S 895
A.D. 998. King Æthelred to Wulfsige, bishop, and Sherborne Abbey; permission to convert the community to the Benedictine Rule, and confirmation of land at Stockland in Sherborne, Dorset; 9 hides (cassati) at Holcombe Rogus, Devon; 15 at Halstock, 7 at Thornford, 10 at Bradford Abbas, 5 at Oborne, 8 at Stalbridge Weston, 20 in Stalbridge, all in Dorset; 10 at Wulfheardigstoke; 8 at (Nether and Over) Compton, Dorset; 2 in Osanstoke; and 1 hide (mansa) at Lyme, Dorset. Latin
1. London, British Library, Add. 46487, ff. 3r-4r (s. xii med.)
2. London, British Library, Cotton Otho A. XVIII, f. 132r (s. xii 1; damaged)
Wharton, Anglia Sacra, i. 170-1, ex MS 2; Hearne, Leland's Itinerary, ii. 80-1, ex MS 1; K, 701, ex Hearne and Mon. Angl; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 337 (no. 2), ex Hearne; Thorpe, pp. 293-4; O'Donovan, Sherborne, no. 11
Printed and Translated:
Ekwall 1936, p. 20, identifies Wulfheardigstoke and Osanstoke with Stoke Abbot, Dorset; Harmer, Writs, p. 485, spurious; Finberg, ECDC, no. 45; Robertson, Charters, p. 448, on identification of Holcombe; Finberg, ECW, no. 614, authentic basis; HRH, p. 232, subscriptions are consistent, otherwise dubious; PN Dorset, iii. 280, 283, 294, 324, 370-1; Keynes 1980, p. 256, authentic; O'Donovan, Sherborne, pp. xviii-xx, xxii, 41-4, border-line authenticity, possibly acceptable; Lapidge 1993, p. 290, authentic; Hooke 1994, p. 116, cited; Faith 1997, pp. 19-22, on background; Keynes 2005a, pp. 69-71, some odd features but no decisive objection to authenticity; closely related to S 894; Barker 2005, on Sherborne estates, with map; Barker 2005a, on Sherborne's estate at Lyme, with map
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- Anno ab incarnationis dominice . dcccc nonagesimo octauo . ego Æthelredus totius Albionis Dei gubernante moderamine basileus suadente archiepiscopo Ælfrico cum consilio meorum episcoporum ac principum seu nobilium michique fidelium assistentium annui episcopo Wlsino ordinare monachice conuersationis normam . castamque uitam et Deo amabilem secundum institutionem sancti patris Benedicti in cenobio Scireburnensis ecclesie . ea ratione uidelicet ut quisquis successor ei aduenerit siue plus suie crudelis non habeat facultatem male tractare res monachorum . sit pastor non tirannus gubernet ad fratrum utilitatem secundum pastoralem auctoritatem non ad lupinam rapacitatem . pascat suos et se sequentes . habeat ipse solus uictum inter fratres sicut scriptum est . Principem populorum te constitui . esto in illis quasi unus ex illis . Regat ipse iuxta animarum et corporum utilitatem substantiam monasterii ita dumtaxat ut fratrum consilio non sit ignotum quicquid agatur . Et si forte quod absit euenerit ut pastor et grex discordantur . semper ad examen archiepiscopi reseruetur . et ipse regi intimet ut iusta correctio sequatur . Et quia mos minime apud nos consentit ut in episcopali sede abbas constituatur . fiat ipse episcopus eis abbas et pater . et ipsi fratres obedientes ei sint sicuti filii et monachi cum castitate et humilitate et subiectione secundum disciplinam almi patris nostri Benedicti . ut una brauium eterne corone accipere mereantur . Et quoniam sicut ait apostolus . nos sumus in quos fines seculorum deuenerunt . et multiplicato iam genere humano . adeo ut perplures gratia inopie ruris non habentes ubi uel arando uel fodiendo agriculturam exercentes uictum adipiscantur . insuper et crescente philargiria non nullorum ut quisque rapiat sibi quod potuerit . optimum duxerunt priores nostri ut omnis lis terminibus certis adnulletur . ideoque territoria causa concordie assuescere nuper inter mundanos cepere ut portionem quisque proprie telluris libere excolet . Quorum ego exampla imitatus rus predicti cenobii hac cartula annotari censeo . hoc est in ipsa Scireburna centum agelli in loco qui dicitur Stocland et predium monasterii sicut Wlsinus episcopus