A.D. 955. King Eadred to Ælfgyth, a nun at Wilton; grant of 20 hides (cassati) at (East) Pennard, Somerset, in return for 120 gold solidi. Latin with English bounds




1. Longleat, Marquess of Bath, Muniments, 10565 (s. x med.; OS Facs., ii, Marquess of Bath 2)
2. Lost Glastonbury Liber Terrarum, no. 68 (see Abrams 1996, p. 33)


HMC Fourth Report (1874), Appendix, pp. 227-8; B, 903


Grundy, Somerset, pp. 65-71, 233-4, bounds refer to East Pennard; Barker 1949, p. 73, contemporary; Finberg, ECW, no. 469, original; Chaplais 1966a, pp. 163-4, original, script similar to that in Bodleian, Hatton 30 (= 1973, p. 47); Barker 1967, p. 91, original; Hart 1972, p. 128 n. 23, diplomatic characteristic of Winchester; Hart, ECNE, pp. 19-22, discusses charter-type, which he terms 'Dunstan B'; Keynes 1980, pp. 46-8, on charter-type; Costen 1991, p. 41; Costen 1992, pp. 39-40, on estate; Dumville 1992, pp. 177-8, on beneficiary; Dumville 1994, pp. 144-51, on script; Keynes 1994, on charter-type, esp. pp. 174, 186-7l; original; Abrams 1996, pp. 10, 11, 19 n. 56, 66, 123, 195-8, on MS 1; on endorsement; on details of bounds; on estate; Foot 2000, II. 95, 222-3, 230; Thompson 2006, pp. 19 et passim, on script

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    Old Text

    • Endorsements: (1) Carta Edredi regis de Pennard minster et est LXVIII . in landeboke (2) . Pennard . II . (3) boc to Pennerd . . DCCCCLV (4) Penerd mynstres boc (5) Eddred de Pennard etc . Anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Jhesu Christi . DCCCC . LV . Ego Eadred divina gratia favente rex et primichærius totius Albionis Ælfgi∂e sancti moniali in Wiltunensi monasterio degenti . ob ejus amabile et aurigenum pretiolum hoc est . CXX . solidos auri . ruris particulam in loco qui dicitur Pengeard mynster cassatis bisdenis estimatam . tenore tantum modo interposito . ut ex 'h'is binarum usus vernantibus . ad ejus oracula monasterii prout antiquitus destinabatur . indiscussus perseveret . ab omni servitio preter arcem . pontem . expeditionem liberam . libenter admodum concessi . Eo tenore huius munificentiæ donum perstringens . ut post obitum suum inperpetuum jus cuicumque voluerit heredi derelinquat . quod si quisque quod non optamus huiuscæ donationis cartulam infringere temptaverit . ni prius in hoc seculo digne castigetur in futuro perenni cruciatu prematur ; Et his limitibus hæc telluris particula circum girari videtur;. Ærest on bulan setl ˇanon on stod leage of stodlege . on ˇone meal mihtan ford . of ˇam forda on ˇone langan ˇorn . of ˇam ˇorne on weste werde hina dune on ˇone ellen styb . of ˇam stybbe on ˇone risc pyt . of ˇam pytte on ˇa haran apuldre . of ˇære apuldre on swynget . of swyngete on ˇa ealdan dic . of ˇære dic on ˇone burnan . of ˇam burnan on ˇone hæc . of ˇam hæcce on eobban slæd . of ˇam slæde on ˇa seocan aac . of ˇære æc on ˇone burnan . of ˇam burnan on cullan burh nor∂e wearde . of cullan byrg on ˇæt stan gedelf . of ˇam gedelfe on ˇone mær∂orn . of ˇam ˇornne on bican ham . of bican hamme 7 lang hricges on widan cumb . of widan cumbe on wyl wyr∂e weste wear∂e . of ∂are wyr∂e on ˇæt pyl . 7 lang pylles on ˇone stan nihtan ford æt Eadmundes byrig . of ˇam stanihtan forda on ˇa lace . 7 lang lace on ˇa stræt 7 lang stræt æt stocwudu nor∂e weardne on ˇæt pyl . 7 lang pylles on ˇa dic æt ˇæs biscopes gemære . of ˇære dic on east wylle . of east wylle on hnut cumb . 7 lang hnut cumbes east . on fulan broc . of fulan broce on ˇa miclan dic . of ˇære miclan dic . on ˇæt stræt get . of stræt gete su∂ 7 lang stræt . to bulan setle : Huius doni constipulatorum nomina inferius notata videntur ;. Ego Oda archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Wulfstan archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Ælfsige episcopus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Wulfsige episcopus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Alfwold episcopus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Osulf episcopus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Byrhtelm episcopus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Coenwold episcopus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Cynsige episcopus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Wulfhelm episcopus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Leofwine episcopus consensi et subscripsi . Ego Æˇestan dux . Ego Eadmund dux . Ego Byrhfer∂ dux . Ego Æthelsige dux . Ego Ælfsige minister . Ego Ælfno∂ minister . Ego Byrhfer∂ minister .