A.D. 854. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to St Peter and the familia of Malmesbury; grant of 5 hides (mansiones) at Tockenham, Wilts. Latin




1. London, British Library, Lansdowne 417, f. 14v (s. xiv/xv)
2. London, Public Record Office, E 164/24, f. 127r (s. xiii ex.)
3. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 5 (S.C. 8593), ff. 28v-29r (s. xiii)
4. Oxford, Magdalen College, 172, f. 91v (s. xii)


Wharton, Anglia Sacra, ii. 27; K, 273, ex MS 1; Hamilton, William of Malmesbury, G.P., p. 391, ex MS 4; Brewer, Reg. Malm., pp. 296-7, ex MS 2; B, 481, ex Brewer, Hamilton and MS 1


Darlington 1955, p. 90, spurious in present form; Watkin 1956, p. 212 and n. 57; Finberg, ECW, no. 207, the text reads like an epitome of a (lost) original; O'Donovan 1973, p. 108, witness-list and dating clause acceptable, charter may have a genuine base; Sims-Williams 1990, p. 226 n. 47, on estate; Keynes 1994b, pp. 1121-2, fabrication perhaps based on 'Second Decimation' charter

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    • Regnante inperpetuum Domino nostro Iesu Christo. Ego Æthelwlf rex partem terre Gewisorum, hoc est .v. mansiones, donaui Deo et sancto Petro et familie Maldubiensi in loco qui dicitur Toccanham. Eotenus ut ipsi iugiter orent pro nobis Deum omnipotentem, quatinus prospera tempora nobis largiatur ad conseruandam fidem nostram et regni nostri gubernacula per omnia tempora gentis Anglorum. Et nemo audeat hoc donum mutare ab ipso monasterio sine ira et uindicta omnipotentis Dei. Et hoc donum factum est anno ab incarnatione Domini .dcccliiii., indictione .iii. Isti sunt testes. + Æthe<l>wlf rex. + Ælstan episcopus. + Swithun episcopus. + Æþelbold dux. + Eawlf dux. + Sigeric dux. + Æþelberht dux. + Wlfhere dux. + Lullede dux. + Wullaf dux. + Werfærþ abbas. + Esne minister. + Æthelred filius regis. + Ælred filius regis. + Cyneah minister. + Cuþwlf minister. + Ecgheard minister. + Osmund minister. + Milred minister. + Lulling minister.
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    • Our Lord Jesus Christ ruling forever. I, King Æthelwulf, have given to God and St Peter and the community of Malmesbury a portion of land of the Gewisse, that is, 5 hides, in the place that is called Tockenham, to the end that they should pray perpetually to Almighty God for us so that He will bestow favourable times on us for preserving our faith and the governance of our kingdom of the English people through all ages. And let no one dare to remove it from that same monastery without [incurring] the wrath and vengeance of Almighty God. And this gift was made in the year from the incarnation of the Lord 858, in indiction 3. These are the witnesses. + Æthelwulf, king. + Ealhstan, bishop [of Sherborne]. + Swithhun, bishop [of Winchester]. + Æthelbald, dux. + Eanwulf, dux. + Sigeric, dux. + Æthelberht, dux. + Wulfhere, dux. + Lullede, dux. + Wulflaf, dux. + Wærfrith, abbot. + Esne, minister. + Æthelred, son of the king. + Alfred, son of the king. + Cyneheah, minister. + Cuthwulf, minister. + Ecgheard, minister. + Osmund, minister. + Milred, minister. + Lulling, minister.
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    Old Text

    • Tockeham . Regnante imperpetuum domino nostro Jhesu Christo . Ego Æthelwlf rex partem terre Gewisorum hoc est . v . mansiones donavi Deo 7 sancto Petro 7 familie Maldubiensi in loco qui dicitur Tockenham . eotenus ut ipsi jugiter orent pro nobis Deum omnipotentem . quatinus prospera tempora nobis largiatur ad conservandam fidem nostram 7 regni nostri gubernacula per omnia tempora gentis Anglorum . Et nemo audeat hoc donum mutare ab ipso monasterio sine ira 7 vindicta omnipotentis Dei . Et hoc donum factum est anno ab incarnacione domini .dcccliiii. Indiccione .iii. Isti sunt testes . Aeˇelwlf rex . Aelstan episcopus . Swithun episcopus . Aethelbold dux . Eawlf dux . Sirerich dux . Atheberth dux . Ulthere dux . Lullede dux . Ulflaf abbas . ˝erfarw abbas . Esne minister . Aethelred filius regis . Aelred filius regis . Cyneah minister . Cuthwlf minister . Ecgeard minister . Osmund minister . Milred minister . Lulling minister .