A.D. 962. King Edgar to Æthel...e, his minister; grant of 3 perticae at Sorley in Churchstow, Devon. Latin with English bounds




1. Chelmsford, Essex Record Office, D/DP T209 (s. xi; BA Facs., no. 6; Rose-Troup 1929, pl. 12)


Rose-Troup 1929, pp. 250-3; Hooke 1990a, p. 210, bounds only; Hooke 1994, p. 165, bounds only


Rose-Troup 1929, pp. 253, 261-6, authentic; on bounds; PN Devon, p. 296 n; Finberg, ECDC, no. 38; Chaplais 1966, p. 14, apparent original, compares formulation with S 770 (= 1981 XV, p. 14); Finberg 1969, pp, 23-8, discussion of bounds and estate history; Hooke 1990a, pp. 195-200, 206-7, on bounds; BA Facs., p. 4, probably contemporary but conceivably an 11th-century imitative forgery; Dumville 1994, p. 154, physical form anomalous, some problems in script; Hooke 1994, pp. 165-8, on bounds; Thompson 2006, pp. 50 et passim, on script

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    • + In nomine sancte trinitatis. Imminentibus uite caducis terminis qua in nos sceleris licet onere pressi nutu diuino statuti . tamen dominica prosequentes monita prout quimus secundum illud euangelii . ubi dicitur . 'date et dabitur uobis'