S 806
A.D. 978 for ? 968 (Cheddar, Easter). King Edgar to Winchester Cathedral; renewal of the liberty of Taunton, Somerset, as granted by King Edward in exchange for land at 10 hides at Crowcombe, 20 at Compton and 20 at Banwell, Somerset, and 20 at Stoce near Shalbourne, Wilts., the land at Compton and Banwell having been given later to the community at Cheddar in exchange for land at Carhampton, Somerset. In return for the confirmation Bishop Æthelwold gave to King Edgar 200 mancuses of gold and a gold cup weighing 5 pounds and to Queen Ælfthryth 50 mancuses. Latin and English versions
Winchester, Old Minster
1. London, British Library, Add. 15350, f. 24r-v (s. xii med.; Latin)
2. London, British Library, Add. 15350, ff. 24v-25r (s. xii med.; English)
3. London, British Library, Add. 15350, ff. 25v-26r (s. xii med.; English)
K, 598, Latin version; K, 598, English version; Thorpe, pp. 233-5 , Latin version ; B, 1219, Latin version; B, 1220, English version
Printed and Translated:
Thorpe, pp. 235-6, English version; Robertson, Charters, no. 45 (pp. 92-5), English version, ex MS 2
Stevenson 1904, p. 202 n. 2, doubtful; Robinson 1919, pp. 36 n. 2, 37, Latin version spurious; Finberg 1943, p. 190 n. 5, spurious; Harmer 1950, p. 344 n. 5, both versions are irregular. The Latin is unlikely to be authentic, but the English, although not beyond doubt, may be authentic with addition of dating clause and witness-list; Harmer, Writs, pp. 524-5, not authentic, but probably a substantial basis of fact; Darlington 1955, p. 86; Robertson, Charters, pp. 339-42; Finberg, ECW, no. 510 and p. 229, authentic basis, both versions summarize provisions in a genuine lost charter of Edgar; John 1965, pp. 412-13, 423, adapted, but likely to have a substantial basis of fact; HRH, p. 235, probably authentic base, subscriptions doubtful; Sawyer 1978, p. 212, cited; Keynes and Lapidge 1983, pp. 264 n. 192, 317-18 n. 25, on Banwell, on Cheddar; Yorke 1988, p. 6 ; Yorke 1988a, pp. 69, 81; Yorke 1988a, p. 82; Wormald 1988a, p. 41 n. 115, on use of the vernacular; Dumville 1992, p. 108 n. 249, troublesome, represents a confirmation of S 373; Blair 1996, pp. 118-19, on reference to Cheddar; Foot 2000, II. 60; Wormald 2001, p. 271, questionable; Nelson 2004, p. 5
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Old Text
- Eadgares cyninges freols boc to Tantunæ . Hac autem cartula liquido declaratur . qualiter ego Eadgar . Anglorum basileus Tantunes libertatem devotus renovavi ob amorem reverende Trinitatis consubstantialisque unitatis nec non beati Petri apostolorum principis ejusque coapostoli Pauli . uti episcopali cathedre Wintoniensis æcclesiæ eadem deserviret libertate qua priscis temporibus ab ejus avo Eadwardo videlicet rege insignita libere gloriabatur . Usus itaque saluberrimo obtimatum meorum consilio ammodum Christo dapsilis concessi ut episcopii homines tam nobiles quam ignobiles prefato rure degentes hoc idem jus in omni haberent dignitate quo sui proprii perfruuntur regalibus fiscis commorantes . Omnia enim secularium rerum judicia ad usus presulum exercere eodem modo diligenti jussi examine . quo regalium negotiorum discutiuntur juditia . Predicte igitur ville mercimonium censusque omnis civilis sanctæ Dei æcclesiæ Wentane civitatis sine retractionis obstaculo cum omnibus commodis æternaliter deserviat . Hæc autem libertas antecessorum meorum temporibus . Ælfeago antistiti aliisque eodem rure fruentibus concessa fuerat quam ego renovando humillime restauravi . Qui autem hanc libertatis dapsilitatem augere voluerit augeat Dominus ejus vitam et prosperitatem hic et in evum . Si quis autem presumptuosus diabolo instigante hanc libertatem infringere minuereve vel in aliud quam constituimus transferre voluerit anathema sit et in Christi maledictione permanens æterno barathri