S 360
A.D. 900 (Southampton). King Edward to New Minster, Winchester; grant of 100 hides (cassati) at Micheldever, Hants. With bounds of Micheldever, Cranbourne, Curdridge, Durley, Rigeleah (Slackstead), and Candover, Hants., and note, in English, that 7 hides at Worthy belong to Micheldever. Latin with English and English bounds
Winchester, New Minster
1. Winchester, Winchester College Muniment Room, WCM 12090 (s. xi; OS Facs., ii, Winchester College, 1)
2. London, British Library, Cotton Domitian A. XIV, f. 72v (s. xiii 2; no bounds)
3. London, British Library, Harley 1761, f. 48r (s. xiv ex.; no bounds)
4. London, British Library, Lansdowne 717, ff. 31r-34r (s. xvi; ex 5; Latin and ME bounds only)
5. Shirburn Castle, Earl of Macclesfield, Liber Abbatiae, ff. 13v-15r (s. xv 1; interspersed with Middle English and Latin translations of the bounds)
Alford 1663, iii. 205-6, ex MS 5; K, 332; Edwards, Liber de Hyda, pp. 85-97, ex MS 5; B, 596; Birch, Liber Vitae, pp. 207-11, ex MS 1; Brooks 1982, pp. 219-22, ex MS 1; Miller, New Minster, no. 3; Miller, New Minster, Appendix, pp. 178-83, Middle English and Latin bounds
Printed and Translated:
Rumble 2002, no. XVIII, extract
Stevenson 1904, p. 155 n. 3, forged early in the 11th century; Baring 1909, pp. 192-3, on identifications; Stevenson 1914, p. 692 n. 16, doubtful or spurious; Grundy, Hants., I, pp. 140-2, on bounds of Candover; Grundy, Hants., II, pp. 63-5, 82-5, 119-20, on bounds of Curdridge; on bounds of Durley; on bounds of Rigeleah, identified as Slackstead in Farley Chamberlayne; Grundy, Hants., III, pp. 232-6, on bounds of Micheldever; Grundy, Hants., IV, pp. 305-8, on bounds of Cranbourne; Finberg, ECW, no. 34, original; O'Donovan 1972, p. 41, not convincing; O'Donovan 1973, p. 94, 102, suspicious; Biddle et al. 1976, p. 273; Keynes 1980, p. 112 n. 85, probably forged at same time as S 370, 648; Brooks 1982, spurious, provides further discussion of bounds; Forsberg 1984, pp. 4-5, on bounds; Kitson 1992; Keynes 1994b, p. 1141, forgery; Currie 1995, pp. 105-9, 122, on bounds; Keynes 1996, pp. 17 n. 11, 34, 105, spurious; Miller, New Minster, pp. xlvi-xlvii, no. 3, discusses manuscript, bounds, anachronisms; Rumble 2001, p. 231, later forgery; Rumble 2002, no. XVIII, forgery of first half of eleventh century in imitative square minuscule; text later used by further forgers
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- Omnipotentia diuine maiestatis ubique presidente et sine fine cuncta gubernante. Ego Eadweardus ipso largiente rex Anglorum cunctis gentis nostre fidelibus innotesco quod pro salute anime meae quendam fundum quem indigene Myceldefer appellant centum cassatorum quantitatem continentem benigne confero monasterio sancte trinitatis quod Wentana situm est ciuitate nouumque appellatur. Huic autem libertati fautores et consiliarii mei fuerunt duces et magnates qui me ad hanc largitatem incitauerunt, qui etiam omnes unanimiter constituerunt ut donatio ista firma in æternum permaneat, neque a quolibet seu superiore uel inferiore commutetur, et quisquis uiolare presumpserit excommunicetur a societate Dei et sanctorum eius. Proinde sit terra predicta ab omni seruitio mundana semper libera, exceptis tribus causis, hoc est expeditione et pontis arcisue constructione. Limites autem que et superdictam pertinent terram subsequens manifestat stilus anglicus hoc modo. Ðis syndon þa landgemæra to Myceldefer. Ærest on hafoc hlinc þæt swa 7lang herpaðes on ecgulfes treow, þonne 7lang herpaðes oð Myceldefer, þonne 7lang Myceldefer, ðonne of Myceldefer to ðam pole, þonne of ðam pole to Næsanbyrig, þonne of Næsanbyrig to wæter hlince, þonne of wæter hlince to stapola ðorne, þonne of stapola ðorne to horgan