A.D. 1023. King Cnut to Christ Church, Canterbury; grant of the port of Sandwich. Latin and English versions


Canterbury, Christ Church


1. Canterbury, D.C., S 259 (s. xii 1; Latin; OS Facs., i. 21)
2. Canterbury, D.C., S 261 (s. xi/xii; Latin; OS Facs., i. 20)
3. London, British Library, Stowe Charters 39 (s. xii 1; Latin; OS Facs., iii. 40)
4. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. hist. a. 2 (S.C. 31346), no. VIIIa (s. xi/xii; Latin; BA Facs., no. 34)
5. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 189, ff. 195-201v (s. xii; Latin; note)
6. Canterbury, D.C., S 262 (s. xiii; Latin)
7. Canterbury, D.C., Reg. A, ff. 144v-145r (s. xiii; Latin)
8. Canterbury, D.C., Reg. B, f. 171r-v (s. xv; Latin)
9. Canterbury, D.C., Reg. C, f. 55r-v (s. xiii; Latin)
10. Canterbury, D.C., Reg. E, f. 45r (s. xiii ex.; Latin)
11. Canterbury, D.C., Reg. E, f. 200r-v (s. xiii ex.; Latin)
12. Canterbury, D.C., Reg. I, f. 57r-v (s. xiii ex.; Latin)
13. Canterbury, D.C., Reg. O, ff. 180r-181r (s. xiii 2; Latin)
14. Canterbury, D.C., Reg. P, f. 28r-v (s. xiii in.; Latin)
15. London, British Library, Add. 14907, ff. 20v-21r (s. xviii; Latin)
16. London, Lambeth Palace Library, 1370, f. 70r (s. xii; Latin; summary)
17. London, Lambeth Palace Library, 582 (s. xviii; Latin; extracts)
18. London, Lambeth Palace Library, 1212 (s. xiii; Latin; summary)
19. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. hist. a. 2 (S.C. 31346), no. VIIIb (s. xviii; Latin; ex 4)
20. Maidstone, Kent Archives Office, DRc/R1 (Textus Roffensis) (s. xii 1; Latin; incomplete summary)
21. Canterbury, D.C., S 260 (s. xi 2; English; OS Facs., i. 19)
22. Canterbury, D.C., Reg. A, f. 144r-v (s. xiii; English)
23. Canterbury, D.C., Reg. E, ff. 44v-45r (s. xiii ex.; English)


Twysden, X Scriptores, cols 2225-6, Latin, summary version; Hearne, Textus Roffensis, p. 37, Latin, summary version; K, 737, Latin, full version, ex MSS 1, 2, 6; K, 1328, Latin, summary version; K, 737, English version, ex MS 21; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 99 (no. 4), Latin, summary version; Thorpe, pp. 314-16, Latin, full version, ex MSS 1, 2, 3, 6; Thorpe, p. 335, Latin, summary version; Napier and Stevenson, pp. 27-9 (no. 12), Latin, full version, ex MS 4; Pierquin, Recueil, pt 6, no. 6 bis, Latin, full version; Fleming 1997, p. 151 (no. 86), Latin, summary version, ex MS 14

Printed and Translated:

Thorpe, pp. 316-19, English version, ex MS 21; Robertson, Charters, pp. 158-61 (no. 82), English version, ex MS 21


Napier and Stevenson, pp. 136-51, post-Conquest forgery perhaps founded on genuine charter of Cnut; Ward 1943, pp. 25-6; Harmer, Writs, pp. 177 n. 1, 426, linguistic forms of English version later than Cnut's reign; authenticity not entirely above suspicion; Stenton 1955, p. 17, diplomatically acceptable, either represents or is modelled in minute detail on charter of 1023; Robertson, Charters, pp. 406-11, xxvii, authentic; p. xxvii (correction) linguistic forms later than Cnut's time; Ker 1960, p. 18, scribe of MS 4 identified with one working in 1107; HRH, p. 236, subscriptions are consistent, charter has at least an authentic base; Brooks 1984, pp. 292-4, 388 n. 140, may be a post-Conquest forgery based on a more restricted original diploma of 1023; on script; Tatton-Brown 1984, p. 19, on topography; BA Facs., p. 10; Dumville 1993, p. 133, cited; Lawson 1993, pp. 66 n. 29, 169, 237, probably forged; Keynes 1994a, p. 52 n. 51, probably spurious

