A.D. 1004 (Headington, Oxon., 7 Dec.). King Æthelred to St Frideswide's Abbey, Oxford; confirmation of 10 hides at Upper Winchendon, Bucks., and 3 at Whitehill in Tackley, 3 at Cowley, 3 at Cutslow, and land at Headington, all Oxon. Latin with English bounds


Oxford, St Frideswide's


1. London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius E. XV, f. 5r (s. xii/xiii; damaged)
2. London, British Library, Harley 258, f. 16r (s. xvii; beginning only; ex 8)
3. London, Public Record Office, C 53, 6 Edw. II, no. 21
4. London, Public Record Office, C 53, 6 Edw. III, no. 17
5. London, Public Record Office, C 53, 3 Ric. II, no. 17
6. London, Public Record Office, C 66, 5 Hen. V, m. 3
7. Oxford, Corpus Christi College, 160, p. 271 (s. xiii; no bounds or witnesses)
8. Oxford, Christ Church, Chapter Library, 'St Frideswide's Cartulary', p. 7 (s. xv)
9. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dodsworth 55 (S.C. 4197), f. 17r-v (s. xvii; no bounds or witnesses)
10. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dodsworth 55 (S.C. 4197), pp. 25-26 (s. xvii; ex Inspeximus)
11. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dodsworth 55 (S.C. 4197), pp. 36-37 (s. xvii; ex Inspeximus)
12. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dodsworth 55 (S.C. 4197), pp. 44-45 (s. xvii; ex Inspeximus)
13. Oxford, Bodleian Library, James 26 (S.C. 3863), pp. 153-154 (s. xvii; no bounds or witnesses)


Mon. Angl., i. 174, ex MS 1; K, 709; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), ii. (no. 4); Parker 1885, pp. 320-2, ex MS 8; Wigram, St Frideswide's Cart., pp. 2-7, main text ex MSS 1, 3, 7, 8; Wigram, St Frideswide's Cart., pp. 6-7, bounds ex MS 4; Wigram, St Frideswide's Cart., pp. 8-9, bounds ex MS 3; PN Oxon., ii. 485-6, 489, bounds of Cowley, Cutslow and Whitehill only; Reed 1979, p. 183, bounds of Upper Winchendon only, ex Wigram


Whitelock, EHD, no. 127 (pp. 590-3)


Plummer 1892; 1899, ii, p. 182, spurious; Stevenson 1896, p. 737 n. 28, authentic; Liebermann 1913, pp. 69-70; Grundy, Oxon., pp. 15-17, 24-6, on Oxon. bounds; Stenton 1936, pp. 105-6, authentic (= 1970, pp. 226-7); Tengstrand 1940, pp. 106-7; Forsberg 1950, p. 30, on bounds; PN Oxon., i. 3, 4, 6, 27, 39, 32, 35, ii. 267, 268, 271, 485-6, 489; Baines 1972, on Winchendon bounds; Gelling, ECTV, no. 289 (pp. 78, 137-8), may be interpolated; Reed 1979, pp. 181-4, on bounds; Whitelock, EHD, p. 590, authentic, bounds may not be contemporary, section concerning Headington perhaps a spurious addition; Keynes 1980, pp. 96, 127, 204-5, 260, authentic; Cooper 1985, pp. 16-17, 21-3, on Whitehill and Cotteslowe bounds; Blair 1994, pp. 128, 167-8, on Cowley boundary; on background; Pelteret 1995, p. 282

