S 1217
A.D. 987. Æthelmær, satrap of King Æthelred and son of Æthelweard, founds Cerne Abbey, the endowment including land at Cerne and Æscere, 6 hides (cassati) at Mintern, 10 at Winterborne Abbas, 6 and 12 at Little and Long Bredy and 3 at Renscombe [to pass to the minster after Æthelmær's death], land at Poxwell [granted by Leofric of Poxwell, clericus], and the reversion of 4 hides at Affpuddle [granted by Ælfrith of Bincombe, Æthelmær's propinquus, after the death of Leofwine] and of 5 hides (mansae) at Bloxworth [granted by Ælfwold, after the death of his wife], and tithes from Cerne and Cheselbourne, all in Dorset. Latin
1. London, Public Record Office, C 52, 21, no. 16 (s. xiii)
2. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dodsworth 68 (S.C. 5010), f. 69r-v (s. xvii; ex 1)
Mon. Angl., i. 254-5; K, 656, ex 1; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), ii. 625-6 (no. 3)
Stevenson in Salter, Eynsham Cart., p. 22 n. 3, spurious; Napier and Stevenson, pp. 88, 120, spurious; Finberg, ECW, no. 613, authentic; PN Dorset, i. 65, 143, 197, 288, ii. 75, iii. 202; Squibb 1988, contains genuine information; Hinton 1994, p. 11, on topography