A.D. 956. King Eadwig to the minster at Shaftesbury; grant of 80 (or 90) hides (mansae), with the bounds of land at Donhead (St Andrew and ? St Mary) and Easton Bassett, Wilts.; and at Compton Abbas, Sixpenny Handley and Iwerne Minster, Dorset. Latin with English bounds




1. London, British Library, Harley 61, ff. 20v-21v (s. xv in.)


K, 447 and vol. iii. 440-1; B, 970; Kelly, Shaftesbury, no. 21


Grundy, Wilts., II, pp. 34-6, 57-60, on bounds; Grundy, Dorset, III, pp. 114-17, on bounds; Grundy, Dorset, IV, pp. 116-18, 131-4, on bounds; Darlington 1955, p. 95; Finberg, ECW, no. 281, authentic; Barker 1967, p. 85, unreliable; Forsberg 1970, pp. 41-2, on part of bounds; PN Dorset, ii. 266, iii. 99-102, 113-24, 128-9, 131, 139; Dumville 1979, p. 8 n. 6; Keynes 1980, p. 62 nn. 108 & 110; Jackson 1984, pp. 168-9, on part of Donhead bounds; Kelly, Shaftesbury, pp. 86-92, authenticity uncertain, not genuine in present form, but cf. S 582, 629; Foot 2000, II. 166, 169, 222

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    • Omnipotens celi terreque in principio creator, karismatum pro temporibus tributor patriarchas et prophetas sensim tangencium, at ubi messias humaniter descendere dignatur, in quo pleniter requieuit septiformis spiritus, eodem spiritu repleuit orbem terrarum, unicuique in quam diuidit kata captum singulorum, ex quo preuenti ingenio fulgent, uiribus pollent, dominari iam audent, insuper uncti nomine Christi, unde uocatis electi peregrini ad patriam anhelando festinant ac sua largiri aut dubitant caduca uilia deputantes comparando mansura. Quapropter ego Adwig gracia Dei rex Anglorum .lxxx. mansas ad monasterium quod a ruricolis uocatur Sceaftesburi in hereditatem offero perhennem, pro Christi amore et uenerabilium sanctorum quorum reliquie ibidem uenerantur, cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus, pratis, siluis, pascuis. Facta est autem hec libertas telluris ab omni censu regali soluta, excepta expedicione, pontis arcisque construccione. Anno .d.cccc.lvi. ab incarnacione dominica, indiccione .xiiii., primo uero anno imperii mei, coram testibus ydoneis. Þis sent þe fiftiga hide landimare to Dunheued and to Estune and to Cumtune ðe man þa hiwen offet on Sceaftesbur'. <Arest on heaued stokes>, þanen on hert mere forðer, on wermes hore forðward, þanen forð <be dine> on <laiboc> heued, þanen on berg hore uuewearde, þanen on cealuelege, þanen on stanburne, up anlang streames, þanen up on dune, þanen est be wirtrume oð bridinghe dich, þanen on þa gereðe, of þone dune forþerwarde, þanen up anlang scordene swo on þanne ealden hole weg to becheshlewe, þanen on mad alleres, on land cumbes, up on gemanen cumb, þanen on þat michle flode oð alfsiges land imare, þanen anlang cumbes hracan, þanen on watdune beorch, þanen on cheluedune, þannen eft on heued stockes. Ðis sant þe fiftiwe hide þe sex hide at Estune. Þane sant þis ðane sex hide landimare. Arest on offen