A.D. 774. Offa, king of the English, to Jænberht, archbishop; grant of 5 sulungs (aratra) at Higham Upshire, Kent. Latin with bounds


Canterbury, Christ Church


1. London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 99 (s. x; BM Facs., iv. 4)
2. London, British Library, Stowe 853, ff. 6v-7r (s. xvii)
3. London, Lambeth Palace Library, 1212, pp. 400-401 (s. xiii)
4. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Tanner 223, f. 11r-v (s. xvi 1)


K, 121; B, 213; Earle, pp. 51-2; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 1, no. 58


BM Facs., iv, p. 7, MS 1 10th-century; Stevenson 1914, p. 692 n. 18, scribe also wrote S 230 MS 1; Stenton 1918, p. 446, original (= Stenton 1970, p. 60); Wallenberg, KPN, pp. 53-5, on place-names; Jessup 1942; Wright 1950, p. 389; Stengel 1960, p. 60; Stenton 1971, p. 207, cited; Vollrath-Reichelt 1971, p. 172; Sawyer 1978, p. 101, MS 1 10th-century; Scharer 1982, pp. 228-31, spurious; Wormald 1983, p. 110, suspect but probably not complete fabrication, discusses royal style; Brooks 1984, pp. 112, 114, 319, 378 n. 153, 10th-century forgery but bounds and witness-list at least from 8th-century source; written by same (presumably Christ Church) scribe as S 230 MS 1, discusses formulation; on script; Keynes 1994c, p. 30 n. 126

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    • + In nomine Iesu Christi saluatoris mundi qui est et qui erat et qui uenturus est . per quem reges regunt et diuidunt regna terrarum . Sicut dispensator uniuerse terre mihi distribuit secundum mensuram sue proprie uoluntatis ita eiusdem gratia concedente . ego Offa rex Anglorum dabo et concedo Iaenberhto archiepiscopo aliquam partem terre in loco qui dicitur Hehham et huius terræ estimatio .v. aratrorum esse uidetur his notissimis confiniis circumcinta . a circio mæd ham . hinc per confinia Acleage . et sic iuxta wæterlea . dehinc ad Colling . sic per uiam quæ ducit ad eohinga burh in terram sancti Andree . et sic per confinia Mersc tunes . hinc tenditur ad Bulan ham . et sic in merc fleot . et hoc predictum donum ad cumulum maioris firmitatis signo sancte crucis Christi anno dominicæ incarnationis .dcc.lxxiiii. perstrinximus . cum sacerdotibus et senioribus populi more testium subscribendo. + Signum manus Offæ regis supra scripta confirmantis. + Signum manus Iaenberhti archiepiscopi. + Signum manus Byrhthuni episcopi. + Signum manus Cynethrythe reginæ + Signum manus Ceolulfi episcopi. + Signum manus Eadberhti episcopi. + Signum manus Botuuini abbatis. + Signum manus Aldberhti abbatis. + Signum manus Ætheluuoldi abbatis. + Signum manus Brordan principis + Signum manus Eadberhti abbatis. + Signum manus Berhtuuoldi principis. + Signum manus Esni. + Signum manus Eadberhti . + Signum manus Eadbaldi ducis + Signum manus . Boban + Signum manus Badohardi . + Signum manus Brordani prefecti . + Signum manus Uuigheardi + Signum manus Ciani . + Signum manus Folcberhti abbatis . + Signum manus Hearedi + Signum manus Suithuni.
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    • + In the name of Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world, Who is and Who was and Who will come [again], through Whom kings reign and divide up the kingdoms of the world. Just as the Steward of all the world has distributed to me according to the measure of His own Will through the granting of His Grace, I, Offa, king of the English, will give and grant to Archbishop Jænberht some portion of land in the place that is called Higham Upshire and the assessment of this land is seen to be of 5 sulungs surrounded by these very well-known boundaries. From the north-west of meadow farm. Hence along the boundary [of] oak wood or glade. And thus by water wood [or ‘water spinney’]. Hence to colling [Cooling Hill]. Thus along the way which leads to the burh of the people of Eoha, to [?‘in’] the land of St Andrew [i.e., St Andrew’s Rochester]. And thus via the bounds of marsh farm. From here it leads to Bula’s farm. And thus to boundary creek. And this aforementioned gift we have restricted with the addition of greater validity by the mark of the holy cross of Christ in the year of the Lord’s incarnation 774, together with priests and elders of the people, through the subscribing of witnesses according to custom. + Mark of the hand of Offa, king, confirming the things written above. + Mark of the hand of Jænberht, archbishop [of Canterbury]. + Mark of the hand of Beorhthun, bishop [of Lichfield]. + Mark of the hand of Cynethryth, queen. + Mark of the hand of Ceolwulf, bishop [of Lindsey]. + Mark of the hand of Eadberht, bishop [of Leicester]. + Mark of the hand of Botwine, abbot [of Medeshamstede]. + Mark of the hand of Ealdberht, abbot. + Mark of the hand of Æthelwald, abbot. + Mark of the hand of Brorda, princeps. + Mark of the hand of Eadberht, abbot. + Mark of the hand of Beorhtwald, princeps. + Mark of the hand of Esne. + Mark of the hand of Eadberht. + Mark of the hand of Eadbald, dux. + Mark of the hand of Bobba. + Mark of the hand of Badoheard. + Mark of the hand of Brorda, prefectus. + Mark of the hand of Wigheard. + Mark of the hand of Cyne. + Mark of the hand of Folcberht, abbot. + Mark of the hand of Heardred. + Mark of the hand of Swithhun.
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    Old Text

