Ghent, St Peter's

4 charters
  • S 1205b. A.D. 918 (Ghent). Elstrudis (i.e. Ælfthryth, daughter of King Alfred and wife of Baldwin II of Flanders) and her sons Arnulf and Adelolf to St Peter's Abbey, Ghent; grant of land at Lewisham, Greenwich and Woolwich, Kent. Latin
  • S 728. A.D. 964. King Edgar to St Peter's, Ghent; grant of land in Lewisham, Greenwich, Woolwich, Mottingham and Coombe, Kent. Latin
  • S 997a. A.D. 1006 for 1016. Edward, son of King Æthelred, to St Peter's Abbey, Ghent; undertaking to restore land at Lewisham, Greenwich and Woolwich, Kent. Latin
  • S 1002. A.D. 1044. King Edward to Abbot Richard and St Peter's, Ghent; confirmation and grant of privileges and of land at Lewisham, Greenwich, Woolwich, Mottingham, Coombe, Kent; with Æschore (possibly Ashour, Kent), Æffehaga; Wiggenden, Sharrington and Sandhurst, Kent; also part of the land in London called Wermanecher. Latin
2 manuscripts