A.D. 941. King Edmund to Æthelnoth, minister; grant of 10 hides (mansae) at Corston, Somerset. Latin with English bounds




1. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 111, pp. 55-131, pp. 65-67 (s. xii 2)


K, 388 and vol. iii. 416; B, 767; Hunt, Bath Carts., pp. 11-13


Grundy, Somerset, pp. 201-4, on bounds; Drögereit 1935, pp. 372-7, authentic; Finberg, ECW, no. 443, authentic; Costen 1983, pp. 28-9, on bounds; Abrams 1996, p. 254 n. 72, note on estate

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    • In nomine Dei summi et altissimi. Certis astipulationibus nos sancti et iusti patres frequentatiuis hortationibus admonent, ut Deum quem diligimus et credimus intima mentis affectione cum bonorum operum diligentia incessanter eum teneamus et amemus, quia retributionem omnium actuum nostrorum in die examinationis iuxta uniuscuiusque meritum reddet, ideoque subtilissima mentis certatione illum imitari satagamus, licet mortalis uite pondere pressi et labentibus huius seculi possessionibus simus infecati, tamen miserationis eius largitate caducis opibus eterna celestis vite premia mercari queamus. Quapropter ego Eadmundus, diuina mihi arridente gratia rex Anglorum, aliquam partem terre iuris mei perpetuali donatione libenter concedo cuidam fideli meo ministro uocitato Æþelnoðo, .x. mansas in illo loco cui ruricoli appellatiuo usu ludibundisque uocabulis nomen indiderunt æt Corsantune, quatinus ille bene perfruatur ac perpetualiter possideat quamdiu istius caducis seculi uitam tenere presumet et post se cuicumque uoluerit ceu corroborauimus perhenniter heredi derelinquat ceu supradiximus in eternam hereditatem. Sit autem predictum rus liber ab omni mundiali obstaculo, cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus, campis, pascuis, pratis, siluis diriuatisque cursibus aquarum, exceptis tribus, expeditione, pontis arcisue constructione. Si quis autem quod non optamus hanc nostram diffinitionem, elationis habitu incedens, infringere temptauerit, percussus sit gelidis glaciarum flatibus et pennino exercitu malignorum spirituum, nisi prius irriguis penitentie gemitibus et pura emendatione emendauerit. Istis terminibus predicta terra circumgirata esse uidetur. Þis syndon þa land gemæro þe hyraþ to Corsantune. Ærest on Corsan stream, up oþ þone ealdan stan weall, suþ oþ þa hyrnan, þonan west rihte oþ cilda stan, of cilda stane on Mercesburh norðewearde, þonne west on ða burh oþ þa west hyrnan, þonne norð on herepað oþ þone anlipigan þorn, west þonan on þone hrycg þæt on þone anlipian stan, þonan norð rihte on Mære mæde westewearde, þonan rihte on þone herepað oð wifeles cumbes heafod, þonne of wifeles cumbes suð ecge on æsc wylle, þonan suð on ecge oþ þæt niehste slæd, þonne of þam slæde on stan wealles broc, of dune on Afene, up on Afene oþ Corsan. Acta est hec prefata donatio anno ab incarnatione Domini nostri Iesu Christi .dccccxli., indictione .xiiii. Ego Eadmundus rex Anglorum prefatam donationem cum sigillo sancte + confirmaui. Ego Eadred eius regis frater consignaui. Ego Ælfheah Wintoniensis ecclesie episcopus triumphalem tropheum agie crucis impressi. + Ego Kenwald episcopus predicto dono consensi. + Ego Oda episcopus consignaui. + Ego Ælfric episcopus confirmai. + Ego Æthelgar episcopus consensi. + Ego Wulfhelm episcopus roboraui. + Wulfgar dux. + Æþelwold dux. + Æþelstan dux. + Ealhhelm dux. + Odda minister. + Alfric minister. + Wullaf minister. + Eadmund minister. + Wihtgar minister. + Ælfred minister. + Wulfric minister. + Wulfgar minister. Ælfsige \+/ minister. + Ordheah minister. + Eadric minister. + Ælfsige minister. + Æþered minister. + Wulfhelm minister. +
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    • In the name of God the supreme and most high. By assured confirmations the holy and just Fathers admonish us with frequent exhortations that God Whom we esteem and believe in with the innermost affection of our soul we should cleave to and love ceaselessly with attentiveness to good works, because He will deliver recompense for all our deeds on the Day of Judgment according to the merit of each one, and therefore we try to seek after that with the most discriminating contest of the mind; although we are oppressed by the weight of mortal life and polluted by the transitory possessions of this world, yet we are able through the bountifulness of His mercy to purchase with transitory wealth the eternal rewards of heavenly life with transitory wealth. Wherefore, I, Edmund, with Divine Grace being favourable towards me, king of the English, freely grant as a permanent gift to a certain faithful minister of mine called Æthelnoth a piece of land from my property, ten hides in that place to which country people give the name by appellative custom and sportive words Corston, in order that he might fully enjoy it and possess it in perpetuity as long as he may presume to live among the transitory things of this world and after him, as we have confirmed, he may leave it permanently to whomsoever he wishes as an heir, as we have said above, in an everlasting inheritance. Moreover, may the aforementioned land be free from all worldly impediment, with all things that rightly belong to it: fields, pastures, meadows, woods and flowing watercourses, except three, military service [and] the construction of bridge and fortress. Moreover, if anyone, behaving with the habit of pride, should attempt to violate this judgment of ours—which we do not want—, may he be struck by frozen blasts of ice and by the winged army of evil spirits, unless he should first repent with tearful groan of penitence and with pure atonement. The aforementioned land is seen to be encircled by these bounds. First to Corston Brook; up to the old stone wall; south to the angle; then due west to the children’s stone; from the children’s stone to the north of Marksbury; westwards along the burh to the west corner; north along the high-road to the solitary thorn-tree; west then on [or ‘to’] the ridge; then to the isolated stone; then due north to the west part of boundary meadow; then straight along the high-road to the head of weevil’s coomb; then from the south edge of weevil’s coomb to ash-tree spring; south along the edge to the closest slade; from the slade to the stone spring’s brook, down to the Avon; from the Avon to Corston Brook. This aforementioned gift was made in the year from the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ 941, indiction 14. I, Edmund, king of the English, confirmed the aforementioned gift with the sign of the holy +. I, Eadred, brother of that king, marked with the sign of the cross. I, Ælfheah, bishop of the church of Winchester, imprinted the triumphant symbol of the holy cross. + I, Cenwald, bishop [of Worcester], agreed to the aforementioned gift. + I, Oda, bishop [of Ramsbury], marked with the sign of the cross. + I, Ælfric, bishop [of Hereford], confirmed. + I, Æthelgar, bishop [of Crediton], agreed. + I, Wulfhelm, bishop [of Wells], confirmed. + Wulfgar, dux. + Æthelwald, dux. + Æthelstan, dux. + Ealhhelm, dux. + Odda, minister. + Ælfric, minister. + Wulflaf, minister. + Edmund, minister. + Wihtgar, minister. + Alfred, minister. + Wulfric, minister. + Wulfgar, minister. Ælfsige \+/, minister. + Ordheah, minister. + Eadric, minister. + Ælfsige, minister. + Æthelred, minister. + Wulfhelm, minister. +
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    Old Text

