A.D. 955. King Eadred to Ælfsige Hunlafing, thegn; grant of 5 hides at Alwalton, Hunts. English with bounds




1. London, Society of Antiquaries, 60, ff. 51r-52r (s. xii med.)


K, 433, without bounds; B, 909

Printed and Translated:

Robertson, Charters, no. 30 (pp. 56-9)


Plummer 1892; 1899, ii, p. 154, genuine; PN Beds. and Hunts., pp. 180, 181, 193, 195; Drögereit 1952, pp. 63 n. 23, 64 n. 29, 66; Robertson, Charters, pp. 311-14, probably translated from Latin; Hart, ECEE, no. 7, authentic, bounds cover whole of Alwalton; John 1966, p. 55, on royal style, authenticity not in doubt; Hart 1972, p. 126 n. 12, probably translation of 'alliterative' charter, cf. S 574; Nelson 1977, p. 66 n. 99 (= 1986, p. 299 n. 99); Nelson 1977, p. 69 n. 115 (= 1986, p. 302 n. 115), on attestation of reguli; Keynes 1978, p. 171, on valediction; Dumville 1979, p. 7 n. 1; Sawyer, Burton, pp. xlvii-ix, on 'alliterative' charters; Whitelock, EHD, pp. 372-3, defends 'alliterative' charters; Keynes 1980, p. 82 n. 165, on charter-type; Keynes 1985, pp. 156-9, on charter-type; Chaplais 1987, pp. 275-6, on title of Eadgifu; Hooke 1989a, p. 119, on woodland; Hart 1992, pp. 131-45, on charter-type, see esp. p. 434

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    • En onomatis cyrion doxa . Al wisdom ge for Gode ge for werolde is gesta∂elad on ˇæm hefonlican goldhorde almæhtiges Godes per Ihesum Christum cooperante gratia spiritus sancti. He hafa∂ geweor∂ad mid cynedome Angulseaxna Eadred cyning 7 casere totius Brittannie Deo gratias . for ∂em weolega∂ 7 ara∂ gehadade 7 læwede ˇa ∂e mid rihte magon geærnian . ˇet mæg to so∂e seggan ∂es ˇegn Ælfsige Hunlafing be ˇere geagnunga ˇisses landes fif hida æt Æˇelwoldingtune elces ˇinges to freon him 7 his erfeweardum . buton burhbote bryggeweorces . 7 ferdno∂es . geˇencend londagende : Ciricsceat . saulsceat . 7 teoge∂unga. ˝us tryme∂ 7 streonga∂ se forespecena kyng mid Cristes rode tacne 7 his weotena hondsetena his geofa ecelice to habbene 7 to syllene micclum ˇingum 7 medmiclum to belimpendum. Eadred cyng ˇy teoge∂an gere ˇes ∂e he gehalgad wes gesette ˇas handsetene. Anno dominice incarnationis .DCCCCLV. Oda ærcabiscup . Wulstan p'sul . Ælfsige biscup . Wulfsie pontifex . Oscetel antistes . Cynsige biscup . Osulf p'sul . Koeuulad monachus . Wulfelm pont' . Berhtsige biscup . Berhthelm p'sul . Ælfuuld ant' . Edgefu euax . Eadwi æˇeling . 7 Eadgar . Morcant regl' . 7 Owen . Syfer∂ 7 Iacob . Eadmund dux . 7 Eˇelmund. ˝es landes is into Æˇelwoldingtune .V. hida . 7 ˇis synd ˇa landgemæru . On Earninga stræte æt ˇam stapelan . 7 ˇonne norˇ æfter strate to ˇere dic . On Ceastertuninga gemærie 7langes ˇere dic in on ˇa ea to healfan strame . 7 ∂onne eft andlanges ˇere ea to goldege . 7 ˇonne of goldege to ofertuninga gemere . 7 ˇonne su∂ be ˇen Æfden 7lang ˇere mære to fægran broce . 7 ˇonne up 7lang ∂es broces to ˇere smalan ry∂ige . 7 ∂onne su∂ efter ˇem ri∂ige to ˇem mære . 7 swa su∂rihte to ˇem litle lawe . 7 ˇonne get su∂rihte on ˇa lytlan ˇyrnan . 7 of ˇere ˇyrnan westrihte to ˇem coppedan ˇonne eft on earninga stræte. Eadred cyning bidde∂ 7 halsa∂ on ˇere halgan ˇrinnesse noman Dei patris et filii et spiritus sancti ˇet nan man ˇurh diofles searucræft ge∂ristlece his cynelican gefe on woh gewonian . gif hit hwa do gewrecen hit dioflu on helle witan butan he hit ær gebete for Gode and for weorlde swa him riht wisie. Pax Christi nobiscum Amen.