S 65
A.D. 704 (13 June). Swæfred, king of Essex, and Pæogthath, comes, with the consent of Æthelred, king of Mercia, to Waldhere, bishop; grant of 30 hides (cassati) at Twickenham, Middx, with confirmation by Cenred and Ceolred, kings of Mercia. Ceolred's confirmation took place at Arcencale. Latin with bounds
Canterbury, Christ Church
1. London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 82 (s. viii 2; BM Facs., i. 3; Ch.L.A., iii, no. 188; Wormald 1985, p. 6)
Smith, Bede, p. 749; K, 52; B, 111; Earle, pp. 15-17; Hall 1908, i. 6-7; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 1, no. 22
Wanley, Catalogus, p. 262 (art. 77), apparently spurious; BM Facs., iv, p. 7, late 8th or early 9th century; Earle, pp. 15-16, answers Wanley's doubts; Hall 1908, i. 2; Stevenson 1914, p. 703, dubious or spurious; Stenton 1918, p. 438 n. 30, MS 1 is 9th century, early formulas but may not be authentic (= Stenton 1970, p. 53 n. 4); PN Middx, pp. 1, 2, 6, 29; Kuhn 1943, n. 31; Ch.L.A., iii, no. 188, copy, probably of the late 8th century; Stenton 1971, p. 204, cited with reference to Mercian overlordship; Whitelock 1975, p. 11, MS late 8th or early 9th century; Bischoff 1976, p. 692, agrees with Ch.L.A.; Harrison 1976, p. 70 n. 16, on Cenred's style; PN Dorset, iii. 142, cited; Gelling, ECTV, no. 191, authentic; Wormald 1983, pp. 115 n. 68, 117 n. 77, on Mercian overlordship; Brooks 1984, pp. 141-2, 353 n. 44; Dyson and Schofield 1984, p. 292, cited; Wormald 1985, pp. 5, 10, 25, later copy, content unobjectionable, discusses formulation; Yorke 1985, pp. 22, 28, 33, 34; Hart 1992, p. 144, no reason to doubt authenticity.; Lowe 2001, Appendix III.62
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- (a) + In nomine Domini nostri Iesu Christi Saluatoris Quamuis solus sermo sufficeret ad testimonium attamen pro c\a/utella futurorum temporum . ne quis forte posterum fraudulentam ignorantiae piaculum perperam incurrat Idcirco scedulis saltim uilibus pro ampliore firmitatis supplimento necessarium reor adnectere Quapropter ego Sueabræd rex East Saxonorum et ego Pæogthath cum licentia Ædelredi regis comis aliquantulum agri partem pro remedio animarum nostrarum Uualdhario episcopo in dominio donare decreuimus id est .xxx. cassatorum in loco qui dicitur Tuican hom in prouincia quæ nuncupatur Middelseaxan Haec autem terra his locorum limitibus designatur Ab oriente et austro flumine Tamisæ terminata A septemtrione plaga torrente . cuius uocabulum est Fiscesburna . Possessionem autem huius terræ taliter ut supra diximus cum campis sationalibus pascualibus pratis palludibus piscu\a/riis fluminibus clusuris omnibus quæ ad eam pertinentibus in dominio supradicti episcopi possidendum perpetuale iure tradidimus Et liberam habeat potestatem agendi quodcumque uoluerit Porro ut firmior huius donationis largitio iugiter seruaretur etiam testes adiunximus quorum nomina subter tenentur inserta . Si quis uero successorum nostrorum hanc donationis nostræ munificentia augere et amplificare maluerit auget Dominus partem eius in libro uitæ Si quis e diuerso quod absit tyrannica potestate fretus infringere temptauerit sciat se ante tribunal Christi tremibundum rationem redditurum Maneatque nilhominus in sua firmitate hæc kartala scripta anno ab incarnatione Domini nostri .dcc.iiii. indictione .ii. tertia decima die mensis Iunii quod est idus Iunii + Ego Coenredus rex Merc’ hanc terram Waldhario episcopo pro remedio anime meæ in dominio donare decreui in loco qui dicitur Tuiccanham et libenti animo propria manu crucem infixi + Ego Headda episcopus consensi et subscripsi + Ego Cotta abbas consensi et subscripsi + Ego Suebrædus rex Eastsaxonum propria manu + Ego Peohthat signum manus inposui + Ego Friodored signum manus + Eadred signum + Coenheard signum manus + Cymmi signum + Cudræd signum manus + Pagara signum + Uilloc signum manum (b) + Ego Ciolred <rex> Merc’ hanc donationem quam ante donauit propinqus meus Coenrædus rex et ego confirmaui in loco Arcencale et signum sancte crucis expressi + Ælric signum manus + Sceftwine signum + Lulla signum manus + Wulfhat signum + Cynric signum manus + Tuduna signum + Eadberht signum
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- (a) + In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ the Saviour. Although speech alone should suffice as a testimony, yet as a surety in future times lest anyone by chance should wrongly commit a later fraudulent sin out of ignorance, on that account I deem it necessary to attach it at least to lowly documents for a fuller strengthening of its stability. Where, I, Swæfred, king of the East Saxons, and I, Pæogthath, comes, with the authorisation of King Æthelred, have decided to give a small piece of land for the salvation of our souls in lordship to Bishop Wealdhere, that is, of 30 hides in the place that is called Twickenham in the territory that is called Middlesex. This land is designated by the boundaries of these