fossis sepibusque girare curauit . deinde nouem cassatos in loco qui ab incolis Holancumb nuncupatur . item in Halganstoke . xv . in Þor<n>ford . vii . in Bradanford . x . in Wonburna . v . in Westun . viii . in Stapulbreicge . xx . in Wulfheardigstoke . x . in Cumbtun . viii . in Osanstoke . ii . et mansam unam iuxta ripam maris que dicitur æt Lim . Et quicquid Deus his auxerit ex donis fidelium continua securitate et iugi libertate possideant fratres inibi degentes . tribus exceptis que omnibus communia sunt scilicet expeditione . pontis arcisue restauratione . tamen nulli debitores sint in rogi constructione eo quod monasterium hoc opus indigere nouimus . Si forte quod absit hanc nostram donationem quispiam annullare temptauerit . et ad libitus proprios deflectere . sciat se equissimo iudici rationem redditurum . clangente tuba archangeli extremo examine . ubi omnis equitas et iustitia Christo iudicante cunctis manifestabitur . Ego Æðelredus rex Anglorum hanc libertatem concedo sepedicto monasterio sub episcopo quemcumque elegerit semper regendo et signaculo sancte crucis + hanc munificentiam consigno coram his testibus . Ego Ælfricus archiepiscopus hoc donum data michi benedictione firmaui . Ego Ealdulf archiepiscopus libens faui atque consensi . Ego Wlstanus episcopus hoc idem affirmaui . Ego Ælpheagus episcopus consensum prebui . Ego Wlsinus episcopus hoc meum desiderium ad perfectum usque perduxi . Ego Ælfwinus episcopus hilari mente concessi . Ego Æthelward dux gratanter corroboraui . Ego Æ\l/fric dux consentaneus fui . Ego Ælfsige abbas . Ego Wlfgar abbas . Ego Leofric abbas . Ego Godwine abbas . Ego Æðelmær . minister . Ordulf . minister . Wulfget. minister . Brihtmær . minister . Leowine . minister . Brihtric . minister . Wulfnoð . minister .
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- Charter of King Æthelred, dated 998, authorising Wulfsige, bishop of Sherborne, to convert his community to the Rule of St Benedict, and confirming the abbey’s property, namely: 100 plots [agelli] in Sherborne itself, at Stockland, and the estate [predium] of the monastery as marked out by Bishop Wulfsige; 9 hides (cassati) at Holcombe [Rogus], Devon; 15 at Halstock, 7 at Thornford, 10 at Bradford [Abbas], 5 at Oborne, 8 at [Stalbridge] Weston, 20 at Stalbridge, all in Dorset; 10 at Wulfheardigstoke; 8 at [Nether and Over] Compton, Dorset; 2 in Osanstoke; and 1 hide (mansa) beside the sea at Lyme, Dorset. In the year from the Incarnation of the Lord 998. I, Æthelred, by the guiding control of God king (basileus) of the whole of Albion, persuaded by Archbishop Ælfric, with the advice of my bishops and leading men (principes), and of the nobility and faithful men in attendance on me, have given permission to Bishop Wulfsige to institute in the monastery of the church of Sherborne the exemplary and chaste life of monastic conversation favoured in the sight of God according to the institute of the holy father Benedict. On this condition, namely that whomsoever shall be his successor, whether a pious or a cruel man, may not have the power (facultas) to deal in a bad manner with the affairs of the monks: may he be a pastor, not a tyrant, and rule in the interest (utilitas) of the brothers in accordance with pastoral authority and not with the greediness of a wolf; may he nourish his men and those who follow him. He is to take sustenance only among the brothers, as it is written: ‘I have made you a prince of peoples […]; among them you are as if one of them [Eccl. 32.1].’ May he rule the <substance> of the monastery in accordance with the interest of souls and bodies, in such a way at least that whatever may be set in motion may not be unknown to the deliberation of the brothers. And if by chance, which may it not be, it should happen that the pastor and the flock be in disagreement, the matter should always be reserved for the judgement of the archbishop, and he himself should inform the king what lawful correction is to follow. And because the custom among us in no way decrees that an abbot is to be constituted in the episcopal see, may the bishop himself be abbot and father to them, and for their part may the brothers be obedient to him as if sons and monks, with chastity, humility and subjection according to the discipline of our bountiful father Benedict, so that together they may deserve to receive the reward of the eternal garland [cf. I Cor. 9.24]. And in so far as the apostle says, we are those ‘upon whom the ends of the world are come’ [I Cor. 10.11], and now that the human race is multiplied, to the extent that very many, on account of shortage of land, not having anywhere either for ploughing or for digging, are busying themselves with agriculture in order to obtain sustenance, and especially now that the greed of many is increasing, in such a way that everyone grabs for himself whatever he can — our leaders considered it best that every dispute be settled with established limits, and therefore, for the sake of agreement, they began recently to use estates among wordly men so that everyone could freely cultivate a share of his own estate. Following the example of whom, I affirm that the estate of the aforesaid monastery be set down in this charter. That is, in Sherborne itself one hundred plots (agelli) in the place which is called Stockland, and the estate (predium) of the monastery just as Bishop Wulfsige took care to enclose it with ditches and hedges. Next, 9 hides (cassati) in the place which is called Holcombe [Rogus] by the inhabitants. And 15 in Halstock, 7 in Thornford, 10 in Bradford [Abbas], 5 in Oborne, 8 at [Stalbridge] Weston, 20 in Stalbridge, 10 in Wulfheardigstoke, 8 in [Nether and Over] Compton, 2 in Osanstoke, and 1 hide (mansa) beside the shore of the sea which is called Lyme. And whatsoever God may increase for them from the gifts of faithful men may the brothers living therein possess in continual security and perpetual liberty, three things excepted which are common to all men, namely military service, and maintenance of bridge and fortress. However, they are to be under obligation to no-one for the construction of a beacon (rogus), because we know the monastery requires this work. If by chance, which may it not be, anyone should be tempted to annul this our donation, and to deflect it to his own purposes, let him know that he will render account to the most just judge, at the last judgement when the trumpet of the archangel is sounding, where every equity and justice shall be made known as Christ judges all. I, Æthelred, king of the English, grant this privilege to the aforesaid monastery under the bishop, <and whomsoever he chooses for ruling always>, and I have marked this donation with the sign of the holy cross +, in the presence of these witnesses. I, Ælfric, archbishop, having given my blessing, have strengthened this grant. I, Ealdwulf, archbishop, acting willingly, have supported and consented [of York] I, Wulfstan, bishop, have affirmed this same thing [of London] I, Ælfheah, bishop, have offered consent. [of Winchester] I, Wulfsige, bishop, have brought this my wish all the way to completion. [of Sherborne] I, Ælfwine, bishop, with willing spirit, have granted. [of <?>] I, Æthelweard, ealdorman, have confirmed gratefully. [of the western provinces] I, Ælfric, have been in agreement. [of Hampshire] I, Ælfsige, abbot [of the New Minster, Winchester] I, Wulfgar, abbot [of Abingdon] I, Leofric, abbot [of <?>] I, Godwine, abbot [of <?>] I, Æthelmær, thegn Ordwulf, thegn Wulfgeat, thegn Brihtmær, thegn Leofwine, thegn Brihtric, thegn Wulfnoth, thegn
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Old Text