incendio cum Juda Christi proditore ejusque complicibus miserrimus puniatur . si non cum satisfactione ante obitum emendaverit . quod contra nostrum deliquit decretum . Dedit autem A∂elwoldus . Wintoniensis æcclesiæ episcopus pro huius libertatis recuperatione regi . Eadgaro . ducentas auri mancusas ejusque conjugi . Aelfˇryˇe . quinquaginta et quoddam vas argenteum quinque libras appendens . Priscis utique temporibus pro hac eadem libertate date sunt . Eadwardo . regi sexaginta terræ manse quatuor in locis dirempte . X . videlicet et Crawancumbe . et XX . æt Cumbtune . XX . æt Scealdeburnanstoce . et . XX . æt Bananwylle . Hoc idem rus . Eadward . prefatus rex dedit famulis famulabusque Domini . on Ceodre degentibus pro commutatione illius telluris quæ Carintum nominatur . Acta est autem huius libertatis nota renovatio pascali sollempnitate sede regali . æt Ceodre . Anno dominicæ incarnationis . DCCCCLXX . VIII . decimo vero anno ejus regalis imperii . His testibus consentientibus quorum inferius nomina ordinatim carraxantur . Her ys geswutelod on ˇysum gewrite hu Eadgar cyning mid geˇeahte his witena geniwode Tantunes freols ˇære halgan ˇrynnesse 7 sancte Petre 7 sancte Paule into Wintanceastre to ˇam biscopstole ealswa Eadweard cyning hit ær gefreode 7 geuˇe ˇæt ægˇer ge twelfhynde men ge twyhynde weron on ˇam Godes hame ˇara ylcan gerihta wyrˇe ˇe his agene men sindon on his agenum cynehamum . 7 man ealle spæca 7 gerihtu on ˇæt ylce gemet gefe to Godes handa ˇe man to his agenre drifh 7 ˇes tunes ciyping 7 seo innung ˇara portgerihta gange into ˇere halgan stowe ealswa heo ær dyde on myra vldrena dagon 7 Ælfeage biscope gehafod wæs 7 gewylcvm ˇara ˇe ˇes landes breac. Se ˇe ˇisne freols geycean wille geyce God his gesynta to langsumun life her 7 on ecnesse. Gif hwa ˇonne ˇurh gedyrstignesse 7 deofles oˇˇe his lima lare ˇysne freols abrecan wille oˇˇe on oˇer awendan buton he hit ær his fordsiˇe gebete sy he mid awurgednesse ascyred fram ures drithnes gemanan 7 ealra his halgena 7 on helle susle ecelice getintragod mid Iudan ˇe Cristes lewa wes. ˘onne gesealde A∂elwold biscop his cynehlaforde twa und mancussa goldes 7 anne sylfrene lefel on fif pundum wiˇe niwunge ˇyses freolses 7 Ælfˇryde his gebeddan healf hund mancussa goldes wiˇ richtes ærendes fultume 7 ær wænon wiˇ freolse gesealt on Eadwardes dege cinges . syxtig hide landes .X. æt Crawancumbe . 7 .X. æt Cumbtune . 7 æt Bananwille .XX. 7 .XX. æt Scealdeburnan stoce . 7 eft Eadward cyning gesealde ˇæt land æt Cumbtune . 7 æt Bananwille ˇan hiwon æt Ceodre wiˇ ˇan lande æt Carintune. ˝is wes gedon æt Ceodre on ˇere halgan eastertide . ˇy geare weron agangene .DCCCC. geara 7 eahta 7 hundseofontig fram Cristes acynnednesse . 7 ˇe teoˇan geare his cynelican anwealdes on gewitnesse ˇara witena ˇe hiora noman herwiˇ neoˇan awritene syndon. Ego Eadgar Anglorum basileus hoc priuilegium in honore reuerende Trinitati atque consubstantialis unitatis crucis signo deuotissime confirmaui. Ego Dunstan archiepiscopus confirmaui. Ego Oscytel archiepiscopus consensi. Ego A∂elwold episcopus corroboraui. Ego Ælfstan episcopus consolidaui. Ego Byrhtelm episcopus consensi. Ego Oswold episcopus corroboraui. Ego Alfwold episcopus consolidaui. Ego Osulf episcopus consensi. Ego Wynsige episcopus corroboraui. Ego Ælfric abbas. Ego Osgar abbas. Ego Elfstan abbas. Ego Æscwig abbas. Ego Æˇelgar abbas. Ego Cynewerd abbas. Ego ˝yrcytel abbas. Ego Ælfheah abbas. Ego Ealdred abbas. Ego Ælfˇryˇ regina. Ego Æˇestan dux. Ego Ælfhere dux. Ego Elfheah dux. Ego Ordgar dux. Ego Æˇelwine dux. Ego Byrthno∂ dux. Ego Oslac dux. Ego Eadulf dux. Ego Eanulf minister. Ego Ælfwine minister. Ego Æˇelweard minister. Ego Wulfstan minister. Ego Byrtfer∂ minister. Ego Oswerd minister. Ego Osulf minister. Ego Elfwerd minister. Ego Eˇelweard minister.