A.D. 963. King Edgar to Gunner, his faithful dux; grant of 30 hides (cassati) at Newbald, Yorks. Latin with English bounds




1. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dodsworth 9 (S.C. 4151), f. 2v (s. xvii; incomplete)
2. York, DC., Magnum Registrum Album, pt 1, f. 57r-v (s. xiv)


Mon. Angl., iii. 129; K, 504; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), vi. 1176 (no. 4); B, 1113; B, 1353, bounds only; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 5, no. 16; Farrer, EYC, i, no. 5


Farrer, EYC, i. 17, bounds only


Stenton 1910, p. 86; Farrer, EYC, i, pp. 16-18; Drögereit 1935, pp. 394-400; Stenton 1970, p. 218, on beneficiary; Hart, ECNE, no. 124, authentic but corrupt, discusses bounds; Keynes 1980, pp. 73-4, 'Edgar A' formulation; Keynes 1986, p. 87, on background; Hart 1992, p. 316, on assessment

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    Old Text

    • Collacio Domini Eadgari Regis facta cuidam nobili 7 fideli super posicionibus 7 rebus aliis . Altithrono in eternum regnante universis sophie studium intento mentis conamine sedulo rimantibus liquido patescit quid huius vite periculis nimio ingruente terrore redimiui cosmi appropinquare dinoscitur ut veridica Christi promulgat sententia quibus dicit . 'Surget gens contra gentem et regnum adversus regnum' 1 7 reliqua . Quamobrem ego Eadgarus totius Britannie basilius quandam telluris particulam . XXX . videlicet cassatos loco qui celebri 7 Niubotle nuncupatur vocabulo cuidam duci mihi valde fideli ab huiusce patrie gnosticis nobili Gunnere appellato vocabulo pro obsequio ejus devotissimo perpetua largitus sum hereditate ut ipse vita comite cum omnibus utensilibus pratis videlicet pascuis voti compos habeat 7 post vite sue terminum quibuscunque cleronomis immune derelinquat . Sit autem predictum rus omni tempore servitutis jugo liberum tribus exceptis rata videlicet expedicione pontis arcisve restauratione . Si quis igitur han[c] nostram donacionem in aliud quam constituimus transferre voluerit ; privatus consorcio sancte Dei ecclesie eternis baratri incendiis lugubris jugiter Juda Christi proditore ejusque complicibus puniatur si non satisfaccione emendaverit congrua quod contra nostrum deliquid decretum . Hiis metis prefatum rus hinc inde giratur . ˘is sint ˇ land gemaera to niwebotle . Aerest sudweard yes de semaere to seurtre bouan yest wid anes ˇornes ˇonan nord to ˇan broce 7 ilc oder acra be fastan hode . of ˇan broce ˇæt est to ˇan dice 7lang dices to elfredes bricge ˇonne nord to ysemere 7 ˇonan to saxferdes lawe of saxferdes lawa nord on ˇa dic 7 lang dices on ˇene sic 7 lang sices be ˇere acera anheafda on ˇa strete of ˇere strete east onan up one yalde be nordan faryisdal . on ˇa ealdan dic 7lang dices to brusun lawa of rusun lawa 7lang ˇes Greneweges ˇaet hit cyn∂ to fif lawan 7 ˇonne sud 7 lang ˇe sor Deoppendala . sud andlang dene up to ˇan wege andlang weges to ˇins housum ˇon swa ford 7lang weges ˇæt eft to saer irtre . Anno dominice incarnacionis . DCCCCLXIII . scripta erat hec carta . Hiis testibus consencientibus quorum inferius nomina subnotantur . Ego Eadgarus Rex Anglorum concessi . Ego Dunstanus archiepiscopus corroboravi . Ego Oscytel archiepiscopus corroboravi . Ego Osulf episcopus consolidavi . Ego Aˇelwold episcopus corroboravi . Ego Oswold episcopus acquievi . Ego Alfere dux . Ego Aelfstan dux . Ego Æstan dux . Ego Aˇeline dux . Ego Oslac dux . Ego Cytelbearn dux . Ego Brihtferd . Ego Aelfyne minister . Ego Wulfhelm minister . Ego Wulfstan minister . Ego Alflig minister . Ego Alfwold minister . Hiis metis prefatum rus hinc inde giratur . ˘is sind ˇ land gemaera to niwebotle . aerest sudweard weg ∂e gemaere to seristre . ∂onan west wid anes ˇornes ˇonan nor∂ to ˇan broce 7 ilc oder acra be fastan hode . of ˇan broce west to ˇan dice 7lang dices to Elfredes bricge ˇonne nor∂ to ylemere . 7 ˇonan to saxferdes lawe of saxferdes lawa nor∂ on ˇa dic 7lang dices on ˇene sic 7lang sices be ˇere acera anheafda on ˇa strete of ˇere strete east onan up one yalde be nordan farˇisdal . on ˇa ealdan dic 7lang dices to brusun lawa of rusun lawa 7lang ˇes greneweges ˇæt hit cyn∂ to fif lawan 7 ˇonne su∂ 7lang weges Deoppendale . su∂ andlang denes up to ˇan wege . and lang weges to wins housum ˇon swa for∂ 7lang weges west to saeristre .