S 629
A.D. 956 (i). King Eadwig to Malmesbury Abbey; grant of 100 hides (mansae) at Brokenborough, Wilts. Latin
1. London, British Library, Add. 15667, f. 12r (s. xiii med.)
2. London, British Library, Lansdowne 417, ff. 18v-19v (s. xiv/xv)
3. London, Public Record Office, E 164/24, ff. 131v-132r (s. xiii ex.)
4. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 5 (S.C. 8593), ff. 41v-43r (s. xiii)
K, 460, ex MS 2; Brewer, Reg. Malm., pp. 311-13, ex MS 3; B, 921, ex Brewer and MSS 1, 2
Darlington 1955, p. 88; Watkin 1956, p. 213 and n. 75; Finberg, ECW, no. 275, authentic, perhaps abbreviated; Keynes 1980, pp. 52-3, 62 n. 110, 67 n. 127, 'Group One'; Haslam 1984, p. 112, on estate; Foot 2000, II. 169
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- Altus positor omnium ex nihilo rerum ante omne tempus angelos condidit et informem materiam qua Adam prothoplastus in Eden primo formatus apparuit, sed culpa inibi nacta extimplo pulsus in hac erumpnosa terra mortem minatam tulit. Que adhuc in suis posteris cum labore et dolore usque ad calcem uite proth dolor ineuitabilis heret, et quod peius eadem quoque culpa quasi per debitum ad operandam extunc naturaliter nequam omnis inire constrinxit. At ubi uenit plenitudo temporis cum nec leuita nec sacerdos subuenire sufficerent, samaritanus tandem semiuiui id est generis humani sua gratia dignatus est misereri. Nam leuiathan saltem adhuc Iordanem expectans tunc ore aperto uorabat. Hoc igitur soli sapientie dediti et maxime religiosissimi uiri summopere intelligentes amena a paradysi perdita gemunt, suspiria trahunt, ululant, plangunt turpe miserumque uiuere suum. Ac ‘quemadmodum ceruus desiderat ad fontes aquarum’, ita ambiunt corpore solui, sua largiri festinant inuisibilia immo certa comparando. At contra, stolidi stulti aliena ambiunt, in inueniendo mille artes exercent, mentiuntur, periurant, rapiunt, furantur. Quapropter ego Eadwi, largiflua summitonantis rex Anglorum et totius Britannie prouinciarum prouidentia, templa diuina redintegrare dispono. Monasterio siquidem Maldumesbyrig nomine, in honore Aldelmi paternique aliorumque sanctorum quorum reliquie ibidem uenerantur, .c. mansas in Breokeneberga in hereditatem concedo perhennem. Primo uidelicet anno regni mei, .dcccc. uero .lvi. ab incarnatione dominica, indictione .xiiii., optimatibus nostris adstipulantibus. + Ego Eadwi nutu Dei omnipotentis rex totius Britannie hoc donum adfirmo cum titulo sancte crucis. + Ego Oda archiepiscopus corroborando consigno. + Ego Eadgar indoles annuo. + Ego Alf<s>ige episcopus adquiesco. + Ego Osulf episcopus orno. + Ego <Wulfsige> episcopus adpono. + Ego Cynwold episcopus noto. + Ego Oscutel episcopus testor. + Ego Cynsige episcopus faueo. + Ego Ælfwol<d> episcopus consentio. + Ego Daniel episcopus sub<sc>ribo. + Æþelstan dux + Æthel<s>ige dux + Eadmund dux + Æþelstan dux + Ælfhelm minister + Ælf<s>ige minister + Æþelgerd minister + Ælfwine minister Quisquis amodo hoc nostrum decretum conseruare immo augere sponte desiderauerit, multiplicentur dies illius et post obitum transire mereatur ad regna polorum. Sin autem, quod absit, et Deum et semetipsum obliuiscendo, aliquis mutare uoluerit, dies eius non dimidiauerit et gloriam Dei cum choris angelorum nequaquam uideat in terra uiuentium, sed suum auctorem diabolum sequatur in infernum ‘ibi est fletus et stridor dentium’.