- Printed from B (MS 1), with variants from Anglia Sacra (AS), and all legible readings from C (MS 2) Anno ab incarnationis dominice . dcccc nonagesimo octauo . ego Æthelredus totius Albionis Dei gubernante moderamine basileus suadente archiepiscopo Ælfrico cum consilio meorum episcoporum ac principum seu nobilium michique fidelium assistentium annui episcopo Wlsino ordinare monachice conuersationis normam . castamque uitam et Deo amabilem secundum institutionem sancti patris Benedicti in cenobio Scireburnensis ecclesie . ea ratione uidelicet ut quisquis successor ei aduenerit siue plus suie crudelis non habeat facultatem male tractare res monachorum . sit pastor non tirannus gubernet ad fratrum utilitatem secundum pastoralem auctoritatem non ad lupinam rapacitatem . pascat suos et se sequentes . habeat ipse solus uictum inter fratres sicut scriptum est . Principem populorum te constitui . esto in illis quasi unus ex illis . Regat ipse iuxta animarum et corporum utilitatem substantiam monasterii ita dumtaxat ut fratrum consilio non sit ignotum quicquid agatur . Et si forte quod absit euenerit ut pastor et grex discordantur . semper ad examen archiepiscopi reseruetur . et ipse regi intimet ut iusta correctio sequatur . Et quia mos minime apud nos consentit ut in episcopali sede abbas constituatur . fiat ipse episcopus eis abbas et pater . et ipsi fratres obedientes ei sint sicuti filii et monachi cum castitate et humilitate et subiectione secundum disciplinam almi patris nostri Benedicti . ut una brauium eterne corone accipere mereantur . Et quoniam sicut ait apostolus . nos sumus in quos fines seculorum deuenerunt . et multiplicato iam genere humano . adeo ut perplures gratia inopie ruris non habentes ubi uel arando uel fodiendo agriculturam exercentes uictum adipiscantur . insuper et crescente philargiria non nullorum ut quisque rapiat sibi quod potuerit . optimum duxerunt priores nostri ut omnis lis terminibus certis adnulletur . ideoque territoria causa concordie assuescere nuper inter mundanos cepere ut portionem quisque proprie telluris libere excolet . Quorum ego exampla imitatus rus predicti cenobii hac cartula annotari censeo . hoc est in ipsa Scireburna centum agelli in loco qui dicitur Stocland et predium monasterii sicut Wlsinus episcopus fossis sepibusque girare curauit . deinde nouem cassatos in loco qui ab incolis Holancumb nuncupatur . item in Halganstoke . xv . in ˝or[n]ford . vii . in Bradanford . x . in Wonburna . v . in Westun . viii . in Stapulbreicge . xx . in Wulfheardigstoke . x . in Cumbtun . viii . in Osanstoke . ii . et mansam unam iuxta ripam maris que dicitur æt Lim . Et quicquid Deus his auxerit ex donis fidelium continua securitate et iugi libertate possideant fratres inibi degentes . tribus exceptis que omnibus communia sunt scilicet expeditione . pontis arcisue restauratione . tamen nulli debitores sint in rogi constructione eo quod monasterium hoc opus indigere nouimus . Si forte quod absit hanc nostram donationem quispiam annullare temptauerit . et ad libitus proprios deflectere . sciat se equissimo iudici rationem redditurum . clangente tuba archangeli extremo examine . ubi omnis equitas et iustitia Christo iudicante cunctis manifestabitur . Ego Æ∂elredus rex Anglorum hanc libertatem concedo sepedicto monasterio sub episcopo quemcumque elegerit semper regendo et signaculo sancte crucis + hanc munificentiam consigno coram his testibus . Ego Ælfricus archiepiscopus hoc donum data michi benedictione firmaui . Ego Ealdulf archiepiscopus libens faui atque consensi . Ego Wlstanus episcopus hoc idem affirmaui . Ego Ælpheagus episcopus consensum prebui . Ego Wulsinus episcopus hoc meum desiderium ad perfectum usque perduxi . Ego Ælfwinus episcopus hilari mente concessi . Ego Æthelward dux gratanter corroboraui . Ego Æ'l'fric dux consentaneus fui . Ego Ælfsige abbas . Ego Wlfgar abbas . Ego Leofric abbas. Ego Godwine abbas . Ego Æ∂elmær . minister . Ordulf . minister . Wulfget. minister . Brihtmær . minister . Leowine . minister . Brihtric . minister . Wulfno∂ . minister .