weg, þanen on þone ellen stub, þanen on miclen diches get, þanen on esnes diges get, þanen on stan scylien, þanen on elchene seað, þanen on Mapeldere cumb, þanen on empenbeorch, þanen on bican pet, þanen on þornwelles, þanen onlang stret eft offenweg. Þis .x. hide hereð in to þanne fiftigen hiden atte Cumtune. Þis sent þare .x. hide land gemare. Arest on tor scylget, þanen be wirtrume oð dollen beorge, þanen on þane imeren hole weg, þanen on holenwylle, of hollenwelle on holencumb, þanen on þa lake to smale broke, þanen adun one þat lake to smale broke, þanen adun one þat lake at hereweg on Stirchel, anlang streames on þat litlen lake at Meleburge imare, þanen on fernhelle forð, þanen on anne hus, þanen on Meleberig dune duneward on þat ealde ad, þonne þanen on lippen scagen, swo be wirtrume eft on torchil gat. Þanen sent at Heanlegen and at Iwern and forþe hide ða es fostodr landes, and þis sent þa landimare. Arest on litlen ac lee estward, of aclee on pegan beorh, þanen on berendes beorh, þanen on þere herepað at mesdelle, þanen on þat get at seuen diche suð ende, anlang diche oþes sledes northecge, þanen on þane anlipien þorn, þanne be þane onheueden adun to wege, andlang weges on þannen mylen stede, þanen on þane hege reawe oð ða furuh, on land furuh on totenberg, þanen on ac hylle on tilluches lege, þanen on biken settle, þanen on mealeburg norþewarde, þanen eft to anclee estward. Þanne sent þis landimare at Iwern. Arest on Terente dene, þanen to fideriches dene uueward, þanne on þare crundel at þare weie itwislen, on þane crundel, þanen on budencumbe hracan, þanen on þung wylle, þanen on þane ealdan forde, þanen on cranmere, þanen on cing hille, þanen onne smal þornes, þanen on swylles, þanen on lacmere, þanen anlang streames oð sand ford, þanen on ears mores heaued, þanen on styb, þanen on foxlee nortwarde, þanen on agen þorn, þanen on þere crundel northwarde, þannen on waddene uuewarde, on hlinc reawe, þanen on þone gren wai at merewege uue, þanen on þa heren apeldren, þæt eft on Terente dene. Quicumque amodo hoc priuilegii donum ecclesie Dei sic attributum conseruare uoluerit, eternam recipiat mercedem inter choros angelorum. Sin autem peruersus raptor et auarus infringere moliens obstaculum paciatur diuinum a Deo ut non dimidiet dies suos et nequaquam uideat bona in terra uiuencium, nisi quamtocius emendet. Ego Adwig rex domino fauente hoc donum tropheo sancte crucis sigillo + Ego Oda archiepiscopus corroboraui. + Ego Adgar indolis clito annui. + Ego Oscytil episcopus faui. + Ego Alfsige episcopus + Ego Wlsige episcopus + Ego Osulf episcopus + Ego Berthelm episcopus + Ego Daniel episcopus + Ego Birthelm + Ego Aþelstan dux + Ego Alsige dux + Ego Alfhere dux + Ego Alfgar + Ego Byrtferð dux + Ego Aþelmer + Ego Alfsige + Ego Alfech + Ego Ailwine + Ego Wlfric minister + Ego Aþelward minister + Ego Alfred minister +
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    Old Text

