
10 charters
  • S 240. A.D. 693 = ? 692 (30 Dec.). Ine, king of the Saxons, to Froda, abbot; grant of 40 hides (cassati) by the river Isle, and a wood called Stretmerch, Somerset. Latin
  • S 244. A.D. 702. Ine, king of the Saxons, to Beganus (? Beaga); grant of one hide (mansa) Athom (possibly Ham, near Muchelney, Somerset) and a fishery on the river Parret. Latin with bounds in Latin and English
  • S 1176. A.D. 708. Bealdhun (Bealthun) to Froda, abbot; grant of fishery called Swynwere in the river Parret, Somerset. Latin
  • S 249. A.D. 725. Ine, king of Wessex, to Froda, abbot, and the community at Muchelney; grant of 20 hides (manentes) at Ilminster, Somerset. Latin with English bounds
  • S 261. A.D. 762 (Pentric, ? Pentridge, Dorset). Cynewulf, king of Wessex, to Eadwald, abbot, and Muchelney Abbey; grant of 8 hides (cassati) between the rivers Earn (now the Fivehead) and Isle, probably at Isle Abbotts, Somerset. Latin with bounds
  • S 455. A.D. 934 x 939. King Athelstan to Muchelney Abbey and the brethren there; grant of land at Curry Rivel, 5 hides (mansae) at Stowey in Fivehead, Somerset, and 1 hide held by a layman, Muda. The grant is entered in a gospel-book. Latin with English bounds
  • S 729. A.D. 964. King Edgar to Muchelney Abbey; confirmation of liberties, including the right of the community to elect its own abbot after the death of Bishop Ælfwold (of Sherborne). Latin
  • S 740. A.D. 966. King Edgar to Ælfwold, bishop; grant of 10 hides (cassati) at Isle Abbotts, Somerset. Latin with English bounds
  • S 884. A.D. 995. King Æthelred to Muchelney Abbey; confirmation of estates, with particular reference to land at Ilminster, which had been leased out by the abbey and then lost, and land at Camel, Somerset, partly purchased by Abbot Leofric with Æthelred's alms and partly donated by Ealdorman Æthelmær. Latin
  • S 1570. Bounds of Kingsbury Episcopi, Somerset. English
1 manuscript