    • i>Endorsements: (1) s. xi: boc to heh ham :-- (2) s. xii: . Offa Rex dedit heah ham Ianberto archiepiscopo . latine . (3) s. xiii: Archiepiscopi. + In nomine Jhesu Christi . salvatoris mundi qui est et qui erat et qui venturus est . per quem reges regunt et dividunt regna terrarum . Sicut dispensator universæ terræ mihi distribuit secundum mensuram suæ propriæ voluntatis ita ejusdem gratia concedente . ego Offa rex Anglorum dabo et concedo Iaenberhto archiepiscopo aliquam partem terræ in loco qui dicitur Heh ham et huius terræ estimatio . v . aratrorum esse videtur his notissimis confiniis circum cincta . a circio mæd ham . hinc per confinia acleage . et sic juxta wæter lea . dehinc ad colling . sic per viam quæ ducit ad eohinga burh in terram sancti Andreæ . et sic per confinia mersc tunes . hinc tenditur ad bulan ham . et sic in merc fleot . et hoc predictum donum ad cumulum majoris firmitatis signo sanctæ crucis Christi anno dominicæ incarnationis . dcc . lxxiiii . perstrinximus . cum sacerdotibus et senioribus populi more testium subscribendo . + Signum manus Offæ regis supra scripta confirmantis . + Signum manus Iænberhti archiepiscopi . + Signum manus Cynethrythe reginæ . + Signum manus Eadberhti episcopi . + Signum manus Aldberhti abbatis . + Signum manus Brordan principis . + Signum manus Berhtuuoldi principis . + Signum manus Byrhthuni episcopi . + Signum manus Ceolulfi episcopi . + Signum manus Botuuini abbatis . + Signum manus Ætheluuoldi abbatis . + Signum manus Eadberhti abbatis . + Signum manus Esni . + Signum manus Eadberhti . + Signum manus Eadbaldi ducis . + Signum manus . Boban . + Signum manus Badohardi . + Signum manus Brordani prefecti . + Signum manus Uuigheardi . + Signum manus Ciani . + Signum manus Folcberhti abbatis . + Signum manus Hearedi . + Signum manus Suithuni .