A.D. 604 x 616. Æthelberht, king, to Mellitus, bishop, and St Paul's minster; grant of land at Tillingham, Essex. Latin


London, St Paul's


1. London, British Library, Lansdowne 364, f. 124r (s. xvii)
2. London, St Paul's DC., W.D., 1, f. 38v (s. xiii med.)
3. London, St Paul's DC., W.D., 4, f. 5v (s. xiii)
4. London, St Paul's DC., Liber B, f. 20r (s. xii; lost)
5. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dodsworth 10 (S.C. 4152), f. 8r (s. xvii)


Mon. Angl., iii. 299; Dugdale, St Paul's, p. 181, ex MSS 2, 4; Dugdale, St Paul's (rev. edn), Appendix, p. 5, ex MSS 2, 4; K, 982, ex Dugdale; Corner 1858, pp. 92-5; HS, pp. 59-60; B, 8; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 3, no. 1; Morris 1995, pp. 108-9, ex B


Corner 1858; HS, pp. 59-60, questionable or spurious; Hart 1957, pp. 29-30, on Tillingham; Hart, ECE, no. 1 (pp. 8-9), spurious but may be based on a genuine tradition; Whitelock 1975, p. 4, n. 5, forged; Scharer 1982, p. 62, spurious; Taylor 1992, p. 291 n. 20, unreliable but Tillingham probably a genuine foundation grant; Kelly, St Augustine's, p. lxxiv n. 18, fabrication incorporating a genuine witness-list of c. 670 x 676.

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    • In Christi nomine. Æðelbertus rex Deo inspirante, pro anime sue remedio, dedit episcopo Mellito terram que appellatur Tillincgeham ad monasterii sui solatium, scilicet monasterii sancti Pauli apostoli doctoris gentium. Et ego rex Æðelbertus ita firmiter concedo tibi presuli Mellito potestatem eius habendi et possidendi, ut inperpetuum in monasterii utilitate permaneat. Si quis uero contradicere temptauerit hanc donationem, anathema et excommunicatus sit ab omni societate christiana usque ad satisfactionem. Qua de re ego episcopus Mellitus, una cum rege Æðelberto, Hunfredum episcopum subscribere rogaui. Signum manus Hunfredi episcopi. Signum manus Letharii episcopi. Signum manus Æbane. Signum manus Æþelwaldi. Signum manus Æscwine, et aliorum multorum.
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    • In the name of Christ. Æthelberht, by the Grace of God king, for the salvation of his soul, gave to bishop Mellitus land that is called Tillingham for the comfort of his monastery, namely, the monastery of St Paul the apostle, teacher of the gentiles. And I, King Æthelberht, grant very resolutely to you, Bishop Mellitus, the power of having and possessing it, so that it remain in perpetuity for the use of the monastery. If indeed anyone should attempt to dispute this gift, may he be accursed and excommunicated from all Christian society until penance [is made]. Wherefore, I, Bishop Mellitus, together with King Æthelberht, asked Bishop Hunfred to subscribe. Mark of the hand of Hunfred, bishop. Mark of the hand of Leuthhere, bishop. Mark of the hand of Æbane. Mark of the hand of Æthelwald. Mark of the hand of Æscwine, and of many others.
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    Old Text

    • In Christi nomine. Æ∂elbertus rex deo inspirante pro anime sue remedio dedit episcopo Mellito terram que appellatur Tillincgeham ad monasterii sui solatium, scilicet monasterii sancti Pauli apostoli doctoris gentium. Et ego rex Æ∂elbertus ita firmiter concedo tibi presuli Mellito potestatem eius habendi et possidendi, ut in perpetuum in monasterii utilitate permaneat. Si quis uero contradicere temptauerit hanc donationem, anathema et excommunicatus sit ab omni societate Christiana usque ad satisfactionem. Qua de re ego episcopus Mellitus, una cum rege Æ∂elberto, Hunfredum episcopum subscribere rogaui. Signum manus Hunfredi episcopi. Signum manus Letharii episcopi. Signum manus Æbane. Signum manus Æˇelwaldi. Signum manus Æscwine. Et aliorum multorum.