A.D. 963. King Edgar to Wulfhelm, his minister; grant of 2 hides (cassati) at Otheri (apparently Ottery St Mary, Devon). Latin with English bounds




1. Longleat, Marquess of Bath, 39, f. 174v (s. xiv med.)
2. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 1 (S.C. 8589), f. 191v (s. xiv)


K, 505 and vol. vi. 236, ex MS 2; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 56 (no. 115), ex MS 2; B, 1104, ex MS 2; Earle, p. 427, bounds only; Watkin, Glastonbury Cart., ii. 496 (no. 904), ex MS 1; Hooke 1994, p. 169, bounds only


Finberg, ECDC, p. 12 (no. 39), refers to Ottery St Mary; Finberg 1960, pp. 25-6 (no. 39); Finberg, ECWM, p. 21 n. 3, confirms identification; Keynes 1980, p. 76 n. 153, compare formulation of S 697 and cf. S 736; Hooke 1994, pp. 168-72, on bounds; Abrams 1996, pp. 29, 35, 38, 189-91, on MS sources; on estate, possible that bounds of Ottery St Mary were attached to a charter originally covering Othery, Somerset

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    Old Text

    • Otheri . Carta Regis Edgari facta Wlfhelmo ministro suo de Otheri . Regnante domino nostro Jhesu Christo imperpetuum per quem similiter omnia regna seculorum reguntur sub sole velud sancta sapiencia protestata est dicens 'per me reges regnant et legum conditores justa decernunt per me principes imperant et potentes decernunt justiciam' 1 . Qua propter Ego Edgar Dei omnipotentis nutu rex tocius Albionis humili quondam meo ministro nomine Wolfhelm particulam terre do . Id est duos cassatos illic ubi vocari vocabulo dicitur Otheri . eternaliter concedo ut se vivente possideat . et ad exitum suum cuicumque voluerit det hec supradicta terra cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus id est pratis silvis paschuis campisque sed ab omni regali servicio libera exceptis tribus rebus arcis conjunctione pontis constructione et expedicione . Si quis vero hoc meum donum augere voluerit augeat dominus dies illius . Et si quispiam suadente diabolo infringere voluerit sciat se proculdubio redditurum racionem in die judicii ubi reddetur unicuique secundum opera sua . Hec sunt confinia supradicte terre . ˝is beth ˇe landmere . Erest of ˇan welle ˇaron otheri endlang stremes on ˇe redecliue northward ˇare op on ame put of ˇan putte on an withi of ˇan withi on an stonberwe of ˇan berwe est up on ˇe rigge on hothurne stanberwe ˇanen to ˇan herpoˇe endelang herpoˇes on ˇe stanbrugge ˇar up on landscherlake on holangcombe heued ˇanen up on dich . ˇanen on midde ˇe doune endlang doune on iffingknap medeward ˇanen on iffingberlake of ˇer lake on ˇe dich of ˇan dich on ˇe ifre northward eft on ˇe welle endlang rewe ˇare eft on otheri . Hec cartula scripta est anno dominice incarnacionis . DC . C . C . C . LXIII . Ego Edgar Rex Anglorum hoc donum tropheo agie crucis confirmavi . + . Ego Dunstan archiepiscopus cum signo sancte crucis roboravi . + .