A.D. 805 (26 July, Acleah). Cuthred, king of Kent, to Wulfred, archbishop; grant of 2 sulungs (aratra) at Hrithra leah, part of an estate of 15 hides (manentes) at Buckholt in Petham, Kent, in return for 30 mancuses. Latin


Canterbury, Christ Church


1. London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 87 (s. ix 1; BM Facs., ii. 8)
2. London, Lambeth Palace Library, 1212, p. 389 (s. xiii)
3. Oxford, Bodleian Library, James 24 (S.C. 3861), p. 100 (s. xvii)


K, 190; HS, pp. 558-9; B, 322; Earle, pp. 284-5; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 1, no. 102; Pierquin, Conciles, pp. 434-5


BM Facs., iv, p. 7, MS 1 rather later and retouched; Stenton 1918, p. 450 n. 74, original (= Stenton 1970, p. 64 n. 3); Wallenberg, KPN, pp. 105-6, on place-names; Drögereit 1935, p. 408 n. 4, original; Ch.L.A., iii, p. 46, scribe also wrote S 153; Ch.L.A., iv, p. xviii, on script; Bruckner 1965, p. 29, on script; Finberg 1972, p. 410, on place-name; Harrison 1973, p. 60, on dating; Scharer 1982, pp. 63 n. 9, 104 n. 9, cited; Brooks 1984, pp. 359-60 n. 67, MS 1 later copy; Keynes 1993a, pp. 113 n. 6, 114 n. 13, cited; Keynes 1994c, pp. 28-9; Cubitt 1995, p. 282; Lowe 2001, Appendix III.32; Thompson 2006, pp. 20 et passim, on script

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    • + Anno ab incarnatione Domini nostri Iesu Christi .dcccovo. indictione .xiii . Ego Cuðred rex Cantiae cum licentia Coenulfi regis Merciae octabo anno regni mei a Deo concessi Wulfredo sedenti in archiepiscopatus solio . duorum aratrorum terrae inperpetuum donabo . Est itaque terra illa conposita in occidentali parte .xv. manentium quae dicuntur Bocholt Hec duo aratra supra praedicta a quibusdam campus armentorum id est Hriðra leah appellantur Hoc autem modo quasi pro conparatione \in praetio/ .xxx. mancusarum illi hanc praenominatam terram tradere curabo ut communem silbam secundum antiquam consuetudinen cum ceteris hominibus abeat Potestas quoque ipsi datur ut in libertate terram habeat quamdiu uiuat et postea cuicumque hominum uoluerit in aeternam libertatem derelinquat Siquis hanc largitonem illi augeat augeatur illi a Deo uita Siquis demin\u/erit quod absid . deminuetur sibi gloria in Christo nisi satisfacsione emendauerit. Huius confirmationis signa in celeberrimo loco Hacleah nominato exponuntur in .vii. kalendas Agustus die sabbati quo transfiguratus est Christus . + Ego Coenuulf rex Mer' consensi et supscripsi + Ego Cuðred \rex/ Cantiæ consensi et subscripsi. + Alduulf episcopus + Werenberht episcopus + Deneberht episcopus + Eaduulf episcopus + Wulfhard episcopus + Alhheard episcopus + Tidferð episcopus + Osmund episcopus + Wiohthun episcopus + Wig<be>rht episcopus + Alhmund episcopus + Bernmod episcopus + Al<hmund abbas> + <Beonna> abbas + Wernoð abbas + Dudamom abbas + Feolageld abbas + Heaberht dux + Beornnoð dux + Cynehelm dux + Tiduulf dux + Wicgga dux + Ceolward dux + Ceolberht dux + Dynne dux + Wighard dux + Byrnwald dux + Heardberht comes + Cuðred pr'
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    • + In the 805th year from the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, in indiction 13. I, Cuthred, king of Kent, with the authorisation of Cenwulf, king of Mercia, in the eighth year of my reign granted by God, will give in perpetuity to Wulfred, sitting on the throne of the archiepiscopate, two sulungs of land. And that land is assembled in the western part of 15 hides that is called Buckholt. These two sulungs mentioned above are called by certain people the ‘field of cattle’, that is, hrithra leah. I shall undertake to hand over this aforementioned land to him in this way, as it were, as a contract for the price of 30 mancuses so that he may have the common wood according to ancient custom with other men. Also the power is given to him to hold the land freely as long as he lives and afterwards bequeath it in eternal freedom to whichever person he should wish. If anyone should increase this generous gift, may his life be increased by God; if anyone should diminish it, which God forbid!, may glory in Christ be diminished for him unless he atone with a penance. Marks of this confirmation are set forth in the very famous place called Aclea on the 26th of July, on the Sabbath day when Christ was transfigured. + I, Cenwulf, agreed and subscribed. + I, Cuthred, king of Kent, agreed and subscribed. + Ealdwulf, bishop [of Lichfield]. + Werenberht, bishop [of Leicester]. + Deneberht, bishop [of Worcester]. + Eadwulf, bishop [of Lindsey]. + Wulfheard, bishop [of Hereford]. + Ealhheard, bishop [of Elmham]. + Tidfrith, bishop [of Dunwich]. + Osmund, bishop [of London]. + Wihthun, bishop [of Selsey]. + Wigberht, bishop [of Sherborne]. + Ealhmund, bishop [of Winchester]. + Beornmod, bishop [of Rochester]. + Ealhmund, abbot. + Beonna, abbot [of Medeshamstede]. + Wærnoth, abbot [of St Augustine’s, Canterbury]. + Dudamom, abbot. + Feologeld, abbot. + Heahberht, dux. + Beornnoth, dux. + Cynehelm, dux. + Tidwulf, dux. + Wigcga, dux. + Ceolweard, dux. + Ceolberht, dux. + Dynne, dux. + Wigheard, dux. + Beornwald, dux. + Heardberht, comes. + Cuthred, priest.
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    Old Text

