A.D. 982. King Æthelred to Abbot Æthelweard and Malmesbury Abbey; grant of 10 hides (manentes) at Rodbourne, Wilts. Latin




1. London, British Library, Lansdowne 417, ff. 20v-21r (s. xiv/xv)
2. London, Public Record Office, E 164/24, ff. 133v-134r (s. xiii ex.)
3. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 5 (S.C. 8593), ff. 46r-47v (s. xiii)
4. Oxford, Magdalen College, 172, ff. 95v-96r (s. xii)


K, 632, ex MS 1 (and see S 1587); Hamilton, William of Malmesbury, G.P., pp. 410-11, ex MS 4; Brewer, Reg. Malm., pp. 318-19; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 4, no. 52


Darlington 1955, p. 89; Watkin 1956, p. 229 and n. 45, appears to have been retouched at a later date; Finberg, ECW, no. 314, authentic; HRH, p. 231, subscriptions are consistent; Hart, ECNE, pp. 27 n. 5, 29 nn. 1 & 5, cf. S 714; Winchester formulation, very doubtful text; Keynes 1980, p. 240, authentic, witness-list printed in K 632 is corrupt; Edwards 1988, p. 107, on Rodbourne; Foot 2000, II. 88

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    • Uniuersis crebro sophie <studium> intente rimantibus liquido patescit, quod presentis uite terminus uariante diuerse calamitatis <erumna instare> iamque ingruere nimio terrore dinoscitur. Ego igitur Æþelredus, Christi opitulante gratia totius Albionis basileus egregius, optimatum meorum monitu instructus, eterna caducis mercari cupiens, quandam ruris particulam, .x. uidelicet manentium quantitatem, loco celebri qui ab huius patrie peritis noto Reodburna nuncupatur onomate, Domino nostro Iesu Christo eiusque genitrici semperque uirgini Marie, in ueneratione beati presulis Aldhelmi, qui locum ipsum qui <usitato uocabulo nominatur Maldelmesburuh fecit>, ad usus monachorum sub Æþelweardi abbatis regimine inibi degentium eterna largitus sum hereditate. Maneat igitur hoc nostrum donum inuiolabile omni terrene seruitutis iugo liberum, tribus exceptis, rata uidelicet expeditione, pontis arcisue constructione. Si quis igitur hanc nostram donationem in aliud quam constituimus transferre uoluerit, priuatus consortio sancte Dei ecclesie, eternis baratri incendiis lugubris, iugiter cum Iuda proditore eiusque complicibus, puniatur, si non satisfactione emendauerit congrua quod contra nostrum deliquit decretum. Anno dominice incarnationis .dcccclxxxii. scripta est hec carta, testibus consenti\en/tibus quorum nomina inferius caraxantur. + Ego Æþelred rex prefatam donationem concessi. + Ego Ælfðrið mater prefati regis concessi. + Ego Dunstan Dorobernensis ecclesie archiepiscopus consignaui. + Ego Oswald Eboracensis ecclesie archiepiscopus concessi. + Ego Æþelwold episcopus confirmaui. + Ego Ælfstan episcopus consolidaui. + Ego Æscwi episcopus adquieui. + Ego Ælfric episcopus corroboraui. + Ego Ælfstan episcopus non renui. + Ego Ordbyrht abbas. + Ego Æþelweard abbas. + Ego Sygeric abbas. + Ego Leofric abbas. + Ego Godwine abbas. + Ego Ælfhere dux. + Ego Æþelwine dux. + Ego Byrhnoð dux. + Ego Æþelweard dux. + Ego Æþelmer dux. + Ego Eadwine dux. + Elfric minister. + <Ælfgar> minister. + <Ælfsige> minister. + Elweard minister. + Wulf<s>ige minister. + Elfric minister. + Byrhtwold minister. + Ælhelm minister.
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    • It is manifestly evident to all who frequently pursue the study of wisdom with attention that the end of the present life is known to press upon one with a distressful variety of diverse misfortune and moreover to assail one with excessive fear. Therefore, I, Æthelred, by the assisting Grace of Christ distinguished king of the whole of Albion, on the advice of my magnates, desiring to purchase things eternal with transitory things, have bestowed a certain parcel of land, namely, of ten hides in extent, in the famous place that is called in the known name of Rodbourne by knowledgeable people of this country, on our Lord Jesus Christ and his mother and ever virgin, Mary, in veneration of the blessed bishop Aldhelm, who made the place that is called in customary parlance Malmesbury, for the use of the monks living there under the guidance of Abbot Æthelweard as an eternal inheritance. Therefore, let this inviolable gift of ours remain free from all yoke of earthly servitude, three being excepted, namely, a share in military service [and] the building of bridge and fortress. If anyone should wish to change this gift of ours into something other than we have decided, may he, deprived of the fellowship of the holy church of God, be punished by the doleful eternal fires of Hell forever with Judas the betrayer and his accomplices, if he does not atone with an appropriate penance because he has transgressed against our decree. This charter was written in the year of the Lord’s incarnation 982, with the witnesses agreeing whose names are written below. + I, Æthelred, king, granted the aforementioned gift. + I, Ælfthryth, mother of the aforementioned king, granted. + I, Dunstan, archbishop of the church of Canterbury, marked with the sign of the cross. + I, Oswald, archbishop of the church of York, granted. + I, Æthelwold, bishop [of Winchester], confirmed. + I, Ælfstan, bishop [of London], confirmed. + I, Æscwig, bishop [of Dorchester], acquiesced. + I, Ælfric, bishop [of Crediton], corroborated. + I, Ælfstan, bishop [of Rochester], did not deny. + I, Ordberht, abbot [of Chertsey]. + I, Æthelweard, abbot [of Malmesbury]. + I, Sigeric, abbot [of St Augustine’s, Canterbury]. + I, Leofric, abbot [of Muchelney]. + I, Godwine, abbot. + I, Ælfhere, dux. + I, Æthelwine, dux. + I, Byrhnoth, dux. + I, Æthelweard, dux. + I, Æthelmær, dux. + I, Edwin, dux. + Ælfric, minister.
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    Old Text

