A.D. 1021 x 1023. King Cnut to Æfic, monk; grant of 5 hides (cassaturae) at Newnham, Northants. Latin with English bounds




1. London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 24 (s. xi 1; BM Facs., iv. 16)
2. London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian B. XXIV, ff. 20v-21v (s. xii/xiii; partly erased and emended on the basis of S 957)


K, 736; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 6, no. 6


Reynolds 2002, pp. 176, 192, on burial feature in bounds; BM Facs., iv, p. 7, contemporary; Larson 1910, p. 725 n. 28, cited; Stevenson 1914, p. 698 n. 44, contemporary; PN Northants., p. 26 n. 1, on bounds; HRH, p. 233, probably original, subscriptions are consistent; Hart, ECNE, no. 19, original, drawn up by diocesan bishop; Brown et al. 1977, pp. 165-9, on bounds; Brown and Key 1977-8, p. 5, on bounds; Keynes 1978, p. 169, on chrismon; Whitelock, EHD, p. 378, contemporary; Keynes 1980, pp. 27 n. 39, 28 n. 46; Brown et al. 1990-1, on bounds; Heslop 1992, p. 306, cited with reference to chrismon; Lawson 1993, pp. 67, 240, apparent original; Keynes 1994a, pp. 49-50, original, issued c. 1023, drawn up by diocesan bishop on king's orders; Thompson 2006, pp. 15 et passim, on script

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    Old Text

    • Px Regnante domino nostro Iesu Christo impertuum quamobrem summopere - festinandum ad amoenia arua laetitie ubi ymnicidie iubilationis organa angelica dulcissimaque odoramina flagrantia rosarum a iustis idoneisque capiuntur naribus. Ergo prodigiis manifestissimis sine alique intercapedine demonstratur quod ea que sepissime arbitrantur retineri cum gaudio agillime transeunt sine laetitia. Quapropter ego Cnut basileon Angelsaxonum disponente clementia creantis partem aliquam telluris mei meo dilectissimo familiarissimoque monacho nomine Æuic . in loco quem solicole noto nuncupant nomine . æt Niwanham . quinque cassaturas perpetim concedo . Quatenus possideat et fruatur cum omnibus utensilibus suis pascuis . pratis . siluis . et post se cuicumque uoluerit . heredi sine ullo obstaculo derelinquat . Istud ergo donum ut iam predixeram maneat ab omni seruitio seculari preter arcis munimen et pontis expeditionem . Precipimus uero in nomine saluatoris . ut si in postmodum quisquis alios libellos protulerit nichil omnino contra istum preualeant . sed sint condempnati et anathematizati et ad nichilum redacti . et iste semper firmus stabilisque permaneat ad utilitatem se possidentis. Si quis autem tetri demonis fastu instinctus hoc nostrum decretum infringere uoluerit . sit ipse a sancte dei aecclesiae consortio separatus . et infernalibus . nisi hic prius digna satisfactione penituerit quod contra nostrum decretum deliquit. His limitibus prephatum rus circumgyratur. + ˘is syndon ˇa landgemæra innto Niwanham. Ærest on ˇa dic ˇe Ælfric biscop let dician . of ˇære dic on ˇæne cyric pæ∂ . andlang pæˇes on ∂æne bradan weg . andlang weges on helmstanes lege . of ∂ære lege betwux ˇam twam wegum on ∂æne stocc . of ∂am stocce on ∂a dic . of ∂ære dic on ∂one broc . andlang broces on ˇæt fule sic . of ∂æs sices heafdon into ˇæm pytte . of ∂am pytte on ˇa dic . andlang dice on ∂one wyll . of ∂am wylle on ∂æne pæ∂ . of ∂am pæˇe on ∂æne mær pytt . of ∂am pytte andlang fyrh on ˇa heafda . andlang heafda on ∂æne grenan pæ∂ . andlang pæˇes eft on ∂a heafda . andlang heafda nor∂ on ∂one stybb . of ∂am stybbe on ∂a stræt . andlang stræt on ˇa mær furh . andlang fyrh on ˇam west heafdon . of ∂am heafdon nor∂riht on ∂æne wyll . of ˇam wylle into dræghæma gemære . andlang gemæres on ˇa hæˇenan byrgelsas . of ∂am byrgelson andlang pæˇes on hindehlyp . of hindehlype andlang pæˇæs on ˇa wyrtwalan . of ∂am wyrtwalan on heort sole . of heort sole on ∂oen smeˇan hlæw . of ∂am hlæwe on ∂a furh , adlang fyrh on ∂a wyrtwale . swa be ∂ære wyrtwale on wi∂ig wylle . of ∂ære wylle on ˇæne stodfald ˇanon on ˇæm haran pæ∂ andlang pæˇes on ∂æne mær ∂orn . ˇanon su∂riht on ∂æne heafod æcer . of ∂am heafdon on ∂æne weg . of ∂am wege on ∂a buttucas . of ∂am buttucon on ∂one broc . andlang broces on ˇæt reada clif . of ∂am clife on ˇa furh andlang fyrh on leofsunes heafod æcer sy∂∂an æft doddafordung gemære on ∂a port stræt . of ∂ære stræt su∂riht on ˇæne mere . of ∂am mere on ∂one broc . 7 swa eft upp andlang broces on fearnhylles sic andlang sices be eofordunenga gemære on ˇa stræt . andlang stræt wi∂utan ∂a wyrtwalan ˇanon on ˇa dic ˇe we ær onfengon . 7 an myln binnan doddafordinga landscore . 7 of rotaby innto Niwanham twa hund swina mæsten . 7 wuduræden loca hwæs man be ˇurfe. His testibus consentientibus quorum hic inferius nomina caraxari uidentur. + Ego Cnut totius Brittannie monarchus mee largitatis donum agye crucis taumate roboraui. + Ego Ælfgiuu regina stabilitatem testimonii confirmaui. + Ego Æˇelno∂ Dorobernensis aecclesiae archipresul adquieui. + Ego Wulfstan Eboracensis aecclesie archipresul consignaui. + Ego Æˇericus episcopus in nomine saluatoris iubente rege sub testimonio optimatum hanc scedulam dictitando perscribere iussi. + Ego Godwine episcopus adquieui. + Ego Byrthwold episcopus subscripsi. + Ego Ælfsige episcopus adstipulaui. + Ego Leofsige episcopus consolidaui. + Ego Ælmær episcopus testificaui. + Ego Æˇelwine episcopus non rennui. + Egp Ælfwine episcopus corroboraui. + Ego Æˇelstan episcopus corroboraui. + Ego Æˇelstan episcopus collaudaui. + Ego Godwine dux. + Ego Yric dux. + Ego Eghlaf dux. + Ego Leofwine dux. + Ego Leofric dux. + Ego Ælfwine miles. + Ego Ceolric miles. + Ego Ælfsige abbas. + Ego Æˇelwine abbas. + Ego Leofsige abbas. + Ego Ælfward abbas. + Ego Leofwine abbas. + Ego Eadric abbas. + Ego Eadno∂ abbas. + Ego Brihtwig abbas.