wege, ðonne of horgan wege to forsæðan pylle, ðonne of forsæðan pylle to ðyddan þorne, ðonne of ðyddan þorne to tettan grafe, þonne of tettan grafe to ceortes beorge, þonne of ceortes beorge to cleara flode, þonne of cleara flode 7lang stræte on herwes ham, þonne of herwes ham to lin leage, ðonne of lin leage to bulloces sole, ðonne of bulloces sole to ticces ham, þonne ofer ðone feld to Bearcelea, þonne of Bercelea forð on æplea, þonne of æplea swa forð on hean hangran þæt ofer ðone feld on Kendefer, þonne 7lang Kendefer on duddan dune, þonne 7lang streames to brocenan beorge, of brocenan beorge innan ða rode on beaga lea, of ðære rode on middeweardan weard hangran, of weard hangran swa forð on Papan holt suðeweardne, þonne on ðæt gemot hus, þonne ofer ruwan dune, þæt eft on hafoc hlinc. Þis syndon ða landgemæra to Cramburnan. Ærest on Myceldeferes stream fornangean ðone cyricstede on Wynsiges tune, 7lang streames on waddan ige, of waddan ige 7lang streames on ðone blacan pol, of ðam blacan pole on hwelpes dell, of hwelpes delle on ðone burnan, of ðam burnan norð 7lang weges on Tuccinge weg, of Tuccinge wege 7lang weges on greatan dic, of greatan dic on ruwan beorh, of ruwan beorge þurh þone wuda on cealc grafan, 7lang paðes on frigedæg, of frigedæge on horweges norð ende, of horweges norð ende 7lang weges eastweard on ðone smalan pæð, of ðam smalan pæðe ut ðurh cealc grafas on ðone readan pyll, of ðam readan pylle 7lang fyr innan greatan dic on þæt smale dell, of ðam smalan delle ut to lytlan dune on ðæs Hundes hylle, of ðæs Hundes hylle 7lang weges on cram mere, of cram mere 7lang weges on nanes mannes land, of nanes mannes lande 7lang weges eft innan Myceldefer. Þis syndon ða landgemæra to Cuðredes hricgce. Ærest of ðam readan clife into bican forda 7lang weges to winter burnan, of winter burnan on ða fearnigan hylle, of ðære fearnigan hylle ut on Mattuces feld, of Mattuces felda up to ðam garan on þæt twyslede treow, of ðam twysledan treowe to ðam more, 7 ofer þone mor be eastan ðan more on brom burnan, 7lang brom burnan to Syle forda, of Syle forda eft to bican forda. Ðis syndon ða landgemæra to Deorleage. Ærest on cysle burnan innan Hamele þær cysle burnan ærest ingæð, up 7lang cysle burnan to wifeles stigele, of wifeles stigele on þæt readleafe treow, of ðam readleafan treowe on ðone ealdan stocc, of ðam stocce be westan burnan on þone grenan weg, of ðam grenan wege 7lang ðæs smalan paðes to Cnoll gete, of Cnoll gete on þæt hwite treow, of þam hwitan treowe on ðæt norð healde treow, of ðam norð healdan treowe to cuntan heale, of cuntan heale on ðone lytlan wyll, of ðam lytlan wylle forð ofer beorh holt on ða langan byrce, of ðære langan byrce innan wohburnan, 7lang wohburnan to Stapol forda, up of Stapol forda to awelwican, of awelwican into ðam holan more, 7lang ðæs holan mores innan Hamele, 7lang Hamele þær cysle burnan gæð into Hamele. Þis syndon ða landgemæra to Rige leage. Ærest on seaxea sæð, of seaxe seaðe on þone holan æsc, of ðam holan æsce on trinde leage, of trinde leage on fæsten æc, of fæstan æc on eadulfes hamm, of eadulfes hamme on ða readan dic, of ðære readan dic on þa leage, of ðære leage on bær heal, of bær heale on tæppe leage, of tæppe leage eft on seaxe seað. In nomine Iesu Christi. Þis syndon ðæra syx hida landgemæra æt Kendefer. Primitus fram ðære burn stowe to ðam Stan cistele, ac deinde on ðone greatan þorn, indeque on Bican hyrste to wuda, sic deinceps to ruwan beorge, illincque to ðam widan herpaðe, sicque promtim to beofan stane to norð sceate to wuda, 7 ðurh ðone wuda inn on widan dæll middewerd, ex hoc ut ðurh tigel hangran, et de post ut ðurh Trindlea, swa 7lang ðæs smalan weges to Bucgan oran on ða miclan dic, sic denique 7lang dune on west healfe to ðære burn stowe ðe we ær on fruman nemdan. 