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    • + In nomine Dei summi et saluatoris nostri Iesu Christi . Certis adstipulationibus nos sancti et iusti patres frequentatiuis orationibus admonent . ut Deum quem diligimus et credimus intima mentis affectione cum bonorum operum diligentia incessanter eum timeamus et amemus . Quia retributionem omnium actuum nostrorum in die examinationis iuxta uniuscuiusque meritum reddet . Ideoque subtilissima mentis certatione illum imitari satagamus . licet mortalis uite pondere pressi et labentibus huius seculi possessionibus simus infoecati . tamen miserationis eius largitate caducis opibus eterna celestis uite premia mercari queamus . Quapropter ego CNVT . diuina fauente gratia . Anglorum ceterarumque adiacentium insularum basileus . propriis manibus meis capitis mei coronam pono super altare Christi in Dorobernia ad opus eiusdem ecclesie et concedo eidem ecclesie ad uictum monachorum portum de Sanduuic . et omnes exitus eiusdem aque ab utraque parte fluminis cuiuscumque terra sit . a Pipernæsse usque ad Mearcesfleote . ita ut natante naue in flumine cum plenum fuerit . quam longius de naui potest securis paruula quam Angli uocant tapereax super terram proici . ministri ecclesie Christi rectitudines accipiant . Nullusque omnino homo habet aliquam consuetudinem in eodem portu . exceptis monachis ecclesie Christi . Eorum autem est nauicula et transfretatio portus . et theloneum omnium nauium cuiuscumque sit et undecumque ueniat que ad predictum portum et ad Sanduuic uenerint . Si quid autem in magno mari extra portum quantum mare plus se retraxerit et adhuc statura unius hominis tenentis lignum quod Angli nominant spreot et tendentis ante se quantum potest : monachorum est . Quicquid etiam ex hac parte medietatis maris inuentum et delatum ad Sanduuic fuerit : siue sit uestimentum siue rete . arma . ferrum . aurum . argentum : medietas monachorum erit . Alia pars remanebit inuentoribus Quod si alter deinceps quilibet codicellulus emerserit . qui prisce tempestatis stilo digestus . huic nostre confirmationi uisus fuerit aliquatenus refragari : illius modi litterature membranula suricum morsibus conrodenda aut certe potius igniuomi uaporis incendio comburenda adnichiletur . eiusque presentator cuiuscumque extiterit persone . pro purgamento fauille deputetur . et ignominiosissima confusione subsannetur . et ab omnibus in circuitu presentibus unianimo detestetur . Huiusque priuilegii rata confirmatio semper inposterum preualeat . et tam Dei omnipotentis auctoritate . quam mea simul et omnium concorditer optimatum corroboratione confirmata . contra uniuersa refragatorum cogitamenta . cunctis succedentibus aeui temporibus . stabilis et inconcussa columnaris status similitudine . perseuerantissimo iure consolidetur . Si autem quod non optamus aliquis