    • Endorsements: (1) s. x: Hryˇeraleh (2) s. xii: duorum aratrorum . Cu∂red rex . Cantiæ Wluredo archiepiscopo pro xxx marcis auri (3) s. xii: latine + Anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Jhesu Christi dcccovo indictione xiii . ego Cu∂red rex Cantiae cum licentia Coenulfi regis Merciae octabo anno regni mei a Deo concessi Wulfredo sedenti in archiepiscopatus solio . duorum aratrorum terrae in perpetuum donabo . est itaque terra illa conposita in occidentali parte xv . manentium quae dicuntur Bocholt hec duo aratra supra predicta a quibusdam campus armentorum id est hri∂ra leah appellantnr hoc autem modo quasi pro conparatione in pretio xxx mancusarum illi hanc prenominatam terram tradere curabo ut communem silbam secundum antiquam consuetudinem cum ceteris hominibus abeat potestas quoque ipsi datur ut in libertate terram habeat quamdiu vivat 7 postea cuicumque hominum voluelrit in aeternam libertatem derelinquat si quis hanc largit'i'onem illi augeat augeatur illi a Deo vita si quis demin'u'erit quod absid deminuetur sibi gloria in Christo nisi satisfacsione emendaverit . Huius confirmationis signa in celeberrimo loco hacleah nominato exponuntur in uiias. k'as agustus die sabbati quo transfiguratus est Christus . + Ego Coenuulf rex Merciæ consensi et subscripsi . + Alduulf episcopus . + Werenberht episcopus + Deneberht episcopus . + Eaduulf episcopus . + Wulfhard episcopus . + Alheard episcopus . + Tidfer∂ episcopus . + Osmnud episcopus . + Wiohthun episcopus . + Wig[be]rht episcopus . + Alhmund episcopus . + Bernmod episcopus . + Alh - - - - - - + - - - - - abbas + Werno∂ abbas . + Dudan abbas . + Feolageld abbas . + Ego Cu∂red 'rex' Cantiæ consensi et subscribi . + Heahberht dux . + Beornno∂ dux . + Cynehelm dux . + Tiduulf dux . + Wicgga dux . + Ceolward dux . + Ceolberht dux . + Dynne dux . + Wighard dux . + Byrnwald dux . + Heardberht comes . + Cu∂red pr'.