A.D. 973. King Edgar to Glastonbury Abbey; grant of 7 hides (mansiunculae) at High Ham, Somerset, in exchange for land at Braunton, Devon. Latin with English bounds




1. Longleat, Marquess of Bath, 39, f. 174r (s. xiv med.)
2. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 1 (S.C. 8589), ff. 190v-191r (s. xiv)
3. Lost Glastonbury Liber Terrarum, no. 83 (see Abrams 1996, p. 33)


K, 577, ex MS 2; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 49 (no. 92), ex MS 2; B, 1294, ex MS 2; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 4, no. 22, ex MS 2; Watkin, Glastonbury Cart., ii. 493 (no. 901), ex MS 1


Grundy, Somerset, pp. 118-25, on bounds; Turner 1951; Finberg, ECDC, p. 12 (no. 40); Finberg, ECW, no. 517, authentic; Hart, ECNE, pp. 19-22, on charter-type, which he labels 'Dunstan B'; Keynes 1980, p. 48 n. 89, 'Dunstan B' formulation; Costen 1991, p. 43, possible reference to open-field agriculture in bounds; Costen 1991, p. 43, possible reference to open-field agriculture in bounds; Hooke 1994, p. 115, cited; Keynes 1994, on formulation, esp. p. 178; Abrams 1996, pp. 29, 33, 38, 66-9, 134-5, on MS sources, on Braunton, on Ham

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    Old Text

    • Hamme. Carta Edgari regis de Hamme . Anno ab incarnacione domini nostri Jhesu Christi D . C . C . C . C . L . X . XIII o . Ego Edgar divina allubescente gracia rex et primicerius tocius Albionis ruris quandam particulam septenis ab accolis estimatam mansiunculis in loco qui dicitur Hamme liberam . preter arcem pontem expedicionem ad ecclesiam beate Dei genitricis Marie que scita est in monasterio quod dicitur Glastingaburghe in perpetuam possessionem libenter amdomum largitus sum ad supplementum necessarium fraterne conversacionis ibidem Deo serviencium . hoc precipiens in nomine domini nostri Jhesu Christi ut nostrorum nemo successorum christiano vigente nunime hoc nostrum decretum audeat violare quod si quisque temptaverit hic et imperpetuum perpetuas inferni penas luat . Hoc tamen inter notandum est quod hec prefata terra in Hamme adepta est supradicto monasterio per commutacionem alterius terre que dicitur Brancminstre et acta est hec commutacio pacta vicissitudine per consilium et licenciam omnium optimatum nostrorum quorum inferius nomina carraxantur . Hec sunt territoria . Erest on smalmoresheued suthe end lang mors al so ˇe pil schet of red mor estward so south to pille endlang pilles on mirranford . ˇanen on wernanford mudeward op on wernanstreme of ˇe pirie ˇanen liggith ˇritti acres ˇis kingis and ˇanen geth hit est on werne . op endlang wernestremes on bradan mores heued ˇanen on ˇe smalehegrewe on widanleighe westward ˇanen on fautesham northward endlang weies on ˇe olde dich on swicombesheued on wolcombesheued for biethe of . wolschern westward ˇanen on holanwei upward on ˇan stone so eure bi eue on snapan westward ˇanen on stanwei vpward endlang weies on russeleighe upward so on henleighe westward ˇanen on wirtroneshoe on peret westward ˇanen on middemor endlang mores eft on smalemor . ˝anen is ˇis merelande other manne ˇare kinge and ˇare bisschop on pulisswiran to ˇan seuen hidin at hamme to ˇe come to Hiwissh' tuelfacres . Ego Edgar rex Anglorum consensi . + Ego Dunstan archiepiscopus subscripsi cum multis aliis .