A.D. 950. King Eadred to Glastonbury Abbey; confirmation of the grant by King Edmund of 15 hides (cassati) at Pucklechurch, Gloucs. Latin with English bounds




1. Taunton, Somerset Record Office, DD/CC 111489 (s. xi/xii; BA Facs., 32)
2. London, Public Record Office, PRO 31/5/12/18 (s. xix)


Warner 1826, pp. liii-iv (no. v), ex MS 1; B, 887, ex MS 1*


Hickes, Inst. Gramm., p. 139; Warner 1826, Introduction, pp. cx-xii; Chadwick 1905, p. 187 n. 1; Grundy, Gloucs., pp. 199-219, on bounds; Robertson, Charters, pp. 336-7, discusses date of witness-list; PN Gloucs., i. 4, 7, iii. 44, 49, 50, 64-8, 70, 72-3, 78; Finberg, ECWM, no. 100, authentic; O'Donovan 1973, p. 99, witness-list incompatible with date; Scott 1981, pp. 118, 203 n. 118; Abrams 1989, questionable; BA Facs., p. 10, forgery, draws on charters of mid 950s; Abrams 1996, pp. 12, 36, 211-14, on production of MS 1 and its later transmission; on MS sources; on estate, charter not genuine

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    Old Text

    • Endorsements: (1) in a contemporary hand: + Boc to Pucelancyrcean (2) in a hand of s. xiii: Carta regis Eadredi de Pucheleschurche Px Domino nostro Jhesu Christo cum coeterno patre et spiritu sancto in eternum regnante . qui ineffabili moderamine universa disponit , ac ne in nichilum defluant potentissime custodit . qui rationabili hominum creature ut mala devitans . bonis perseveranter insistat . ammonet . et temporalis lucri commoda cælo recondere mandat . inquiens 'Thesaurizate vobis thesauros in cælum' 1 . Quapropter ego Eadredus gratia Dei Anglorum rex cuidam monasterio quod celebri Glastingabyri nuncupatur onomate . dono quandam villam XXV . cassatorum quae Pucelancyrcan appellatur . pro animæ ereptione fratris mei Eadmundi regis quem admodum ipse prius me annuente prædicto loco condonaverat . Maneat igitur meum hoc immobile donum aeterna libertate jocundum cum universis quæ pertinent sibi tam pascuis quam pratis . silvis . etc. solutum omni regali sarcina excepto communi labore expeditione . pontis arcisve edificatione . Si quis vero contra hanc munificentiam tyrannica potestate inflatus venire temptaverit . aut infringere voluerit . sciat se obstaculum ire Dei incurrere et sanctæ Dei gentricis Mariæ et sanctorum omnium . et in ultimo examine coram Christo et angelis ejus rationem reddere . Is terminibus predicta terra circumdata videtur . Ærest of Stanforda on tha apuldran . on thone haran stan . Swa on Hennamere . of Hennamere on Gosamere . on stan oran . of stan oran on ˇæt hlipiget . of tham hlypgete and lang hamma of tham hammum on tha radeludan ac . of thære radeludan æc . on cwenan brigce . of cwenan bricgce on kynges rode . of cynges rode on Eadwaldingstan . of tham stane in Mucan treow of Mucan treowe on tham apuduran . ˇæt thanon rihte on Fulan broce . 7 swa and lang broces on Bydincel of Bydincele on Loddrawyllon of Lodderawyllon on clæg weg . and lang clæg weges on Fulan forda . of tham forda on tha ealdan byd and lang byd on Deorham . of Deorhamme on Mærbroc . and lang broces on thone wyrtwalan to tham ac holte . Thonne swa se Wyrtwala sceat on Fearn beorhg . of Fearn beorhgan on tha eggce . And lang eggce swa be tham heafdon on thone graf . swa be tham Wyrtwalan on tha stræt . and lang stræte on Esnes stan . of Esnastanne on thone ealdan weg . and lang weges adun be tham graue . swa be tham heafdon on Hundesgeat . of Hundes geate on thone mere . of tham mere swa by Wyrtwalan on tha ealdan dic . of thære dic on sticelan sige of thære stige on Fearn leage on Mær broc . and lang Mær broces on Cuthwealding leage . of thære leage on Mær broc and lang broces on Baddanham . of tham hamme on Byd . and lang Byd on Hreodmorwyllon thanon on haranstan 7 swa on Filethham . thanon on Cearcesleage . of Cearces leage on Headdan rode . of Headdan rode on Bydewyllon 7 swa on Emelhylle thonne on west weg . of west wewe on hric weg . and lang wæges on Wrænnan leage suthe wearde . ˇæt swa on Oxnahealas . Oxna healon on Bicanstige . of Bican stige on Merces feld of Merces felda on Mærbroc of Mær broce on Hlidan . of Hlydan on Mersice of Mærsice on Hegestuldes setl . ˇæt thanon rihte on Willerdes pol . 7 swa and lang Fromes . ˇæt up on Cweorn cleofu . thanon rihte on Befer pyttas . 7 swa on Hyddes burhg . ˇæt on Æscburhg . of Æscbyrig on clæghyrste on tha ealdan wic . of ealdan wic on Bydanwyrth . of Bydanwyrthe on Sinder ford . of Sinderforda and lang Frome eft on Stanford . Acta est hæc præfata donatio anno ab incarnatione Domini nostri Jhesu Christi DCCCCL . Indictione VIII . + Ego Eadredus rex Anglorum prefatam donationem firmavi ut firmum permaneat et signum triumphale agiæ crucis propriæ manus depinctione impressi . + Ego Eadgifu genetrix prefati regis consensum præbui . + Ego Oda archiepiscopus ejusdem regis principatum et benevolentiam sub sigillo sanctæ crucis conclusi . + Ego Wulfstanus archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Ælfsige episcopus consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Wulsige episcopus consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Alfwold episcopus consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Osulf episcopus consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Brihthelm episcopus consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Æthestan dux consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Æthelsige dux consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Eadmund dux consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Brithferth dux consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Ælfsige minister consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Ælfnoth minister consensi et subscripsi . + Ego Dunstan abbas ad confirmandum huius libertatis cartulam signum sanctæ crucis exaravi . Hanc cartulam ego Eadredus rex propria manu super altare Domini in vetusta basilica sanctæ Dei genitricis Mariæ posui . deprecans Dominum nostrum ut si quis tam inflatus philargiriæ seductus amentia . quod non optamus . hanc nostræ munificentiæ largitatem ausu temerario infringere temptaverit . sit ipse alienatus a consortio sanctæ Dei ecclesiæ . necnon et a participatione sacrosancti corporis et sanguinis Jhesu Christi filii Dei per quem totus terrarum orbis ab antiquo humani generis inimico liberatus est . et cum Juda . Christi proditore . sinistra in parte deputatus . ni prius digna satisfactione hic humilis penituerit quod contra nostrum decretum rebellis agere presumpsit . nec in vita hac practica veniam . nec in theorica requiem apostata obtineat ullam . sed æternis barathri incendiis trusus . cum Annania et Saphyra miserrimus perpetualiter crucietur . Amen .