A.D. 706. Æthelric, son of King Oshere, with the consent of Cenred. king of the Mercians, to St Mary's at Hom (Evesham); grant of 8 hides (manentes) at Childswickham, Worcs. Latin with English bounds




1. London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian B. XXIV, f. 33r (s. xii/xiii)
2. London, British Library, Harley 3763, f. 66v (s. xii)


K, 57 and vol. iii ex MS 2; B, 117, ex K and MS 2; Hooke 1990, p. 40, bounds only


HS, p. 280, spurious; Grundy, Gloucs., pp. 64-71, boundary survey a clumsy forgery; Levison 1946, pp. 8, 264, spurious or dubious, has same preamble as S 133; PN Gloucs., ii. 4, 7, on bounds; Finberg, ECWM, no. 202, spurious; Scharer 1982, p. 247, spurious; Hooke 1990, pp. 40-3, rejects Grundy's interpretation of bounds, survey does indeed relate to Childswickham but was copied later than 706

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    • + Evidentia rerum experimenta declarant cassabundam mortalium vitam innumeris cotidie calamitatibus constringi . ita dumtaxat ut ab hiis quibus teneri ac possideri putantur . repente momentaneo intervallo lugubriter evanescunt . Idcirco singulis quibusque