S 564
A.D. 955. King Eadred to Ælfheah, his kinsman and minister; grant of 8 hides (cassati) at Compton Beauchamp, Berks. Latin with English bounds
1. London, British Library, Cotton Claudius B. VI, ff. 40v-41r (s. xiii in.)
K, 1172; Stevenson, Chron. Abingdon, i. 158-9; B, 908; Earle, pp. 383-4; PN Berks., iii. 692, bounds only; Kelly, Abingdon, no. 50
Stenton 1913, p. 41, cited; Grundy, Berks., III, pp. 87-9, on bounds; PN Berks., i. 3-4, ii. 346-7, 360, iii. 677, 692-4, bounds cover western part of parish of Compton Beauchamp; Hart, ECNE, pp. 19-22, discusses charter-type, which he terms 'Dunstan B'; Gelling, ECTV, no. 65, authentic; Keynes 1980, pp. 46-8, on charter-type; Keynes 1994, on charter-type, esp. pp. 174, 188; Abrams 1996, pp. 93-4, on possible links with Gl 77 (S 1735a); Kelly, Abingdon, no. 50, authentic
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- Metadata
- Anno ab incarnatione Domini nostri Iesu Christi .dcccclv. Ego Eadred diuina gratia fauente rex et primicerius totius Albionis aliquantulam particulam Ælfheho ministro meo, mihi propinquitate coniuncto, sub estimatione .viii. cassatorum in loco qui dicitur æt Cumtune iuxta montem qui uocatur Æces dune libenter admodum concessi, eo tenore huius munificentie donum perstringens ut post obitum suum in perpetuum ius cuicumque uoluerit heredi derelinquat. Quod si quisque quod non optamus huiusce donationis cartulam infringere temptauerit, ni prius in hoc seculo digne castigetur, in futuro perenni cruciatu prematur. Et his limitibus hec telluris particula circumgirari uidetur. Ðis sint þæs landes gemære æt Cumtune. Ærest of Hricg wege on þæt wide geat, of þan widan geate on æþelmes hlinc on forwerde dune, of æþelmes hlince on Icen hilde weg, of Icenhilde wege on bican dic, of bicandice inon swyn broc, of swyn broce on þone bradan þorn be westan mere, of þan þorne on þa readan dic, 7lang þære dic on Hildes hlæw, of Hildes hlæwe on blæc pytt, of blæc pytte 7langes þære westran risc ræwe innan swynbroc, of swynbroce on read, of ræde on hwittuces hlæwe on Icen hilde weg, of Icenhilde wege on mæres crundel, of mæres crundelle on dinra beorh, of dinra beorge on Hricg weg, of Hricg wege on fearn hylles slæde, of fearn hylles slæde to hæsl hylle suþe weardre, of hæsl hylle west on þone grenan weg, 7lang weges to þære gedrifonan fyrh, andlang fyrh oþ hit cymð on þæt wide geat be eastan Welandes smiððan. Huius doni constipulatorum nomina inferius notata uidentur. + Ego Oda archiepiscopus consensi. + Ego Wulfstan archiepiscopus roboraui. + Ego Ælfsige episcopus roboraui. + Ego Alfwold episcopus corroboraui. + Ego Wulfsige episcopus suppressi. + Ego Osulf episcopus annui. + Ego Byrhtelm episcopus constitui. + Ego Cenwold episcopus conspexi. + Ego Cynsige episcopus subscripsi. + Ego Leofwine episcopus consensi. + Ego Æþelstan dux. + Ego Eadmund dux. + Ego Ælfsige dux. + Ego Æþelsige minister. + Ego Ælfnoð minister. + Ego Ælfgar minister. + Ego Byrhferð minister.
- Metadata
Old Text
- Rubric: Carta regis Eadredi de Cumtune. Anno ab incarnatione Domini nostri Iesu Christi .dcccclv. Ego Eadred diuina gratia fauente rex et primicerius totius Albionis aliquantulam particulam Ælfheho ministro meo, mihi propinquitate coniuncto, sub estimatione .viii. cassatorum in loco qui dicitur æt Cumtune iuxta montem qui uocatur Æces dune libenter admodum concessi, eo tenore huius munificentie donum perstringens ut post obitum suum in perpetuum ius cuicumque uoluerit heredi derelinquat. Quod si quisque quod non optamus huiusce donationis cartulam infringere temptauerit, ni prius in hoc seculo digne castigetur, in futuro perenni cruciatu prematur. Et his limitibus hec telluris particula circumgirari uidetur. ˘is sint ˇæs landes gemære æt Cumtune. Ærest of Hricg wege on ˇæt wide geat, of ˇan widan geate on æˇelmes hlinc on forwerde dune, of æˇelmes hlince on Icenhilde weg, of Icenhilde wege on bican dic, of bican dice inon swyn broc, of swyn broce on ˇone bradan ˇorn be westan mere, of ˇan ˇorne on ˇa readan dic, 7lang ˇære dic on hildes hlæw, of hildes hlæwe on blæc pytt, of blæc pytte 7langes ˇære westran risc ræwe innan swynbroc, of swynbroce on read, of rædea on hwittuces hlæwe on Icenhilde weg, of Icenhilde wege on mæres crundel, of mæres crundelle on dinra beorh, of dinra beorge on Hricg weg, of Hricg wege on fearn hylles slæde, of fearn hylles slæde to hæsl hylle suˇe weardre, of hæsl hylle west on ˇone grenan weg, 7lang weges to ˇære gedrifonan fyrh, andlang fyrh oˇ hit cym∂ on ˇæt wide geat be eastan Welandes smi∂∂an. Huius doni constipulatorum nomina inferius notata uidentur. + Ego Oda archiepiscopus consensi. + Ego Wulfstan archiepiscopus roboraui. + Ego Ælfsige episcopus roboraui. + Ego Alfwold episcopus corroboraui. + Ego Wulfsige episcopus suppressi. + Ego Osulf episcopus annui. + Ego Byrhtelm episcopus constitui. + Ego Cenwold episcopus conspexi. + Ego Cynsige episcopus subscripsi. + Ego Leofwine episcopus consensi. + Ego Æˇelstan dux. + Ego Eadmund dux. + Ego Ælfsige dux. + Ego Æˇelsige minister. + Ego Ælfno∂ minister. + Ego Ælfgar minister. + Ego Byrhfer∂ minister.