A.D. 969. King Edgar to Ælfheah Gerent, his man, and Ælfheah's wife, Morwrei; grant of 2 hides (mansae) and one pertica at Lamorran and Trenowth in Probus, Cornwall. Including bounds of 1 yardlard at Tregellas, Cornwall. Latin with English bounds




1. Exeter, D.C., 2521, verso (OS Facs., ii, Exeter 6 dorse)


Davidson 1883, pp. 278-9; B, 1231; Hooke 1994, pp. 41, 42-3, 44, bounds only


Davidson 1883, pp. 277-8; Finberg, ECDC, no. 86; Bishop 1955, p. 195, apograph in same hand as S 755 and 832; Chaplais 1966, p. 14 (no. 14), may be copy of genuine document, written third quarter of s. xi by same scribe as S 755 and 832(= 1981, XV p. 14); Padel 1978, p. 25 n. 22; Padel, CoPNE, pp. 52, 53, 124, 197; Hooke 1994, pp. 41-5, on bounds

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    Old Text

    • Carta Eadgari Regis . + In nomine sanctæ trinitatis . Imminentibus vitæ caducis terminis quam in nos sceleris licet onere pressi nutu divino statuti . tamen dominica prosequentes monita prout quimus secundum illud evangelii . ubi dicitur 'date et dabitur vobis' 1 . Quapropter . ego Eadgar rex Anglorum ceterarumque gentium in circuitu persistentium gubernator et rector pro petitione nobilium meorum dedi cuidam meo homini vocitato nomine Ælfeah Gerent . et uxori suæ vocabulo Moruurei . duas mansas et unam perticam in discretis videlicet locis ubi dictur Lannmoren et alibi ubi apellatur Trefnewe∂ æternaliter quatinus habeant ac possideant vita comite hoc . est . quamdiu vitalis spiritus in hac erumnosa vita fragile corpus aluerit . postquam vero separatio animæ a corpore fuerit quod cunctis mortalibus commune indeclinabiliter cognoscitur . cuicumque voluerint heredi derelinquant in æternam hereditatem . Maneatque prout jam predixeram donum istud ab omni seculari servitio exinanitum cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus . campis pascuis pratis silvis exceptis istis tribus expeditione pontis arcisve constructione . Hanc vero meam donationem quod opto absit a fidelium mentibus minuentibus atque frangentibus fiat pars eorum cum illis de quibus e contra fatur . 'discedite a me maledicti in ignem æternum qui paratus est Satanæ et satellitibus ejus' 2 . Istis terminis ambitur predicta tellus . Ærest of penpoll lannmoren up bi ˇam broce o∂ hræt winiau ˇonne for∂ 7lang broces to pen hal ˇonne to maen wynn ˇonne to o∂rum pen hal ˇonne adune bi ˇam broce to sæ . ˘is sint ˇa gemæro to trefnæw∂ ærist fram fæle on gerihte to penn beˇow to ˇam pytte ˇonne on gerihte ofer ˇa læge to ˇam o∂rum pitte to tref celestes gemære ˇonne for∂ to caer uureh ˇonne on gerihte to penn hal we∂oc ˇonne to maenber ˇonne on gerihte to pen hal ˇonne for∂ to carn winnioc ˇonne adune to pen hal ˇonne adune be ˇære ri∂e to fæle . ˘is synt ˇa gemæro to tref celest ˇære are gyrde æryst fram fæle ˇonne up bi ˇam broce to ˇæs wylles hæfde ˇonne for∂ to caer lydan ˇonne to cayr uureh ˇonne li∂ ˇis landgemære . to trefnewi∂ lande . Acta est hæc prefata donatio . anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Jhesu Christi . DCCCC . LXIX . indicit duodecima . Ego Eadgar rex Anglorum indeclinabiliter concessi . Ego Dunstan archiepiscopus cum signo sanctæ crucis roboravi . Ego A∂elwold episcopus adquievi . Ego Bryhthelm episcopus corroboravi . Ego Ælfwold episcopus consignavi . Ego Ælfhere dux . Ego Ælfeah dux . Ego Ordgær dux . Ego Æ∂elstan dux . Ego Æ∂elwine dux . Ego Brihtfer∂ minister testor . Ego Ælfwine minister testor . Ego Æ∂elweard minister testor . CR>Ego Leofwine minister testor . Ego Wulfstan minister testor . Ego Eanulf minister . Ego Ælfsige minister . Ego Æ∂elweard minister . Ego Leofa minister . Ego Byrhtri minister .