tumido supercilio inflatus hanc nostram corroborationem infringere uel minuere temptauerit . nouerit se anathematizatum esse a Deo et sanctis eius . ni ante mortem digna satisfactione emendauerit . quod iniuste deliquit . Scripta est hec scedula anno ab incarnatione Domini nostri Iesu Christi . millesimo xxiii . his testibus concordantibus quorum onomata inferius lucide karaxantur. + Ego CNVT . rex Anglorum . hanc litterature confirmationem indeclinabiliter confirmo. + Ego Æþelnoðus Dorobernicus archipresul hanc prerogatiuam uexillo sancto confirmaui. + Ego Ælfricus Eboracensis ecclesie archiepiscopus . eiusdem regis beniuolentiam cum sancte crucis signo corroboro. + Ego Ælfwius . Lundoniensis ecclesie pontifex . consensi. + Ego Ælfsinus Wentonie episcopus assensum prebui. + Ego Bryhtwoldus Coruiniensis ecclesie episcopus . condonaui. + Ego Æþelricus . Dorccensis ecclesie episcopus consolidaui. + Ego Ælmær biscop. + Ego Godwine biscop. + Ego Bryhtwine biscop. + Ego Æþelstan . biscop. + Ego Ælmær abb’. + Ego Brihtmær abb’. + Ego Brihtwig abb’. + Ego Wulfnoð abb’. + Ego Godwine dux. + Ego Eglaf dux. + Ego Þrym dux. + Ego Yric dux. + Ego Thord minister. + Ego Agemund . minister. + Ego Ægelric . minister. + Ego Ælfwine . minister. + Ego Brihtric . minister. + Ego Leofric . minister. + Ego Siræd . minister. + Ego Godwine . minister. + Ego Eadmær . minister. English version: + On ðas hegestes Godes . 7 ures hlauordes hælendes Cristes naman . Ure halige 7 ure rihtwise fæderes mid soðre gefæstnunge . 7 mid gelomrædre menunge us gemenegið þæt we ðone ælmihti God ðe we luuiað 7 we onbeleuað mid inweardre gelustfulnesse ure heorten 7 mid geornfulnesse godre wurke unatirendlice ondræden 7 luuian . Forði ðe he scel geldan edlean ealre ure weorke on domesdæge æfter æghwilces mannes earnunge . 7 forði mid ðam hehlicastan gewinne ures modes swinke we him to gefolgienne þeahðe we gesæmde beon mid ðare berdene ðas deadlices liues . 7 ðare gewitendre æhte þises middaneardes beon awemde . þeahhwædere we magen gebecgen ðe ece meden ðas heouenlices liues mid þam riosenden welan ; 7 forði ic CNUT ðurh Godes geue Ænglelandes kining 7 ealre ðare Eglande þe ðærto licgeð . legge upan Cristes weouod inne Cantwareberig mines heouodes kinehelm mid minen agenen handen to ðas ilcen menstres freme . 7 ic ann þam ilikan menstre to ðare munece bigleoue ða hæuene on Sandwic 7 ealle ða lændinge 7 þa gehrihte of ðam ilkan wætere of ægder healue ðas streames age land seðe hit age . fram Pipernæsse to Mærcesfleote . swa þæt þonne hit bið full flod 7 þæt scip bið aflote swa feorr swa mæg an taperæx beon geworpen ut of ðam scipe up on þæt land þa gereflanges of Cristes circean underfon ða gerihte . Ne næfre nan man an anes kennes wisan næfð nænne anweald on þare ilicere hæue\ne/ butan ða munekes of Cristes circean . 7 heore is þæt scip 7 si ouerfæreld þare hæuene . 7 si tolne of ealle scipen bi þas ðe hit beo 7 cume ðanon þe hit cume þe to þare ilicare hæuene æt Sandwic cumð . 7 gif aht is in ðare micelre sæ wiðutan ðare hæuene swa micel swa seo sæ heo mæst wiðteohð 7 git anes mannes længe þe healt ænne spreot on his hand 7 strecð hine swa feor swa he mæg aræcen into ðare sæ þæt is ðare muneke . 