A.D. 953. King Eadred to Ælfsige, minister, and his wife Eadgifu; grant of 33 hides (cassati) at Æscesburh (Uffington, Berks.). Latin with English bounds




1. London, British Library, Cotton Claudius B. VI, ff. 38v-39r (s. xiii in.)


K, 1168; Stevenson, Chron. Abingdon, i. 149-51; B, 899; PN Berks., iii. 689, bounds only; Kelly, Abingdon, no. 48


Stenton 1913, p. 42, cited; Grundy, Berks., I, pp. 154-66, on bounds; Gelling 1968, on topography; O'Donovan 1972, p. 37, on date; PN Berks., i. 17, ii. 344, 379-80, 383, iii. 676-7, 690-1, bounds describe modern parish of Uffington, cf. also S 1208; Hart, ECNE, pp. 19-22, discusses charter-type, which he terms 'Dunstan B'; Gelling, ECTV, no. 62, authentic; Keynes 1980, pp. 47-8, on charter-type; Hooke 1987, pp. 99-100, on detail of bounds; Hooke et al. 1987, on bounds; Keynes 1994, on charter-type, esp. p. 173; Kelly, Abingdon, no. 48, authentic

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    • Anno ab incarnatione Domini nostri Iesu Christi .dccccliii. Ego Eadred, diuina gratia fauente rex et primicerius tocius Albionis, Ælfsige ministro meo et sue coniugi Eadgife, ob eius amabile et fidele obsequiolum, ruris particulam sub estimatione .xxxiii. cassatorum in loco qui dicitur Æscesburh libenter admodum concessi, eo tenore huius munificientie donum perstringens ut post obitum suum in perpetuum ius cuicumque uoluerit heredi derelinquat. Quod si quisque quod non optamus huiusce donationis cartulam infringere temptauerit, nisi prius in hoc seculo digne castigetur, in futuro perenni cruciatu prematur. Et his limitibus hec telluris particula circumgirari uidetur. Ærest \in/ æt þam suð geate 7 ut æt þan norþ geate on dude beorh, 7 þanon on eceles beorh, 7 þanon on hring pit, 7 þanon on þa andheafdu, 7 þanon on þa cealc seaþas, 7 þanon on þone bradan meare, 7 þanon 7lang dices on clænan mæde, 7 þanon on þone bradan weg onbutan mordune on ðyreses lace, 7 þanon on læces mere norþe wearde, 7 þanon 7lang mores be þan norþ stane, 7 þanon þwyres ofer þone mor on bulan dic, 7 swa andlang dices to æþelferðes mearce on bulen dices ende, on þone þorn styb, 7 þanon on Talle burnan, 7 þonon to þære halgan stowe, 7 sua up 7lang broces to æþelferdes mearce weste wearde, 7 swa 7lang mearce to hremnes byrig to þan norþ geate, 7 ut æt þan suþ geate on hodan hlæw, 7 þanon on stan hlæwan, 7 þanon to þan \redan/ hole, 7 þanon to þan dunnan hole, 7 swa be þan hlide, 7 þanon on domferðes hest on tættaces stan, 7 þanon on hundes hlæw, 7 þanon on hafoces hlæw, 7 þanon on þone scortan dic, 7 þanon on þa langen dic to Æsces byrig eft to þan suþan geate. Huius doni constipulatorum nomina inferius notata uidentur. + Ego Oda archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Ælfred episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Wulfsige episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Æþelgar episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Osulf episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Byrhtelm episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Cynsige episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Ceonwold episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Leofwine episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Æþelstan dux. + Ego Eadmund dux. + Ego Ælfsige minister. + Ego Osferð minister. + Ego Ælfnoð minister. + Ego Byrhferð minister. + Ego Ælfsige minister.
  • Metadata

    Old Text

    • Rubric: Carta regis Eadredi de Escesbeurh. Anno ab incarnatione Domini nostri Iesu Christi .dccccliii. Ego Eadred, diuina gratia fauente rex et primicerius tocius Albionis, Ælfsige ministro meo et sue coniugi Eadgife, ob eius amabile et fidele obsequiolum, ruris particulam sub estimatione .xxxiii. cassatorum in loco qui dicitur Æscesburh libenter admodum concessi, eo tenore huius munificientie donum perstringens ut post obitum suum in perpetuum ius cuicumque uoluerit heredi derelinquat. Quod si quisque quod non optamus huiusce donationis cartulam infringere temptauerit, nisi prius in hoc seculo digne castigetur, in futuro perenni cruciatu prematur. Et his limitibus hec telluris particula circumgirari uidetur. Ærest 'in' æt ˇam su∂ geate 7 ut æt ˇan norˇ geate on dude beorh, 7 ˇanon on eceles beorh, 7 ˇanon on hring pit, 7 ˇanon on ˇa andheafdu, 7 ˇanon on ˇa cealc seaˇas, 7 ˇanon on ˇone bradan meare, 7 ˇanon 7lang dices on clænan mæde, 7 ˇanon on ˇone bradan weg onbutan mordune on ∂yreses lace, 7 ˇanon on læces mere norˇe wearde, 7 ˇanon 7lang mores be ˇan norˇ stane, 7 ˇanon ˇwyres ofer ˇone mor on bulan dic, 7 swa andlang dices to æˇelfer∂es mearce on bulen dices ende, on ˇone ˇorn styb, 7 ˇanon on talle burnan, 7 ˇonon to ˇære halgan stowe, 7 sua up 7lang broces to æˇelfer∂es mearce weste wearde, 7 swa 7lang mearce to hremnes byrig to ˇan norˇ geate, 7 ut æt ˇan suˇ geate on hodan hlæw, 7 ˇanon on stan hlæwan, 7 ˇanon to ˇan 'redan' hole, 7 ˇanon to ˇan dunnan hole, 7 swa be ˇan hlide, 7 ˇanon on domfer∂es hest on tættaces stan, 7 ˇanon on hundes hlæw, 7 ˇanon on hafoces hlæw, 7 ˇanon on ˇone scortan dic, 7 ˇanon on ˇa langen dic to Æsces byrig eft to ˇan suˇan geate. Huius doni constipulatorum nomina inferius notata uidentur. + Ego Oda archiepiscopus consensi et subscripis. + Ego Ælfred episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Wulfsige episcopus consensi et subscripis. + Ego Æˇelgar episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Osulf episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Byrhtelm episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Cynsige episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Ceonwold episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Leofwine episcopus consensi et subscripsi. + Ego Æˇelstan dux. + Ego Eadmund dux. + Ego Ælfsige minister. + Ego Osfer∂ minister. + Ego Ælfno∂ minister. + Ego Byrhfer∂ minister. + Ego Ælfsige minister.