A.D. 956 (ii). King Eadwig to Wulfric, one of his proceres; grant of 5 hides (cassati) at Ebbesborne, Wilts. Latin with English bounds


Winchester, Old Minster


1. London, British Library, Add. 15350, f. 17r-v (s. xii med.)


K, 1188; B, 962


Grundy, Wilts., II, pp. 55-7, canot trace bounds; Darlington 1955, p. 84; Bishop 1957a, p. 372; Finberg, ECW, no. 279, authentic; Hart 1970a, p. 26 (no. 30), authentic; Keynes 1980, pp. 54-5, 63-5, 68 n. 128, 'Group Two'

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    Old Text

    • ˝is is ˇara . V . hyda boc æt Ebblesbur'n'a ˇæ Edwi cyng gæbocodæ Wulfrycæ his ˇegnæ on ece yrfæ . In sancte et individue trinitatis vocamine . Ego . Eadwic . ægregius Angul Saxonum basileus ceterarumque plebium hi'n'c inde habitantium crebro quidem cæpi rimari quod ea quæ videntur temporalia ac caduca sunt ; et quæ non videntur eternaliter mansura . Idcirco cuidam uni meorum procerum nomine . Wulfric . V . cassatos perhenniter impendo penes illum locum quo assertione multorum hominum profertur ita æt Eblesburnan . quatinus habeat vita comite perpetualiter . cum campis . pascuis . pratis . silvis . prefatum rus omni servitio careat preter expeditionem pontis et arcis munimen . Cælum scandat cupiens . Ima petat rennuens . Istis terminis ambitur predicta tellus . ˘is synd ˇa land ge mere to Eblesburnan . ærest of crund wylle on bronæs ford ˇonon on lang broc ˇonon 7lang streames . to ˇere mearce . 7lang mearce on bryd beorh . ˇonon on ruwan beorch . of ˇam beorche 7lang mearce on ˇeth wite sceard . on ˇa greatan dic . ˇonon end lang mearce on ˇone stapol . of ˇam stapole on biccan hlew . ˇonon on middel geat . of middel geate on middel done . on ˇone beorch . ˇonon end lang mearce on middel hlinch . ˇonon eft on crund wylle . 7 seo med ˇe ˇar to ge byred wiˇ humming tun ˇes is fifta healf æcer seo his sunder med . Acta est hæc præfata donatio . Anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Jhesu Christi . DCCCC . LVI . Indictione . XIIII . Ego . Eadwig . Rex Anglorum indeclinabiliter concessi . Ego Eadgar . ejusdem regis frater consensi . Ego Oda . archiepiscopus cum signo sanctæ crucis roboravi . Ego Ælfsinus . presul sigillum agiæ crucis impressi . Ego Cenwald episcopus . consignavi . Ego Oscytel episcopus . corroboravi . Ego Osulf episcopus . subscripsi . Ego Wulfsige episcopus . adquievi . Ego Byrhtelm episcopus . non rennui . Ego Alfwold episcopus . confirmavi . Ego Aˇulf episcopus . conclusi . Ego . Æˇelstan . dux . Ego . Eadmund . dux . Ego . Æˇelstan . dux . Ego Byrthferh dux . Ego . Ælfhere . dux . Ego . Æˇelmund dux . Ego Eˇelsige dux . Ego Ælfsige minister . Ego Wulfric minister . Ego Æˇelgeard minister . Ego Ælfheach minister . Ego Ælfgar minister . Ego Byrhtferh minister . Ego Ælfheah minister .