7 eal þæt ðe of ðas healue þare middel sæ wurð gefunden 7 to Sandwic gebroht . bi hit scrud . bi hit net . oððe wæpne . oððe isen . gold oððe seoluer þæt healue dæl sceal beon ðare muneke . 7 þæt oðer dæl scel beliuan þam ðe hit findæð . 7 gif ænig oðer gewrit heoneforð wurð forð gebroht þe beo heortoforen gemaked þe on æniges kinnes wisen beo geðuht þissere ure gefæstnunge to wiðcweðene þæt gewrit beo geworpen musen to gnagene oððe on fere to forbærnenne . 7 se ðe hit forðbrængð beo swilces hades swilc he beo bio he gehealden for æscegeswap . 7 mid ealre ðare unwurðreste scame beo he gescænt 7 of eallan þan mannen ðe ðær gehænde beoð mid ane mode wurðe he gescuned . 7 seo strange gefæstnunge þi\i/sere landboc æfre ma heoneforð beo gestranged . 7 ægder mid ðas ælmihtiges Godes ealderdome 7 mire . 7 ealre minre ðegene gefæstnunge togænes ealre þare wiðcweðendre smæigunge on ecnesse staðelfæst 7 unawægendlic mid ðurhwuniende rihte beo gefæstned . 7 gif ænig is þæt gewilnað oððe to brekene oððe to gelitligene mid toðundene modignesse þas ure gefæstnunge : wite he hine selfne amansumod fram Gode 7 fram eallen his halgan . butan he toforan ðam deaðe mid wurðe behriwsunge gebete þæt he unrihtwislice forgelte . Ðeos landboc wæs gewriten on ðan þusende 7 ðri 7 twentehte gære fram ures hlauordes hælendes Cristes akennednesse . mid ðare geðwærunge þissere manne þe here naman heræfter beoð gewritene. + Ic CNUT se kining of Ænglelande þas gefæstnunge of ðisen gewrite unawendedlice gefæstni + Ic Ægelnoð ercebiscop of Cantwareberig þas sundergeoue mid þam halige tacne getremde. + Ic Ælfric se ercebiscop of Euerwic ðas ilces kinges godne wille mid ðam halege rode tacne gefæstni. + Ic Ælfwine se biscop of Lundene geðwærðe. + Ic Ælfwine biscop of Wincæstre gæf geðwærunge. + Ic Brihwald biscop Coruiniensis ecclesie geðwærde. + Ic Ægelric biscop of Dorsætscire gefæstnede. + Ic Ælmer biscop. + Ic Godwine bisceop. + Ic Brihtwine biscop. + Ic Æðelstan biscop. + Ic Ælmær abbod. + Ic Brihtmær abbod. + Ic Brihtwine abbod. + Ic Wulnoð abbod. + Ic Godwine eorl. + Ic Ægelaf eorl. + Ic Ðrim eorl. + Ic Yric eorl. + Ic Ðord minister. + Ic Agemund . minister. + Ic Ægelric . minister. + Ic Ælfwine . minister. + Ic Brihtric . minister. + Ic Leofric . minister. + Ic Siræd . minister. + Ic Godwine . minister. + Ic Eadmær . minister. Summary version: [C]nut rex Anglorum dedit ecclesie Christi brachium sancti Bartholomei cum magno pallio et sui capitis auream coronam et portum de Sanduuic et omnes exitus eiusdem aque ab utraque fluminis parte, ita ut natante naue in flumine cum plenum fuerit quam longius de naui potest securis paruula super terram proici debet a ministris ecclesie Christi rectitudo nauis accipi. Nullus omnino hominum aliquam consuetudinem in eodem portu habet exceptis monachis ecclesie Christi. Eorum quoque est transfretatio portus et nauicula et theloneum nauicule et omnium nauium que ad Sandwic uenerint a Pepernessa usque Northmutha. Si quid autem in magno mari repertum fuerit delatum Sandwic medietatem Christi ecclesia habebit . Reliqua uero pars inuentoribus remanebit.
