A.D. 957. (a) King Eadwig to Lyfing, his faithful minister; grant of 9 hides (mansae) at Loceresleage (for Lotheresleage, lost, in Hendon) and at Tunworth (lost, in Kingsbury), Middx. Latin with English bounds




1. London, Westminster Abbey, W. A. M. IV (s. xii; OS Facs., ii. Westminster 3; Taylor 1925, plate 26)
2. London, British Library, Add. 4558, ff. 151r-154r (s. xviii)


B, 994


Reynolds 2002, pp. 176, 193, on burial feature in bounds; Browning 1891, pp. 216-17; Taylor 1925, pp. 9-16, 304; PN Surrey, p. 12 n; PN Middx, pp. 5, 6, 9, 50 n., 61-3, 219-20, bounds include present parish of Kingsbury and northern part of Hendon, Addendum p. xxxiii; Hart 1953, p. 26, bounds of Battersea closely related to those in S 1248 (= Hart, ECEE, p. 141); Brooke and Keir 1975, p. 369, probably authentic; Gelling, ECTV, no. 220, authentic; see no. 351 on bounds; Keynes 1980, p. 66 n. 125, on formulation; Hooke 1989a, p. 119, on woodland; Hart 1992, pp. 445-9, on Eadwig's charters

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    Old Text

    • Endorsement in a hand of s. xv: Telligraphus Regis Edwii de terra de Loˇeresley et Tomwerth concessa Liffyno ministro suo . [I]n nomine Dei et domini nostri Jhesu Christi veri redemptoris mundi . Anno vero incarnationis Domini . DCCCCLVII . Indictione . XV . Ego Eadwig . omni creantis disponente clementia Angligenarum omniumque gentium undique secus habitantium Rex divina ductus amore ab eodem Deo et domino nostro populis et tribubus preordinatus in regem anno imperii mei . Secundo . non inmemor fui quomodo . et quam mirabiliter omnia supernus rector firme rationis serie gubernat atque custodit. Id circo cuidam meo fideli ministro quem vocitant nonnulli noto vocamine . Lyfing . IX . mansas . duobus in locis concedo . illic ubi Anglice dicitur . æt Loceresleage . 7 æt Tuneweor∂e . ut habeat ac possideat . quandiu vivat . Et postquam universitatis viam adierit . Cuicunque voluerit heredi derelinquat in eternam hereditatem . Sit autem predictum rus liberum ab omni mundiali obstaculo Cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus Campis . Pascuis . Pratis . Silvis . Sine expeditione et pontis . arcisve instrictione . Si quis autem infringere temptaverit quod absit . Sciat se reum omni hora vite sue et tenebrosum Tartarum non evadere . Istis terminis ambitur predicta tellus . ˝is synd ∂a land gemære æt loceresleaga 7 æt tuneweor∂e . Ærest of tateburnan 7lang mærce on wi∂imære ˇonon 7lang mærce on holen ri∂e 7lang ri∂e on sulue ∂onon on wi∂ipol ˇonon 7lang mærce on wætlingan stræte to ∂am tunstallan 7lang stræte o∂ tunwæor∂inga gemære west of wætlinga stræte 7 lang mærce on liuyssac mere ∂onon 7lang mærce on ∂a wicstræte 7lang stræte to ∂æs hredes mærce æt Sancte Albane ∂onon 7lang mærce on wætlingan stræte su∂ 7lang stræte on ∂a deopan fura ˇonon inon sulh ∂onon 7lang mærce to ∂ara apoldre ˇonon to ∂am gemearceden stocce ∂onon eft on tataburnan . 7 se wuda gemæne ˇe into loceres leage hyr∂ o∂ ∂æs cinges inwuda . 7 her is se wuda ∂e into tune weorde hyr∂ . of hylfes hæcce innon sulc up æftær sulue on ∂a holan ri∂e 7lang ri∂e on ∂æt brade wæter ˇonon 7lang wætlingan stræte to hylfes hæcce . + Ego Eadwig Rex Anglorum prefatam donationem concessi . + Ego Eadgar ejusdem Regis fræter CeleriteR consensi . + Ego Oda archiepiscopus cum signo Sancte Crucis roboravi . + Ego Ælfsinus presul agie Crucis impressi. + Ego Byrhthelm . Episcopus Consignavi . + Ego Cenwald . Episcopus Adquievi . + Ego Oscetel . Episcopus Corroboravi . + Ego Osulf . Episcopus Subscripsi . + Ego Byrhthelm . Episcopus Non rennui . + Ego Aˇulf . Episcopus Conclusi . + Ego Æˇelstan . Dux . + Ego Eadmund . Dux . + Ego Ælfhere . Dux . + Ego Byrhtnoˇ . Dux . + Ego Æˇelsige . Dux . + Ego Aˇelwold . Dux . + Ego Ælfheah . Dux . + Ego Ælfsige . Minister . + Ego Æthelgeard . Minister . + Ego Ælfred . Minister . + Ego Ælfheah . Minister . + Ego Wulstan . Minister . + Ego eadric . Minister . + Ego Byrnric . Minister . ˘is synd ∂a landgemære to . Batriceseie . Ærst at hegefre . fram hegefre ; to gætenesheale . fram gætenesheale ; to gryndeles syllen . fram gryndeles sylle ; to russemere . fram ryssemere ; to bælgenham . fram bælgenham ; to bernardes byrieles . 7 swa ∂anon to ˇam blachemore ; fram blachemore ; to ∂am coppede ∂orne ; fram ∂am coppede ∂orne ; to bænces byri . swa ∂onon to bæueri∂e . Ealswa feor swa an man mæi mid anen bille ge wurpen . 7 an friman ; mid fif bere cornen . swa eft ongen ; to fugele ri∂e . ∂anon nor∂ into tæmese . be middan stræme . be healfen streame ; eft into hegefre . Herto ge byre∂ se wude ˇe hatte pænge . Seofen milen . And seofen furlang ; and seofen fet embeganges.