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Charters contained:

S1171, A.D. 685 x 693, probably 686 x 688 (March). Hodilredus (Æthelred) to Hedilburg (Æthelburh), abbess, for her minster called Beddanhaam (Barking); grant of 40 hides (manentes) at Ricingahaam, Budinhaam, Dagenham, Angenlabeshaam and Widmundes felt (Wyfields in Great Ilford), all probably in Essex.

S904, A.D. 1002. King Æthelred to Abbess Heanflæd and Wherwell Abbey; grant of privileges and confirmation of 70 hides (mansae) in the vicinity of the abbey, and grant of 60 hides (cassati) at Æthelingadene (East and West Dean, Sussex), previously belonging to Queen Ælfthryth. With note, in Latin and English, dated 1008, confirming 29 messuages in Winchester to the abbey and granting 10 hides (mansae) at Bullington, Hants.