7 ða seofan hida æt Worðige hyrað to þam hund hidan to Myceldefer, eall swa ða landgemæra hit on butan belicgeað, 7 an wer on Ycenan, 7 healf þæt hwite clif, 7 seo syðemyste mylen on Winteceastre binnan wealle. Celebrata est igitur hec regalis institutio in pago qui dicitur Hamtun, anno dominice incarnationis .dcccc., indictione quarta, sub testimonio et auctoritate gentis nostrae principum quorum uocabulo <inferius scripta> hic cernuntur. + Ego Eadweard rex + Ego Plegmund bisceop + Ego Æðelweard filius regis + Ego Denulf bisceop + Ego Wiferð bisceop + Ego Wulfsige bisceop + Ego Asser bisceop + Ego Wighelm bisceop + Ego Ceolmund bisceop + Ego Eadgar bisceop + Ego Wimund bisceop + Ego Beornelm abbas + Wihtbrord minister + Deormod minister + Beorhtsie minister + Ocea minister + Æðelstan minister + Wulfhelm minister + Alla minister + Beornstan minister + Wulfhelm minister + Beornstan minister + Tata minister + Wulfred minister + Æðelstan + Beorhtulf presbyter + Beornulf diaconus + Eadstan diaconus + Eadulf + Ælfstan + Æðelstan + Wighelm + Wulfstan + Wulfric + Ealhstan + Wynsige + Eadulf + Wulfhelm + Wulfsige
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Old Text
- Omnipotentia diuine maiestatis ubique presidente et sine fine cuncta gubernante, ego Eadweardus ipso largiente rex Anglorum cunctis gentis nostre fidelibus innotesco quod pro salute anime meae quendam fundum quem indigene Myceldefer appellant centum cassatorum quantitatem continentem benigne confero monasterio sancte trinitatis quod Wentana situm est ciuitate nouumque appellatur. Huic autem libertati fautores et consiliarii mei fuerunt duces et magnates qui me ad hanc largitatem incitauerunt, qui etiam omnes unanimiter constituerunt ut donatio ista firma in æternum permaneat, neque a quolibet seu superiore uel inferiore commutetur, et quisquis uiolare presumpserit excommunicetur a societate Dei et sanctorum eius. Proinde sit terra predicta ab omni seruitio mundana semper libera, exceptis tribus causis, hoc est expeditione et pontis arcisue constructione. Limites autem que et superdictam pertinent terram subsequens manifestat stilus anglicus hoc modo: ˘is syndon ˇa landgemæra to Myceldefer. Ærest on hafoc hlinc ˇæt swa 7lang herpa∂es on ecgulfes treow, ˇonne 7lang herpa∂es o∂ Myceldefer, ˇonne 7lang Myceldefer, ∂onne of Myceldefer to ∂am pole, ˇonne of ∂am pole to Næsanbyrig, ˇonne of Næsanbyrig to wæter hlince, ˇonne of wæter hlince to stapola ∂orne, ˇonne of stapola ∂orne to horgan wege, ∂onne of horgan wege to forsæ∂an pylle, ∂onne of forsæ∂an pylle to ∂yddan ˇorne, ∂onne of ∂yddan ˇorne to tettan grafe, ˇonne of tettan grafe to ceortes beorge, ˇonne of ceortes beorge to cleara flode, ˇonne of cleara flode 7lang stræte on herwes ham, ˇonne of herwes ham to lin leage, ∂onne of lin leage to bulloces sole, ∂onne of bulloces sole to ticces ham, ˇonne ofer ∂one feld to Bearcelea, ˇonne of Bercelea for∂ on æplea, ˇonne of æplea swa for∂ on hean hangran ˇæt ofer ∂one feld on Kendefer, ˇonne 7lang Kendefer on duddan dune, ˇonne 7lang streames to brocenan beorge, of brocenan beorge innan ∂a rode on beaga lea, of ∂ære rode on middeweardan weard hangran, of weard hangran swa for∂ on Papan holt su∂eweardne, ˇonne on ∂æt gemot hus, ˇonne ofer ruwan dune, ˇæt eft on hafoc hlinc. ˝is syndon ∂a landgemæra to Cramburnan. Ærest on Myceldeferes stream fornangean ∂one cyricstede on Wynsiges tune, 7lang streames on waddan ige, of waddan ige 7lang streames on ∂one blacan pol, of ∂am blacan pole on hwelpes dell, of hwelpes delle on ∂one burnan, of ∂am burnan nor∂ 7lang weges on tuccinge weg, of tuccinge wege 7lang weges on greatan dic, of greatan dic on