A.D. 1006 x 1011. King Æthelred to Toti, a Dane; grant of 1 hide (mansus) at Beckley and 5 at Horton, Oxon., in return for a pound of silver. Latin with English bounds




1. Cambridge, University Library, Add. 3020, f. 16r (s. xiv)


PN Oxon., i. 484, bounds; Hart, ECEE, pp. 190-1

Printed and Translated:

PN Oxon., i. xxv, in part


PN Oxon., i. xxiv-xxv, 13, 14, 16, 179, 208; Hart, ECEE, pp. 191-3, no suspicious features, probably authentic; Whitelock 1969, p. 114, corrects a reading; Stenton 1971, p. 381 n. 2; Hart, ECNE, p. 92 n. 1, on notification clause; Gelling, ECTV, no. 291, authentic, bounds probably describe the two modern parishes of Beckley and Stowood, and Horton cum Studley; Keynes 1980, pp. 112, 113-14, 202 n. 182, 261-2, authentic; Lawson 1984, p. 725, cited; Keynes 1994, p. 1140 n. 1, on formulation

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    Old Text

    • Quicquid mundanarum rerum in hoc adquiritur cosmo. muniri debetur litterarum attramento ne forte iniuste iniquorum perdatur consilio, quod iuste cum bonorum uirorum adquiritur testimonio. Unde ego Æthelredus Anglorum rex piissimus, meis notum uolo adesse fidelibus, quod quidam Danus nomine Toti, cum consilio sui propinqui uidelicet Celi, dedit mihi in adiutorium unius libre argenti appensionem de auro purissimo ad reddendum tributum, et ego eidem pro premio reddidi sex terrarum mansos, unum in uilla que dicitur Beccalege, quinque in alia que uilla que nominatur Hortun, tali scilicet tenore, ut cuicumque uoluerit post suam mortem derelinquat heredi. Hec eadem terra hiis limitibus circumgirata esse uidetur. ˘is synd ˇe land mæro to beccalege. of scipwege into meoslege. of meoslege into Westlege. of Westlege into holowege. of holowege into mærbroce. of mærbroce into francanslo. of francanslo into miclandic. of myclandic into ˇere ealden ea. up of ˇere ealdan ea in to ottanmere. of ottanmere ˇuyrs ouer bugenroda. of bugeroda into mærmer. of mærmere on merˇorn. of mærˇorn to eadlaues oc. of eadlaues ac to luhanˇirne. of luhanˇyrne on ˇone ealdan mærweg into wude. andlang ˇes ealdan mereweges into hildesdene. of hildes dene into Wyueles ho to roces æcere. of roces æcre to ˇolege. of ˇolege to gold willan. of gold wyllan to grenewe into scipwege. Predictum igitur tellus regali precepto permaneat liberum exceptis tribus, populari expedicione, pontis restauracione, regie arcis constructione. Si quis autem cupidus hoc infringere temptauerit donum, sit anathema, hoc est alienatio a consortio Christianorum. Et ut hoc scriptum inuiolabilem semper obtineat firmitatem, ego primus rex propria manu confirmo, aliisque testibus adfirmandum trado. + Ego Ælfgiva collateranea regis testificor. + Ego Ælfhegus Dorouernensis Archiepiscopus uolo. + Ego Brihtwaldus episcopus consentio. Et cetera.