s. ix 1

Type of MS.:
Davis no.:
Bibliography: Tite, Early Records, pp. 102-3
Related MSS:

Charters contained:

S1438, A.D. 838 (Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey). Record of the agreement made at Kingston, between Archbishop Ceolnoth and Kings Egbert and Æthelwulf concerning the restoration to Christ Church, Canterbury, of land at Mallingum (East Malling, Kent or South Malling, Sussex), previously granted by Baldred, king of Kent. In return Ceolnoth and the Christ Church community and their successors promise loyalty to the West Saxon kings and their heirs. An additional passage concerns an agreement over the election of abbots and abbesses to the Kentish minsters. Confirmations by King Æthelwulf (at a meeting at Wilton) and (A.D. 839) by bishops south of the Humber, at a synod æt Astran. s. ix 1