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    Old Text

    • Anno dominicae incarnationis millesimo quarto, indictione secunda, anno uero imperii mei uicesimo quinto, dei disponente prouidentia, ego Æ∂elred, totius Albionis monarchiam gubernans, monasterium quoddam in urbe situm quae Oxoneforde appellatur, ubi beata requiescit Frideswide libertate priuilegii auctoritate regali pro cunctipatrantis amore stabiliui, et territoria quae ipsi adiacent Christi archisterio noui restauratione libelli recuperaui, cunctisque hanc paginam intuentibus qua ratione id actum sit paucis uerborum signis retexam. Omnibus enim in hac patria degentibus sat constat fore notissimum, quoddam a me decretum cum consilio optimatum satrapumque meorum exiuit, ut cuncti Dani qui in hac insula uelut lolium inter triticum pullulando emerserant, iustissima examinatione necarentur, hocque decretum morte tenus ad effectum perduceretur, ipsi quique in praefata urbe morabantur Dani mortem euadere nitentes, hoc Christi sacrarium fractis per uim ualuis et pessulis, intrantes asylum sibi propugnaculumque contra urbanos suburbanosque inibi fieri decreuerunt; sed cum populus omnis insequens, necessitate compulsus, eos eiicere niteretur nec ualeret, igne tabulis iniecto, hanc aecclesiam, ut liquet, cum munimentis ac libris, combusserunt. Postquam dei adiutorio a me et a meis constat renouata, et ut praefatus sum, retentis priuilegii dignitate cum adiacentibus sibi territoriis in Christi onomate roborata, et omni libertate donata, tam in regalibus exactionibus quam in aecclesiasticis omnino consuetudinibus. Si autem fortuito aliquo contigeret tempore aliquem uesanae mentis, quod absit, irretitum desidia, huiusce donationis nostrae munus, satagente diabolo, defraudare, anathema sanctae dei aecclesiae excipiat aeternum, mortis nisi ante exitum questionem tam calumpniferam ad satisfactionem perducat exoptabilem. Istis terminis praefati monasterii rura circumcincta clarescunt. (Reconstruction of bounds from Wigram, St Frideswide's Cartulary - MS evidence interpreted with considerable latitude) + ˝is sondon ˇara .x. hida land emara into Wincandone. Arest of æsculfes willan on ˇa biris dic on hundryˇe treow of ˇan treowe on twam moran of ˇan moran on ˇæt heafedland of ˇam heafedland on toen willan riˇige of ˇam riˇige on bicanbroce of ˇam broce on tama andlang tamae to ebbeslade of ˇam slade to merwille from merwille to rugan hlæye of ˇam hlaye on ˇone fulan pitte of ˇam pitte on risc broc of risce broce on wotesbroce of wotesbroce eft in to æsculfes willan. + ˝is syndon ˇara ˇreora hida land maræ into wihthille, ˇæt is of ealdon hensing' lade ofer ˇe clyf on ˇam stennithtanwege, of ˇan wege on langan hlawe, of ˇam hlaewe on ˇa porte strete, of ˇara strete on cere willam stream, swa æfter streame ˇ hit scyt eft into hensing lade. + ˘is sondon ˇara ˇreora hide langemara into Couelea, of cere willa bricga and lang streames on ˇa riˇig, wid hacelinges crofte andlang rightes estward ˇæt hit comæ into ofranfurlange, ˇæt scyt upp nordwerd to hwet furlanges heafde, of ˇam hefde on ˇat riˇig east weard to mer higte, of ˇam hyge in to ˇam broce, of dam broce to den acere, of ˇam aceron into hocce mære, of ˇam mere in to Gifetelea, of gifetelea into ˇam broce, of ˇam broce eft into cere willan. ˝is sind ˇara ˇreora hida lande marae into Cu∂ues hlawe, erest of ˇere portestrete on trilwille of ∂ere wille on ˇet riˇig, of ˇam riˇie to ˇes biscopes gemeron, of ˇem gemarun in to wifeleslace on ˇed slad, of ˇam slade on wyfeleshille, of ˇare hille on hyne. De L .rii S. Frideswide. This priuilege was idith in Hedington .myn owne mynster in Oxenford. There seint Frideswide .alle that fredome that any fre mynstre frelubest .mid sake and mid socna, mid tol and mid teme, and with . of Hedington, and of all the londe that therto be .and in felde and alle other thinge and ryth that y .belyueth and byd us for quike and dede, and alle other .alle other bennyfeyt, and alle other thinge that ther . Scripta fuit haec scedula iussu praefati regis in uilla regia, quae .appellatur, die octauarum beati Andreae apostoli hiis consentientibus p .qui subtus notati uidentur. + Ego Æ∂elredus rex Anglorum hoc priuilegium Christi nomine perpetua libertate praedicto donaui. + Ego Ælfrich Dorouernensis aecclesiae archipraesul corroboraui sub anathemate. + Ego Wulfstan Eboracensis ciuitatis archipontifex confirmaui. + Ego Æ∂elric Scireburnensis episcopus consensi. + Ego Ælfgiua thoro consecrata regio hanc donationem sublimaui. + Ego Æ∂elstan regalium primogentius filiorum cum fratribus meis testis be .interfui. + Ego Ælfean Wentanus antistes consignaui. + Ego Ælfstan Fontanensis aecclesiae episcopus consolidaui. + Ego Ælfun Lundoniensis aecclsiae episcopus consecraui. + Ego Godwine Lychefeldensis aecclesiae episcopus communiui. + Ego Ordbyrt Australium Saxonum episcopus conclusi. + Ego Æ∂elbrit Scireburnensis aecclesiae episcopus consensi. + Ego Ælfeod Cridiensis aecclesiae episcopus uegetaui. + Ego Ælfric dux. + Ego Leofwyne dux. + Ego Wulfgar abbas. + Ego Ælfsige abbas. + Ego Æ∂elmer comes. + Ego Ordulf comes. + Ego Æ∂elmer comes. + Ego Ælfryc comes. + Ego Ælfgar comes. + Ego Goda minister. + Ego Æ∂elwerd comes. + Ego Æ∂elwyne comes. + Ego Ordmere comes. + Ego Leofwyne comes. + Ego Godwyne comes.