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- The Heavenly Creator of all things made the angels from nothing before all time and before the shapeless material whereby Adam, the first-created man, appeared formed first in Eden, but there with the birth of sin, forthwith driven out, he carried threatened death into this distressful earth. This still persists amongst his descendants with labour and sorrow right up to the end of life, o inevitable sorrow! And what is worse, also from the same sin, as if as a debt, everyone was thereafter constrained by nature to enter into doing harm. But when the fulness of time comes, when neither Levite nor priest suffices to help, at length a Samaritan has deemed it worthy to take pity on the half-dead man, that is, the human race, with His Grace. For the Leviathan at least, still waiting at the Jordan, was then devouring with an open mouth. Therefore, those alone who are dedicated to wisdom, and especially very religious men, groan exceedingly, perceiving the pleasures that have been lost from Paradise, sighing, wailing, lamenting their disgraceful life and their misery. But, ‘as the hart panteth after the water brooks’, so they seek to gain release from the body; they hasten to bestow their own things by buying invisible, nay indeed, certain, things. But on the other hand, stupid and foolish men strive for unsuitable things; they employ a thousand stratagems to find them; they lie, bear false witness, plunder, steal. Wherefore, I, Eadwig, by the bounteous providence of Highest Thunderer [i.e., God] king of the English and of the provinces of the whole of Britain, am determined to restore the divine temples. Indeed, to the monastery by the name of Malmesbury, in honour of its head, Aldhelm, and of the other saints whose relics are venerated there, I grant as a perpetual inheritance 100 hides at Brokenborough. In the first year of my reign, 956 from the Lord’s incarnation, in indiction 14, with our magnates assenting. + I, Eadwig, with the approval of Almighty God king of the whole of Britain, confirm this gift with the mark of the holy cross. + I, Oda, archbishop [of Canterbury], in confirming mark with the sign of the cross. + I, Edgar, son, affirm. + I, Ælfsige, bishop [of Winchester], acquiesce. + I, Oswulf, bishop [of Ramsbury], adorn. + I, Wulfsige, bishop [of Sherborne], add to [it]. + I, Cenwald, bishop [of Worcester], note. + I, Oscytel, bishop [of Dorchester], witness. + I, Cynesige, bishop [of Lichfield], favour. + I, Ælfwald, bishop [of Crediton], agree. + I, Daniel, bishop [of Cornwall], subscribe. + Æthelstan, dux + Æthelsige, dux + Edmund, dux + Æthelstan, dux + Ælfhelm, minister + Ælfsige, minister + Æthelgeard, minister + Ælfwine, minister Anyone who henceforth might desire to preserve—nay, rather, voluntarily increase—this decision of ours, may his days be multiplied and after his death may he deserve to cross over to the kingdom of heaven. But, however—God forbid!—anyone, by forgetting both God and himself, who wishes to change [it], may he not live half his days and never see the glory of God with the choruses of angels living on earth, but may he follow his leader, the Devil, into Hell: ‘There is wailing and gnashing of teeth’.
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Old Text
- From MS 2 (A); B = Brewer, C = MS 1 De centum mansis in Brokeneberga . quas rex Eadwy dedit sancto Meldunensi cenobi . Altus positor omnium ex nichilo rerum ante omne tempus angelos condidit 7 informem materiam quam Adam prothoplastus in Eden primo formatus apparuit . Set culpa inibi nacta extimplo pulsus in hac erumpnosa terra mortem minatam tulit . Que adhuc in suis posteris cum labore 7 dolore usque ad calcem vite proth dolor inevitabilis heret . Et quod pejus eadem quoque quasi per debitum ad operandam extunc naturaliter nequam omnes jure constrinxerunt . At ubi venit plenitudo temporis cum nec levita nec sacerdos subvenire sufficerent ; Samaritanus tandem semivivi idest generis humani sua gratia dignatus est misereri . Nam Leviatan saltem adhuc Jordanen expectans omnes tunc ore aperto vorabat . Hoc igitur soli sapiencie dediti 7 maxime religiosissimi viri sumopere intelligentes amena Paradisi perdita gemunt . suspiria trahunt . ululant . plangunt . turpe miserumque vivere suum . Ad 'quemadmodum cervus desiderat ad fontes aquarum ; ita' 1 ambiunt corpore solvi . sua largiri festinant invisibilia immo certa comperando . at contra stolidi . stulti aliena ambiunt in inveniendo mille artes exercent . menciuntur . perjurant . rapiunt . furantur . Quapropter ego Eadwi largiflua summi tonantis rex Anglorum 7 tocius Britannie provinciarum providencia templa divina redintegrare dispono . monasterio siquidem Maldumesburg . nomine in honore Aldelmi Paternique aliorum[que] sanctorum quorum reliquie ibidem venerantur centum mansas in Brokene Beregge in hereditatem concedo perhennem . Primo videlicet anno regni mei . D . CCCC . vero LVI . ab incarnatione dominica . Indictione . XIIII . optimatibus nostris adstipulantibus . Ego Eadwi nutu Dei omnipotentis rex tocius Britannie hoc donum adfirmo cum titulo sancte crucis . Ego Oda archiepiscopus corroborando confirmo . Ego Eadgar indoles annuo . Ego Alfrige episcopus adquiesco . Ego Osulf episcopus orno . Ego Wlfrige episcopus adquiesco . Ego Kinwold episcopus noto . Ego Oscutel episcopus testor . Ego Kinsige episcopus faveo . Ego Alwlf episcopus consentio . Ego Daniel episcopus sub[sc]ribo . Aethelstan dux . Aeˇelsige dux . Eadmund dux . Aethelstan dux . Aelfhelm minister . Aelfrige minister . Aeˇelgeard minister . Aelfgiue minister . [Q]uisquis amodo hoc nostrum decretum conservare immo augere sponte desideraverit ; multiplicentur dies illius . Et post obitum transire mereatur ad regna polorum . Sin autem quod absit 7 Deum 7 semetipsum obliviscendo aliquis mutare voluerit ; dies ejus non dimidiaverit ; 7 gloriam Dei cum choris angelorum nequaquam videat in terra vivencium . Set suum auctorem diabolum sequatur in infernum 'ibi est fletus et stridor dencium' .