ruwan beorh, of ruwan beorge ˇurh ˇone wuda on cealc grafan, 7lang pa∂es on frigedæg, of frigedæge on horweges nor∂ ende, of horweges nor∂ ende 7lang weges eastweard on ∂one smalan pæ∂, of ∂am smalan pæ∂e ut ∂urh cealc grafas on ∂one readan pyll, of ∂am readan pylle 7lang fyr innan greatan dic on ˇæt smale dell, of ∂am smalan delle ut to lytlan dune on ∂æs Hundes hylle, of ∂æs Hundes hylle 7lang weges on cram mere, of cram mere 7lang weges on nanes mannes land, of nanes mannes lande 7lang weges eft innan Myceldefer. ˝is syndon ∂a landgemæra to Cu∂redes hricgce. Ærest of ∂am readan clife into bican forda 7lang weges to winter burnan, of winter burnan on ∂a fearnigan hylle, of ∂ære fearnigan hylle ut on mattuces feld, of mattuces felda up to ∂am garan on ˇæt twyslede treow, of ∂am twysledan treowe to ∂am more, 7 ofer ˇone mor be eastan ∂an more on brom burnan, 7lang brom burnan to Syle forda, of Syle forda eft to bican forda. ˘is syndon ∂a landgemæra to Deorleage. Ærest on cysle burnan innan Hamele ˇær cysle burnan ærest ingæ∂, up 7lang cysle burnan to wifeles stigele, of wifeles stigele on ˇæt readleafe treow, of ∂am readleafan treowe on ∂one ealdan stocc, of ∂am stocce be westan burnan on ˇone grenan weg, of ∂am grenan wege 7lang ∂æs smalan pa∂es to cnoll gete, of cnoll gete on ˇæt hwite treow, of ˇam hwitan treowe on ∂æt nor∂ healde treow, of ∂am nor∂ healdan treowe to cuntan heale, of cuntan heale on ∂one lytlan wyll, of ∂am lytlan wylle for∂ ofer beorh holt on ∂a langan byrce, of ∂ære langan byrce innan wohburnan, 7lang wohburnan to Stapol forda, up of Stapol forda to awelwican, of awelwican into ∂am holan more, 7lang ∂æs holan mores innan Hamele, 7lang Hamele ˇær cysle burnan gæ∂ into Hamele. ˝is syndon ∂a landgemæra to rige leage. Ærest on seaxea sæ∂, of seaxe sea∂e on ˇone holan æsc, of ∂am holan æsce on trinde leage, of trinde leage on fæsten æc, of fæstan æc on eadulfes hamm, of eadulfes hamme on ∂a readan dic, of ∂ære readan dic on ˇa leage, of ∂ære leage on bær heal, of bær heale on tæppe leage, of tæppe leage eft on seaxe sea∂. In nomine Iesu Christi. ˝is syndon ∂æra syx hida landgemæra æt Kendefer. Primitus fram ∂ære burn stowe to ∂am stan cistele, ac deinde on ∂one greatan ˇorn, indeque on Bican hyrste to wuda, sic deinceps to ruwan beorge, illincque to ∂am widan herpa∂e, sicque promtim to beofan stane to nor∂ sceate to wuda, 7 ∂urh ∂one wuda inn on widan dæll middewerd, ex hoc ut ∂urh tigel hangran, et de post ut ∂urh trindlea, swa 7lang ∂æs smalan weges to Bucgan oran on ∂a miclan dic, sic denique 7lang dune on west healfe to ∂ære burn stowe ∂e we ær on fruman nemdan. 7 ∂a seofan hida æt Wor∂ige hyra∂ to ˇam hund hidan to Myceldefer, eall swa ∂a landgemæra hit on butan belicgea∂, 7 an wer on ycenan, 7 healf ˇæt hwite clif, 7 seo sy∂emyste mylen on Winteceastre binnan wealle. Celebrata est igitur hec regalis institutio in pago qui dicitur Hamtun, anno dominice incarnationis .dcccc., indictione quarta, sub testimonio et auctoritate gentis nostrae principum quorum uocabulo hic cernuntur. + Ego Eadweard rex + Ego Plegmund bisceop + Ego Æ∂elweard filius regis + Ego Denulf bisceop + Ego Wifer∂ bisceop + Ego Wulfsige bisceop + Ego Asser bisceop + Ego Wighelm bisceop + Ego Ceolmund bisceop + Ego Eadgar bisceop + Ego Wimund bisceop + Ego Beornelm abbas + Wihtbrord minister + Deormod minister + Beorhtsie minister + Ocea minister + Æ∂elstan minister + Wulfhelm minister + Alla minister + Beornstan minister + Wulfhelm minister + Beornstan minister + Tata minister + Wulfred minister + Æ∂elstan + Beorhtulf presbyter + Beornulf diaconus + Eadstan diaconus + Eadulf + Ælfstan + Æ∂elstan + Wighelm + Wulfstan + Wulfric + Ealhstan + Wynsige + Eadulf + Wulfhelm + Wulfsige