A.D. 1066. Writ of King Harold declaring that Bishop Giso is to have judicial and financial rights as fully and completely as ever he did in King Edward's time. English and Latin versions




1. Wells, DC., Liber Albus I, ff. 2-64, f. 14r (s. xiii med.; English)
2. Wells, DC., Liber Albus I, ff. 2-64, f. 14v (s. xiii med.; Latin)


Hickes, Inst. Gramm., p. 162; K, 976; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), ii. 287 (no. 8); Pierquin, Recueil, pt 6, no. 95

Printed and Translated:

Harmer, Writs, no. 71 (pp. 284-5)


Harmer, Writs, pp. 275-7, 490-1, authentic; Stenton 1971, p. 581, cited; HRH, p. 236, authentic; Keynes 1988, p. 217, cited; Keynes 1997, pp. 239-40, 258, compares formulation with that of S 1111, 1112

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    Old Text

    • Harold king greet Ayllno∂ abbot 7 Touid 7 alle mine ˇeynes on Sumerseten frendliche. And ich cwe∂ eou ˇæt ich wille ˇæt Gyso biscop beo his saca wer∂ 7 his socna ofer his lond 7 ouer his mannen 7 tolles wer∂ 7 temes 7 infangenes ˇefes, binna burekh 7 butan swo ful 7 swo forth swo he furmest was on Edward kinges dage on alle ˇingan. And ich bidde eou alle ˇæt ge bien hym on fultume at ˇys cristendome Godes yerichtten for to setten 7 to driuen loc war hym ned sy 7 heo eowres fultumes bithurfe swo swo ich yetruwan to ew habbe ˇæt ye wyllan for mina luuen. And ich nelle yeˇefien ˇæt man him æt anie ˇingan anye unlag beode.