(Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, Pentecost). King Cnut to Christ Church, Canterbury; reversionary grant of land at Folkestone, Kent, after the death of Eadsige, the king's priest. English and Latin versions


Canterbury, Christ Church


1. London, British Library, Stowe Charters 40 (s. xi ex.; English; OS Facs., iii. 41)
2. London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius D. VII, f. 39r (s. xvi; English)
3. London, Lambeth Palace Library, 1212, p. 408 (s. xiii; English)
4. London, British Library, Stowe Charters 40 (Latin; OS Facs., iii. 41)
5. London, Lambeth Palace Library, 582, p. 128 (s. xviii; Latin; note)
6. London, Lambeth Palace Library, 1212, p. 408 (s. xiii; Latin)


K, 1327, English version; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 109 (no. 30), English version ; Thorpe, pp. 326-7, Latin version

Printed and Translated:

Thorpe, pp. 324-6, English version; Robertson, Charters, no. 85 (pp. 168-71), English version


Napier and Stevenson, p. 142 n. 2, untrustworthy; Larson 1910, p. 725 n. 28, dubious; Harmer 1938, pp. 353-6, spurious; Harmer, Writs, p. 239, spurious; Robertson, Charters, pp. 416-19, spurious; Brooks 1984, pp. 300-1, on background; Lawson 1993, pp. 66 n. 29, 169, 237, probably a forgery; Keynes 1994a, pp. 63 n. 105, 66, spurious; Fleming 1997, p. 93 n. 54, possibly forged on basis of CCC 41 (S 1643); Foot 2000, II. 12, 90

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    • + Hic declaratur in hac scriptura quia Cnut rex terram illam que Folkestane dicitur concessit ecclesie Christi Cantuarie quando Eadsinus presbiter suus monachus ibi effectus est . ea uidelicet conuentione ut idem Eadsinus monachus habeat terram illam quamdiu uixerit propter obedientiam qua bene regi seruiuit . Et ipse non potest eandem terram donare nec uendere . nec uerbis forisfacere . nec extirpare de eadem ecclesia Christi . Sed post eius obitum eat terra in dominium conuentus qui tunc seruierit ecclesie Christi cum sake et socne et cum omnibus rebus que prius ad eandem terram pertinebant quoniam barones regis dicebant ei quia olim eadem terra ecclesie Christi fuit in diebus Æthelstani regis et Odonis archiepiscopi . et iuri eiusdem ecclesie sublata cum magna iniustitia . Nunc ergo concedit ipse hanc terram ecclesie Christi pro eterna redemptione anime sue . Et si aliquis hominum fuerit tam audax contra Deum qui hanc regis munificentiam mutare uoluerit ; auertat illum Deus omnipotens a gaudiis regni celestis in profundum inferni nisi ante finem perfectius emendauerit. Hoc fuit factum in Suðrie apud Kyngestune . in die sancto Pentecosten . Et huic rei fuit testis Ælgyua Imma domina et Ægelnothus archiepisopus et Ælfuuinus episcopus Lundonie et Ælfsinus episcopus Wintonie et Ægelricus episcopus de Suðseaxe . et Ælmerus abbas de sancto Augustino . et Wlnothus abbas de Westmonasterio et Ælfwinus abbas de Nouomonasterio et Wlfsinus abbas de Certesie . et Ulf comes et Eglaf comes et Lifricus comes et Haroldus comes . et Yrcus comes et Thoredus steallara et Agamundus et Osgodus Clapa et Tofig et Æluuinus filius Ælfelmi . et Siuuordus de Cilleham et Ægelricus Bigga et Ælwordus de Cantia et Eadmerus de Burhham et omnes consiliarii regis tam ordinati quam laici qui ibi fuerant congregati. Et harum breuium tria sunt . unum in ecclesia Christi . alterum in monasterio sancti Augustini . et tertium in thesauro regis cum reliquiis sanctorum. Her geswutelað on þisum gewrite þæt Cnut kynig læt þæt land æt Folkenstane into Cristes cyrcean on Cantwarabirig þa Eadsi his preost gecyrde þider into . munuce . to þam forewearde þæt Eadsi munuc hit habbe his lyfes timan for his gehyrsumnisse þe he him wel gehyrde . And he hit ne mæg naðor ne gyfen ne syllan . ne forspekan . ne forspillan ut of þam halgan mynstre . Ac æfter his dæge ga þæt land þam hyrede on hand þe þonne Criste þeniað innan þam mynstre . mid sake 7 mid socne 7 mid eallon þam þingon þe þær fyrmest to læg . for þam þe his witan him sædan þæt hit hwilon ær læg þider in on Æþelstanes dæge kyninges 7 on Odan arcebiscopes . 7 hit wearð syððan ut gedon mid mycelan unrihte . Nu geuðe he þis land into Cristes cyrcean his sawle to ecere alysednisse . And gyf ænig sy swa dyrstig on [...]gæn God þæt þis awændan wille awænde hine God ælmihtig fram heofene[rice]s myrcðe in to helle grunde buton he ær his ænde hit þe deopper gebete. Ðis wæs gedon innon Suðrie on Kyngestune . on þone halgan dæg Pentecosten . And þises wæs to gewitnesse . Ælfgyua Imma seo hlæfdige . 7 Ægelnoð arcebiscop . 7 Ælfwi\ne/ biscop on Lundene . 7 Ælfsi biscop on Winceastre . 7 Ægelric biscop on Suðsexan . 7 Ælmær abbud æt sancte Augustine 7 Wulnoð abbud æt Westmynstre 7 Ælfwine abbud æt Niwan mynstre . 7 Wulfsi abbud æt Certesige . and Ulf eorl 7 Eglaf eorl 7 Lyfwine eorl 7 Harold eorl . 7 Yric eorl . 7 Þored steallara . 7 Agamund . 7 Osgod Clapa 7 Tofig . 7 Ægelwine Ælfhelmes sunu . 7 Siword æt Cilleham . 7 Ægelric Bigga 7 Ælfword \se/ Kæntisca 7 Eadmer æt Burhham . 7 ealle þæs kynges rædgyfan ge haðode 7 læwede þe þær gesamnod wæron. And þissera gewrita synd þreo An is innon Cristes cyrcean . 7 oðer æt sancte Augustine . 7 þæt þridde is inne mid þæs kynges haligdome.
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    • Old English text Here is declared in this document that King Cnut let out the estate at Folkestone to Christ Church at Canterbury, when his priest Eadsige became a monk in that place, on the condition that the monk Eadsige should hold it for his lifetime for his obedience, which he had truly showed him. And he may neither give nor sell it away from the holy minster, nor forfeit, nor waste it. But after his day, the estate is to pass into the possession of the community, which then serves Christ within the minster, with sake and soke, with everything that most belonged thereto; because his counsellors (witan) told him that it had belonged there in the days of King Æthelstan and of Archbishop Oda and had later been given away with great injustice. Now he has granted this property to Christ Church for the eternal redemption of his soul. And if anyone be so rash in the face of God that he wishes to pervert this, may Almighty God divert him from the sweetness of heaven into the pit of hell, unless before his death he shall make amends even more fully. This was done at Kingston in Surrey on the holy day of Pentecost. And there was in witness: the Lady Ælfgifu Emma, and Archbishop Æthelnoth, and Bishop Ælfwi[g] of London, and Bishop Ælfsige of Winchester, and Bishop Æthelric of Sussex, and Abbot Ælfmær of St Augustine’s, and Abbot Wulfnoth of Westminster, and Abbot Ælfwine of the New Minster, and Abbot Wulfsige of Chertsey, and Earl Ulf, and Earl Leofwine, and Earl Harold, and Earl Eric, and Thored the staller, and Agemund, and Osgod Clapa, and Tofig, and Æthelwine Ælfhelm’s son, and Siweard of Chilham, and Æthelric Bigga, and Ælfweard the Kentishman, and Eadmær of Burham, and all the king’s counsellors — both in holy orders and lay — who were gathered there. And there are three of these documents: one is at Christ Church; the second at St Augustine’s; and the third is in with the king’s relics.
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    Old Text

