A.D. 670 (? for 937) or 937. King Athelstan to the minster of St Peter (MS 1; St Mary in MSS 2 and 3), Exeter; grant of 1 hide (mansa) at Topsham, Devon. Latin with English bounds




1. Canterbury, D.C., E 206 (s. xi med.; dated 937; OS Facs., i. 14)
2. Canterbury, D.C., T 37 (s. xi med.; dated 670; BA Facs., no. 30)
3. Stafford, William Salt Library, S. MS. 7 (s. xi; dated 670; OS Facs., ii, Salt)
4. London, British Library, Lansdowne 446, f. 88r (s. xviii; dated 670; omits bounds "æt æschyrste")
5. London, Lambeth Palace Library, 582, p. 53 (s. xviii)


K, 369, ex MS 1; K, 370 and vol. iii. 411, ex MS 4; B, 721, ex MS 1; B, 722, ex MSS 2, 3; Earle, pp. 322-3, ex MS 1; Earle, pp. 323-4, ex MS 3; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 2, nos 64, 65; Hooke 1994, pp. 122-3, 125, bounds only


Chadwick 1905, p. 183 n. 3, dates 938; Rose-Troup 1933, p. 57, on bounds; Finberg, ECDC, no. 21; Bishop 1955, p. 196, MS 1 an apograph of s. xi med; Robertson, Charters, p. 307, suspicious; Chaplais 1966, pp. 5-9 (nos 4-6), spurious, MS 3 written s. xi med by the same scribe as S 386, 387, 389; MS 2 a duplicate of MS 3, with addition in boundary clause, written c. 1069 in same hand as S 255 MS 1 and Exeter, D. & C., 2528; MS 1 probably written in third quarter of the 11th century (= 1981 XV, pp. 5-9); Alcock and Coombes 1977, on bounds; Alcock and Coombes 1978, on bounds; Dumville 1979, p. 8, on terminology; Keynes 1980, p. 66 n. 123, forgery of mid 11th-century, diplomatic links with S 591; BA Facs., p. 9, spurious; Hooke 1994, pp. 122-7, on bounds; Breeze 2000, on place-name

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    Old Text

    • Endorsements: (1) in a hand of s. x: Toppeshammes boc. (2) in a hand of s. xi: Regis Æ∂elstani de Topesham + In Christi nomine atque virtute sagaci intuendo prospectu casus lapsusque condicionis humanæ de qua aecclesiastes . 'Vanitas vanitatum' inquid 'et omnia vanitas' 1 . et ideo mercanda sunt æterna caducis . dicente veritate . 'Thesaurizate vobis thesauros in cælo' 2 . et cetera . Quapropter ego Æ∂elstanus rex monarchus totius Bryttanniæ insule flante Deo . aliquam ruris particulam id est unam mansam ubi ignostici vocitant Toppesham . libenter concedo ad monasterium sancti Petri apostoli Exoniensis æcclesie pro remedio anime meæ in æternam libertatem habendi quamdiu fides Christiana permaneat . Inmunis amodo iste ager permaneat ab omni censu regali excepta communi labore quod notum est omnibus . Si quis amodo hanc nostram donationem ammoverit . sciat se Deo contra iturum ire non mihi . quia ab illo potestatem accepi . Territoria autem istius agri hec sunt . Ærest fram toppes oran up on exan on ˇone nearan team pol . ˇanon up on exan . ˇonne of exa on ˇa smala lace . of ˇære lace eft on exa . ˇanon up andlang exa on ˇone uferan team pol . ˇanon up on exan stream o∂ pole . upp of pole on ˇone ealdan herpa∂ to dyran treowe . ˇanon su∂ on wynford up on stream on wyndeles cumbe midde weardne up on ˇa pyrian . ˇanon andlang dic on ˇone weig . east andlang weiges on ˇære dice hirnan andlang dic ut on clyst . andlang streames eft on toppes oran . ˝is synd ˇære anre gyrde land gemæro æt æschyrste ˇe gebyra∂ in to ˇære hyde æt toppeshamme . ærest fram æschyrste . to æsc wylles lace . ˇanon up to herpa∂e . 7 fram ˇam herpa∂e su∂ rihte o∂ hit cym∂ to gyrde hrigces forda . fram gyrde hricges forda adun on stream to wungyfe fordan . ˇanon west on ˇone herpa∂ o∂ ˇæt hit cym∂ to æsc willes lace heafdon . Acta est hæc donatio anno dominice incarnationis dccccxxx . vii . + Ego Æ∂elstanus rex totius Bryttanniæ hoc donum cum signo sanctæ crucis confirmavi . + Ego Eadmund indolis clito consensi . + Ego Wulfhelm subscripsi . + Ego Ælfheah adquievi . + Ego Æ∂elgar conclusi . + Ego Howel regulus . + Ego Wulgar dux . + Ego Ælfhere dux . + Ego Æ∂elstan dux . + A∂elwold minister . + Ælfric minister . + Wulfsige minister . + Odda minister . Title in MS 2: Toppeshammes boc Endorsements (on MS 3?) in various hands: Toppesham . an hid Topesham Regis æ∂lstani de topesham Carte regum De Toppisham + Anno dominicæ incarnationis dclxx . indictione xi . Ego Æ∂elstan rex totius Bryttanniæ insulæ . dabo pro æterna retributione et pro expiatione animæ meæ unum cassatum in loco ubi ab incolis vocitatur Toppesham Deo et sanctæ Mariæ ad monasterium quod a solicolis nominatur Exaceaster ut habeat quamdiu fides catholica in gente Anglorum permaneat . Precipimus et obsecramus in Dei omnipotentis nomine et in sanctæ trinitatis honore . ut nullus hominum in aliquo tempore umquam ausus fuerit hanc nostram donationem minuere aut frangere in aliquo sed semper stabilis et inconcussa permaneat tam Deo quam et hominibus usque in æternum tempus . Si quis autem hoc munus in aliquo frangere vel minuere temptaverit . sciat se coram Deo et sanctæ Mariæ rationem reddere . nisi hic prius celeriter emendet coram idoneis testibus . Huius agelluli te[r]mini hæc sunt . Ærest fram toppes horan up an exan on ˇone nearan teampol ˇanon up on exan ˇænne of exan on ˇa smalan lace of ˇære lace eft an exan ˇænne up anlang exan on ˇone uferan teampol ˇanon up on exan stream o∂ pole up of pole on ˇone ealdan herpo∂ to dyranstreowe ˇanan su∂ on wynford up on stream on wyndeles cumb middeweardne up on ˇa pyrian ˇanon anlang dice on ˇone weg east anlang weges on ˇære dice hyrnan anlang dice ut on clyst anlang streames eft to toppeshoran . + Ego Æ∂elstan rex Anglorum hanc nostram donationem cum signo crucis impressi . + Ego Eadmund indolis clito consilium dedi . + Ego Wulfhelm archiepiscopus consolidavi . + Ego ˝eodred episcopus subscripsi . + Ego Ælfheah episcopus adquievi . + Ego Brihtelm episcopus consensi . + Ego Eadelm episcopus favi . + Ego Æ∂elgar episcopus conclusi . + Æ∂elstan dux . + Ælfhere dux . + Eadmund dux . + Æˇelsige dux . + Odda minister . + Wihtmund minister . + Æ∂elmod minister . + Deormod minister . + Wulfgar minister . + Osulf minister .