    • De . x . hidis Corstune . + In nomine Dei summi et altissimi . Certis astipulationibus nos Sancti et justi parentes frequentativis hortationibus admonent . ut Deum quem diligimus et credimus intima mentis affectione cum bonorum operum diligentia incessanter teneamus et amemus . Quia retributionem omnium actuum nostrorum in die examinationis juxta uniuscujusque meritum reddet ; ideoque subtilissima mentis certatione illum imitari satagamus . licet mortalis vitæ pondere pressi . et labentibus huius sæculi possessionibus simus infæcati . tamen miserationis ejus largitate caducis opibus æterna Cælestis vitæ præmia mercari queramus . Quapropter ego Eadmundus divina mihi arridente gratia . rex Anglorum aliquam partem terræ juris mei perpetuali donatione libenter concedo cuidam fideli mei ministro vocitato Æˇelno∂o . x . mansas . in illo loco cui ruricoli appellativo usu ludibundisque vocabulis indiderunt æt Corsantune . quatinus ille bene perfruatur . ac perpetualiter possideat . quamdiu istius caducis seculi vitam tenere præsumet . et post se cuicunque voluerit ceu corroboravimus perhenniter heredi derelinquat . ceu supra diximus in eternam hereditatem . Sit autem predictum rus liber ab omni mundiali obstaculo . cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus . campis . pascuis . pratis . silvis . dirivatisque cursibus aquarum . exceptis tribus . expeditione . pontis . arcisve constructione . Si quis autem quod non optamus hanc nostram diffinitionem elationis habitu incedens infringere temptaverit ; percussus sit gelidis glaciarum flatibus et pennino exercitu malignorum spirituum . nisi prius irriguis poenitentiæ gemitibus . et pura emendatione emendaverit . Divisiones. Istis terminibus prædicta terra circumgirata esse videtur . ˝is syndon ˇa land gemæro ˇe hyraˇ to Corsantune . Ærest on corsan stream up oˇ ˇone ealdan stan weall suˇ oˇ ˇa hyrnan . ˇonan west rihte oˇ cilda stan . of cilda stane on merces burh nor∂ewearde . ˇonne west on ∂a burh oˇ ˇa west hyrnan . ˇonne nor∂ on herepa∂ oˇ ˇone anlipigan ˇorn . west ˇonan on ˇone hrycg . ˇæt on ˇone anlipian stan . ˇonan nor∂ rihte on mære mæde westewearde . ˇonan rihte on ˇone herepa∂ o∂ wifeles cumbes heafod . ˇonne of wifeles cumbes su∂ ecge on æsc wylle . ˇonan su∂ on ecge oˇ ˇæt niehste slæd . ˇonne of ˇam slæde on stan wealles broc of dune on afene . Up on afene oˇ corsan. Acta est hæc præfata donatio . Anno ab Incarnatione domini nostri Jhesu Christi . dcccc . lxi . Indictione . xiiii a . Ego Eadmundus rex Anglorum præfatam donationem cum sigillo sanctæ : + : confirmavi . Ego Eadred ejus regis frater consignavi . Ego Ælfheah Wintoniensis æcclesiæ episcopus triumphalem tropheum agiæ crucis impressi . + . Ego Kenwald episcopus prædictum dono consensi . + . [E]go Oda episcopus consignavi . + . Ego Ælfric episcopus confirmavi . + . Ego Æˇelgar episcopus consensi . + . Ego Wulfhelm episcopus roboravi . + . Wulfgar dux . + . Æˇelwold dux . + . Æˇelstan dux . + . Ealhhelm dux . + . Odda minister . + . Alfric minister . + . Wullaf minister . + . Eadmund minister . + . Wihtgar minister . + . Ælfred minister . + . Wulfric minister . + . Wulfgar minister . + . Ælfsige . + . minister . + . Ordheah minister . + . Eadric minister . + . Ælfsige minister . + . Æˇered minister . + . Wulfhelm minister . + .