostri regni concessi a Deo . v . Indictione xiiii . cum consensu atque licentia Coenulfi Regis Merciorum dabo Aldberhto meo ministro et Sele∂rythe Abbati