    • Uniuersis crebro sophiae studio intente rimantibus liquido patescit, quod praesentis uitae terminus uariante diuersae calamitatis aerumpnam stare, iamque ingruere nimio terrore dinoscitur. Ego igitur Æ∂elredus, Christi opitulante gratia totius Albionis basileus egregius, optimatum meorum monitu instructus, aeterna caducis mercari cupiens, quandam ruris particulam .x. uidelicet manentium quantitatem, loco celebri qui ab huius patriae peritis noto Reodburna nuncupatur onomate, domino nostro Iesu Christo eiusque genitrici semperque uirgini Mariae in ueneratione beati praesulis Aldelmi qui locum ipsum, qui Maldumesburg usitato nominatur uocabulo, ad usus monachorum sub Æ∂elwardi abbatis regimine inibi degentium, aeterna largitus sum haereditate. Maneat igitur hoc nostrum donum inuiolabile omni terrenae seruitutis iugo liberum, tribus exceptis, rata uidelicet expeditione, pontis arcisue constructione. Si quis igitur hanc donationem nostram in aliud quam constituimus transferre uoluerit, priuatus consortio sanctae dei aecclesiae, aeternis barathri incendiis lugubris iugiter cum Iuda proditore eiusque complicibus puniatur, si non satisfactione emendauerit congrua quod contra nostrum deliquit decretum. Anno dominicae incarnationis .DCCCC.LXXXII. scripta est haec carta, testibus consentientibus quorum nomina inferius caraxantur. + Ego Æ∂elred rex praefatam donationem concessi. + Ego Ælf∂ri∂ mater praefati regis consensi. + Ego Dunstan Dorobernensis aecclesiae archiepiscopus consignaui. + Ego Oswald Eboracensis aecclesiae archiepiscopus consensi. + Ego Æ∂elwold episcopus confirmaui. + Ego Æscwy episcopus adquieui. + Ego Ælfstan episcopus consolidaui. + Ego Ælfstan episcopus non renui. + Ego Ælfric episcopus corroboraui. + Ego Æ∂elwerd abbas. + Ego Ordbirht abbas. + Ego Æ∂elwerd abbas. + Ego Sygeric abbas. + Ego Leofric abbas. + Ego Godwyne abbas. + Ego Æ∂elwerd dux. + Ego Æ∂elwyne dux. + Ego Byrhtno∂ dux. + Ego Ælfric minister. + Ego Æ∂elmer dux. + Ego Eadwyne dux. + Ælfward minister. + Ælfgar minister. + Ælfsige minister. + Ego Byrhtwold minister. + Ulfsige minister. + Ælfric minister. + Ælfhelm minister. + Ego Ælfere dux.