    • Rubric: Hec inscriptio Adwi .lxxxx. mansas ecclesie de Shaftesbury in hereditatem optulit (MS optuli) perhennem. Omnipotens celi terreque in principio creator karismatum pro temporibus tributor patriarchas et prophetas sensim tangencium, at ubi messias humaniter descendere dignatur, in quo pleniter requieuit septiformis spiritus, eodem spiritu repleuit orbem terrarum unicuique in quam diuidit katacaptum singulorum, ex quo preuenti ingenio fulgent, uiribus pollent, dominari iam audent, insuper uncti nomine Christi, unde uocatis electi peregrini ad patriam anhelando festinant ac sua largiri haut dubitant caduca uilia deputantes comparando mansura. Quapropter ego Adwig gracia Dei rex Anglorum .lxxx. mansas ad monasterium quod a ruricolis uocatur Sceaftesburi in hereditatem offero perhennem, pro Christi amore et uenerabilium sanctorum quorum reliquie ibidem uenerantur, cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus, pratis, siluis, pascuis. Facta est autem hec libertas telluris ab omni censu regali soluta, excepta expedicione, pontis arcisque construccione. Anno .dcccclvi. ab incarnacione dominica, indiccione .xiiii., primo uero anno imperii mei coram testibus ydoneis. ˝is sent ˇe fiftiga hide landimare to Dunheued and to Estune and to Cumtune ∂e man ˇa hiwen offet on Sceaftesbur'. [Arest on heaued] [stokes], ˇanen on hert mere, for∂er on wermes hore for∂ward, ˇanen for∂ [be dine] on [laiboc] heued, ˇanen on berg hore uuewearde, ˇanen on cealuelege, ˇanen on stanburne, up anlang streames, ˇanen up on dune, ˇanen est be wirtrume o∂ bridinghe dich, ˇanen on ˇa gere∂e, of ˇone dune forˇerwarde, ˇanen up anlang scordene swo on ˇanne ealden hole weg to becheshlewe, ˇanen on mad alleres, on land cumbes, up on gemanen cumb, ˇanen on ˇat michle flode o∂ alfsiges land imare, ˇanen anlang cumbes hracan, ˇanen on watdune beorch, ˇanen on cheluedune, ˇannen eft on heued stockes. ˘is sant ˇe fiftiwe hide ˇe sex hide at Estune. ˝ane sant ˇis ∂ane sex hide landimare. Arest on offen weg, ˇanen on ˇone ellen stub, ˇanen on miclen diches get, ˇanen on esnes dices get, ˇanen on stan scylien, ˇanen on elchene sea∂, ˇanen on mapeldere cumb, ˇanen on empenbeorch, ˇanen on bican pet, ˇanen on ˇornwelles, ˇanen onlang stret eft [on] offenweg. ˝is .x. hide here∂ in to ˇanne fiftigen hiden atte Cumtune. ˝is sent ˇare .x. hide land gemare. Arest on tor scylget, ˇanen be wirtrume o∂ dollen beorge, ˇanen on ˇane imeren hole weg, ˇanen on holen wylle, of hollenwelle on Holencumb, ˇanen on ˇa lake to smale broke, ˇanen adun one ˇat lake to smale broke, ˇanen adun one ˇat lake at hereweg on Stirchel, anlang streames on ˇat litlen lake at Meleburge imare, ˇanen on fernhelle for∂, ˇanen on anne hus, ˇanen on Meleberig dune duneward on ˇat ealde ad, ˇonne ˇanen on lippen scagen, swo be wirtrume eft on torchil gat. ˝anen sent at Heanlegen and at Iwern and forˇe hide ∂a es fostodr landes, and ˇis sent ˇa landimare. Arest on litlen ac lee estward, of aclee on pegan beorh, ˇanen on berendes beorh, ˇanen on ˇere herepa∂ at mesdelle, ˇanen on ˇat get at seuen diche su∂ ende, anlang diche oˇes sledes northecge, ˇanen on ˇane anlipien ˇorn, ˇanne be ˇane onheueden adun to wege, andlang weges on ˇannen mylen stede, ˇanen on ˇane hege reawe o∂ ∂a furuh, on land furuh on totenberg, ˇanen on Ac hylle on Tilluches lege, ˇanen on biken settle, ˇanen on mealeburg norˇewarde, ˇanen eft to anclee estward. ˝anne sent ˇis landimare at Iwern. Arest on Terente dene, ˇanen to fideriches dene uueward, ˇanne on ˇare crundel at ˇare weie itwislen, on ˇane crundel, ˇanen on budencumbe hracan, ˇanen on ˇung wylle, ˇanen on ˇane ealdan forde, ˇanen on cranmere, ˇanen on cing hille, ˇanen onne smal ˇornes, ˇanen on swylles, ˇanen on lacmere, ˇanen anlang streames o∂ sand ford, ˇanen on ears mores heaued, ˇanen on styb, ˇanen on foxlee nortwarde, ˇanen on agen ˇorn, ˇanen on ˇere crundel northwarde, ˇannen on waddene uuewarde, on hlinc reawe, ˇanen on ˇone gren wai at merewege uue, ˇanen on ˇa heren apeldren, ˇæt eft on Terente dene. Quicumque amodo hoc priuilegii donum ecclesie Dei sic attributum conseruare uoluerit, eternam recipiat mercedem inter choros angelorum. Sin autem peruersus raptor et auarus infringere moliens obstaculum paciatur diuinum a Deo ut non dimidiet dies suos et nequaquam uideat bona in terra uiuencium, nisi quamtocius emendet. Ego Adwig rex domino fauente hoc donum tropheo sancte crucis sigillo + Ego Oda archiepiscopus corroboraui. + Ego Adgar indolis clito annui. + Ego Oscytil episcopus faui. + Ego Alfsige episcopus + Ego Wlsige episcopus + Ego Osulf episcopus + Ego Berthelm episcopus + Ego Daniel episcopus + Ego Birthelm + Ego Aˇelstan dux + Ego Alsige dux + Ego Alfhere dux + Ego Alfgar + Ego Byrtfer∂ dux + Ego Aˇelmer + Ego Alfsige + Ego Alfech + Ego Ailwine + Ego Wlfric minister + Ego Aˇelward minister + Ego Alfred minister +