A.D. 955. King Eadred to Dunstan, abbot; grant of 25 hides (cassati) at Badbury, Wilts., in return for 150 gold solidi. Latin with English bounds




1. Longleat, Marquess of Bath, 39, f. 207r (s. xiv med.)
2. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 1 (S.C. 8589), f. 242r (s. xiv)
3. Lost Glastonbury Liber Terrarum, no. 67 (see Abrams 1996, p. 33)


Mon. Angl., ii. 842, ex MS 2; K, 434 and vol. vi. 235-6, ex MS 2; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 51 (no. 102); B, 904, ex MS 2; Watkin, Glastonbury Cart., iii. 676 (no. 1244), ex MS 1


Grundy, Wilts., I, pp. 205-10, bounds cover parish of Chisledon, including Badbury; Barker 1949, p. 73, looks genuine; Forsberg 1950, p. 7, bounds describe eastern part of Chisledon, i.e. the former manor of Badbury; Darlington 1955, p. 96; Finberg, ECW, no. 273, authentic; Hart, ECNE, pp. 19-22, discusses charter-type, which he terms 'Dunstan B'; Keynes 1980, pp. 46-8, on charter-type; Carley, Glast. Chron., p. 40, 124; Foot 1991, p. 180, 'may be genuine'; similar to S 563; Keynes 1994, on charter-type, esp. p. 174; Abrams 1996, pp. 30, 33, 39, 52-3, on MS sources; on estate

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    Old Text

    • Baddeburi . Carta Eddredi regis facta Dunstano abbati de Baddeborwe . Anno ab incarnacione domini nostri Jhesu Christi . DC . C . C . C . LV . ego Eddred divina gracia favente rex et primicerius tocius Albionis Dunstano abbati meo ob ejus amabile et fidele obsequium hoc est CL . solidos auri ruris particulam sub estimacione . viginti quinque cassatorum in loco qui dicitur Baddeburi libenter . admodum concessi et tenore huius munificencie donum perstringens . ut post obitum suum imperpetuum cuicumque voluerit heredi derelinquat quod si quisque quod non optamus huiusce donacionis cartulam infringere temptaverit nisi prius emendaverit nisi prius in hoc seculo digne castigetur in futuro perhenni cruciatu prematur Et hiis limitibus . hec telluris particula circumgirata videtur . Erest on bwelescroundel ˇanen on ˇe strete endlang strete on ˇe berghes ˇanen on ˇe ˇorn . bi stonestrete as ˇe linche stant of ˇan ˇorne on ˇe stanbrugge ˇanen on oˇer stanbrugge ˇanne to lake atte ˇan litel linche ˇanne endelang lake to dorternebrok' ˇanne endelang brokes on ˇe fif acres westward ˇanen endlang ˇare acre on ˇe dich of ˇer dich est on ˇan eldene heghewey ˇanene endlang weyes on ˇa tenstones bi este ˇe weye ˇanen on crowenthornisstibbe ˇanen on ˇe wey ende lang weyes to ˇan redensloheued ˇanen on heggenberles of ˇan bugle ˇanen on ˇe ˇorn stubbe ˇanen on ˇe brokenestret ˇanen on ˇe Northheued ˇa schirlaundes ˇane to ˇa Staureweye at tammereslade eft ˇer on medebourne ˇanen on rishlak' ˇanen on hewinput ˇanen on ˇe hane of ˇer hane vp on ˇan enlippanberwe on ˇan weie ˇanen endlang weies biweste brokenanberwe on ˇe olde dich ˇanen endlang dich to vphammere of ˇer dich on ˇe heued londe southward ˇanen on ˇe stourewe ˇare eft on bowelescrundel . Huius domi constipulatorum nomina inferius notata videntur . + Ego Oda archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Wulstan archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi cum multis aliis .