    • Her geswutela∂ on ˇisum gewrite ˇæt Cnut kynig læt ˇæt land æt Folkenstane into Cristes cyrcean on Cantwarabirig ˇa Eadsi his preost gecyrde ˇiderin to munuce . to ˇam forewearde ˇæt Eadsi munuc hit habbe his lyfes timan for his gehyrsumnisse ˇe he him wel gehyrde. And he hit ne mæg na∂or ne gyfen ne syllan . ne forspekan . ne forspillan ut of ˇam halgan mynstre. Ac æfter his dæge ga ˇæt land ˇam hyrede on hand ˇe ˇonne Criste ˇenia∂ innan ˇam mynstre . mid sake 7 mid socne 7 mid eallon ˇam ˇingon ˇe ˇær fyrmest tolæg . forˇamˇe his witan him sædan ˇæt hit hwilon ær læg ˇiderin on Æ∂elstanes dæge kyninges 7 on Odan arcebiscopes . 7 hit wear∂ sy∂∂an ut gedon mid mycelan unrihte. Nu geu∂e he ˇis land into Cristes cyrcean his sawle to ecere alysednisse. And gyf ænig sy swa dyrstig ongæn God ˇæt ˇis awændan wille awænde hine God ælmihtig fram heofene[rice]s myrc∂e into helle grunde buton he ær his ænde hit ˇe deopper gebete. ˘is wæs gedon innon Su∂rie on Kyngestune . on ˇone halgan dæg pentecosten. And ˇises wæs to gewitnesse Ælfgyua Imma seo hlæfdige . 7 Ægelno∂ arcebiscop . 7 Ælfwi'ne' biscop on Lundene . 7 Ælfsi biscop on Winceastre . 7 Ægelric biscop on Su∂sexan . 7 Ælmær abbud æt sancte Augustine 7 Wulno∂ abbud æt Westminstre 7 Ælfwine abbud æt Niwan Mynstre . 7 Wulfsi abbot æt Certesige . And Ulf eorl 7 Eglaf eorl 7 Lyfwine eorl 7 Harold eorl . 7 Yric eorl . 7 ˝ored steallara 7 Agamund . 7 Osgod Clapa 7 Tofig . 7 Ægelwine Ælfhelmes sunu . 7 Siword æt Cilleham . 7 Ægelric bigga 7 Ælfword 'se' Kæntisca 7 Eadmer æt Burhham . 7 ealle ˇæs kynges rædgyfan geha∂ode 7 læwede ˇe ˇær gesamnod wæron. And ˇissera gewrita synd ˇreo an is innon Cristes cyrcean . 7 o∂er æt sancte Augustine . 7 ˇæt ˇridde is inne mid ˇæs kynges haligdome.