places: from the east and south it is bounded by the River Thames; from the north by the shore of the brook whose name is 'Fish-bourne' [now Yeading Brook, known also by the name Crane]. We have granted possession of this land as we have stated above with its arable fields, meadows affording pasture, marshes, fisheries, rivers, enclosures [and] all things that belong to it to be possessed by perpetual right in the property of the above-mentioned bishop. And let him have the power freely of doing whatever he might wish. Indeed, in order that the generosity of this gift might be more powerfully preserved in perpetuity, we have added the witnesses whose names are preserved inserted below. If any of my successors should prefer to increase and enlarge the generosity of our gift, may the Lord increase his share in the book of life. If anyone, on the other hand, which God forbid!, should attempt to destroy [this], relying on tyrannical power, let him know that he will have to render account before the fearful judgment-seat of Christ. And let this charter notwithstanding remain in its steadfastness, written in the year from the incarnation of our Lord 704, in indiction 2, on day thirteen of the month of June, which is the Ides of July. + I, Cenred, king of the Mercians, have decided to give this land in lordship to Bishop Wealdhere for the salvation of my soul in the place that is called Twickenham and I imprint with a free will the cross with my own hand. + I, Hædde, bishop [of Lichfield], agreed and subscribed. + I, Cotta, abbot, agreed and subscribed. + I, Swæfred, king of the East Saxons, with my own hand. + I, Pehthat, imprinted the mark of my hand. + I, Frithored, the mark of my hand. + Eadred, the mark. + Cenheard, the mark of my hand. + Cymmi, the mark. + Cuthred, the mark of my hand. + Pagara, the mark. + Willoc, the mark of my hand. (b) + I, Ceolred, [king] of the Mercians, also have confirmed in the place [called] Arcencale this gift that my relative, King Cenred, had given before and have made the mark of the holy cross. + Ælric, the mark of my hand. + Sceftwine, the mark. + Lulla, the mark of my hand. + Wulfhat, the mark. + Cynric, the mark of my hand. + Tuduna, the mark. + Eadberht, the mark.
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Old Text
- Endorsements: (1) contemporary: Tuicanham (2) in a hand of s. xii: Suebred Rex dedit Tuickenham Waldhario episcopo . Latine . + In nomine domini nostri Jhesu Christi salvatoris . Quamvis solus sermo sufficeret Ad testimonium attamen pro cautella futurorum temporum ne quis forte posterum fraudulentam ignorantiæ piaculum perperam incurrat idcirco scedulis saltim vilibus pro ampliore firmitatis supplimento necessarium reor adnectere Quapropter ego Sueabræd rex Eastsaxanorum et ego Pæogthath cum licentia Ædelredi regis comis aliquantulum agri partem pro remedio Animarum nostrarum Uualdhario episcopo in dominio donare decrevimus id est . xxx . cassatorum in loco qu dicitur Tuican hom in provincia quæ nuncupatur Middelseaxan . Hæc autem terra his locorum limitibus designatur Ab oriente et austro flumine Tamisæ terminata a septemtrione plaga torrente Cujus vocabulum est Fiscesburna possessionem . 'autem' huius terræ taliter ut supradiximus Cum campis sationalibus pascualibus pratis palludibus piscuariis fluminibus Clusuris omnibus quæ ad eam pertinentibus in dominio supra dicti Episcopi possidendum perpetuale jure tradidimus et liberam habeat potestatem agendi quodcumque voluerit porro ut firmior huius donationis largitio jugiter servaretur etiam testes adjunximus quorum nomina subter tenentur inserta . Si quis vero successorum nostrorum hanc donationis nostræ munificentiam augere et amplificare maluerit augeat dominus partem ejus in libro vitæ si quis e diverso quod absit tyrannica potestate fretus infringere temptaverit sciat se ante tribunal Christi tremibundum rationem redditurum Maneatque nil hominus in sua firmitate hæc kartala scripta Anno ab incarnatione domini nostri dcc . iiii . indictione . ii . tertia decima die mensis Junii quod est idus Junii . + Ego Coenredus rex Mercensium hanc terram Waldhario episcopo pro remedio animæ meæ in dominio donare decrevi in loco qui dicitur Tuiccanham et libenti animo propria manu crucem infixi . + Ego Headda episcopus consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Cotta abbas consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Suebrædus rex Eastsaxonum propria manu . + Ego Peohthat signum manus imposui . + Ego Friodored signum manus . + Coenheard signum manus . + Cudræd signum manus . + Uilloc signum manus . + Eadred signum . + Cymmi signum . + Pagara signum . + Ego Ciolred [rex] Mercensium hanc donationem quam ante donavit propinqus meus Coenrædus rex et ego confirmavi in loco Arcencale et signum sancte crucis expressi . + Ælric signum manus . + Lulla signum manus . + Cynric signum manus . + Eadberht signum . + Sceftwine signum . + Wulfhat signum . + Tuduna signum .