A.D. 682 ? for 688 (Aug.). Cædwalla, king, to the church (of Malmesbury); grant of 132 hides (cassati) on either side of the wood named Kemele (? Kemble, Gloucs.). Latin




1. London, British Library, Lansdowne 417, f. 9v (s. xiv/xv)
2. London, Public Record Office, E 164/24, f. 123r (s. xiii ex.)
3. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 5 (S.C. 8593), f. 15r-v (s. xiii)


Mon. Angl., i. 51, ex MS 3 (??); K, 24, ex MS 1; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 258 (no. 8); Giles, Opera Aldhelmi, col. 312; Brewer, Reg. Malm., p. 283, ex MS 2; B, 63, ex Brewer, K and MS 1; Morris 1995, p. 124, ex B


Stenton 1913, p. 17, spurious; Stenton 1918, p. 438, of ill repute (= Stenton 1970, p. 52); Darlington 1955, pp. 4, 89-90, dubious with genuine elements; Watkin 1956, p. 211 and n. 21, dubious; Finberg, ECWM, no. 4, spurious, indiction points to 688; Wormald 1985, p. 25, broadly trustworthy; Edwards 1988, pp. 97-100, may be authentic, incarnation date added

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    • Omnia que uidentur temporalia sunt et que non uidentur eterna sunt. Iccirco uisibilibus inuisibilia et caducis celestia preferenda sunt. Quamobrem ego Cedwalla, regnante Domino rex, aliquod emolumentum ecclesie impendere decreui, id est terram ex utraque parte silue que appellatur Kemele .cxxxii. cassatos. Et ita fixa et immobilis hec donatio perseueret, ut nullus hoc decretum frangere aut irritum facere presumat. Si quis uero, superba inflatus tyrannide, hanc donationem uiolare aut preuaricare temptauerit, nouerit se in tremendo cunctorum examine, coram iudice uiuorum et mortuorum, rationem redditurum. Scripta est uero hec cartula indictione .i., mense Augusto, anno ab incarnatione Domini .dclxxxii. + Ego Heddi episcopus consensi. + Signum manus Cedwallan regis. + Signum manus Cisi. + Ego Winberchtus subscripsi.
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    • All things that are seen are temporal and those that are not seen are eternal. On that account invisible things are to be preferred to the visible and heavenly things to the transitory. Wherefore I, Cædwalla, king under the rule of the Lord, have decreed that a certain benefit be devoted to the church, that is, land on either side of the wood that is called Kemble [of] 132 hides. And may this gift continue fixed and unchanging so that no one should presume to violate this decree or make it void. If indeed anyone, puffed up by proud tyranny, should attempt to violate or transgress this gift, let him know that he will render an account in the fearful Judgment of all before the Judge of the living and the dead. This charter was written in indiction 1, in the month of August, in the year from the incarnation of the Lord 682. + I, Hædde, bishop [of Winchester], agreed. + Mark of the hand of Cædwalla, king. + Mark of the hand of Cissa. + I, Winberht, subscribed.
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    Old Text

    • Omnia 'quæ videntur temporalia sunt : et quæ non videntur æterna sunt'1 . Iccirco visibilibus invisibilia et caducis cælestia præferenda sunt. Quamobrem ego Cedwalla, regnante domino rex, aliquod emolumentum ecclesiæ impendere decrevi . Id est terram ex utraque parte silvæ quæ appellatur Kemele , cxxxii . cassatos . Et ita fixa et immobilis hæc donacio perseveret; ut nullus hoc decretum frangere aut irritum facere præsumat. Si quis vero superba inflatus tyrannide hanc donacionem violare aut prævaricare temptaverit: noverit se in tremendo cunctorum examime coram judice vivorum et mortuorum rationem redditurum. Scripta est vero hæc cartula . Indictione . i . mense Augusto . Anno ab incarnatione domini . dclxxxii. + Ego Heddi episcopus consensi . + Signum manus Cedwallani regis . + Signum manus Cisi . + Ego Wynberchtus subscripsi . 1 II Cor. 4: 18.