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    • In the name of the most high God and of our Lord the Saviour Christ. Our holy and righteous fathers with true exhortation and with frequent admonition remind us that we should fear and love with inward joyfulness of heart and with zeal in good works the Almighty God whom we love and believe in. Since he shall requite all our works on the Day of Judgement, according to everyone’s deserts, let us strive with the utmost effort of our minds to follow him. Although we are laden with the burden of this mortal life and defiled with the transitory property of this world, yet we may purchase the eternal reward of heavenly life with these perishable riches. And therefore I, Cnut, by the grace of God king of England and of all the adjacent islands, lay the royal crown from my head with my own hands upon the altar of Christ in Canterbury for the benefit of the said monastery, and I grant to the said monastery for the sustenance of the monks the harbour at Sandwich and all the landing places and the water dues from both sides of the river, from Pepperness to Mærcesfleote, whoever may own the land , in such wise that whenever it is high tide and a ship is afloat, the officers of Christ Church shall receive the dues from as far inland as can be reached by a taperæx thrown from the ship. And no-one shall ever in any kind of way have any control in the said harbour, except the monks of Christ Church, and theirs is to be the ship and the ferrying across the harbour and the toll of every ship that comes to the said harbour at Sandwich, whatever it be and wherever it come from . And if there is anything in the high sea outside the harbour, the rights of the monks shall extend as far as the utmost limit to which the sea recedes and the length of a man, who in addition holds a pole in his hand as far as he can stretch [it] out into the sea, and half of all that is found on this side of the ‘middle sea’ and brought to Sandwich—whether it be clothing or nets or weapons, or iron, gold or silver—shall go to the monks, and the other half shall be left to those who find it. And if any other document is henceforth produced which has been made heretofore and which in any kind of way be thought to contradict this our confirmation, that document shall be cast to mice to gnaw or into the fire to be burned up, and he who produces it, of whatever rank he may be, shall be regarded as the sweepings of ashes and be made to appear contemptible with the most ignominious shame and [be] unanimously shunned by all the men who are nearby. And the firm confirmation of this charter shall be strengthened for all time henceforth, and with the authority of almighty God and with mine and with the ratification of all my thegns it shall be established with lasting justice, unwavering and immovable forever against all contradictory deliberations. And if there is anyone who attempts with puffed-up pride either to break or diminish this our confirmation, he shall know himself accursed by God and by all his saints, unless before his death he make amends with valid repentance for what he has unrighteously committed. This charter was written in the year 1023 after the birth of our Lord, the Saviour Christ, with the agreement of these men whose names are recorded hereafter: [Witnesses]
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    Old Text

    • In nomine dei summi et saluatoris nostri Ihesu Christi. Certis adstipulationibus nos sancti patres frequentatiuis orationibus admonent, ut deum quem diligimus et credimus intima mentis affectione cum bonorum operum diligentia incessanter eum timeamus et amemus, quia retributionem omnium actuum nostrorum in die examinationis iuxta uniuscuiusque meritum reddet. Ideoque subtilissima mentis certatione illum imitari satagamus, licet mortalis uitae pondere pressi et labentibus huius saeculi possessionibus simul infoecati, tamen miserationis eius largitate caducis opibus aeterna coelestis uitae praemia mercari queamus. Quapropter ego Cnut diuina fauente gratia Anglorum caeterarumque adiacentium insularum basileus, propriis manibus meis capitis mei [auream] coronam pono super altare Christi in Dorobernia ad opus eiusdem aecclesiae, et concedo eidem aecclesiae ad uictum monachorum portum de Sanduuic et omnes exitus eiusdem aquae ab utraque parte fluminis cuiuscumque terra sit, a Pipernæsse usque ad Mearcesfleote, ita ut natante naue in flumine cum plenum fuerit quam longius de naui potest securis paruula quam Angli uocant taper-eax super terram proiici, ministri aecclesiae Christi rectitudines accipiant, nullusque omnino homo habet aliquam consuetudinem in eodem portu, exceptis monachis aecclesiae Christi. Eorum autem est nauicula et transfretatio portus et theloneum omnium nauium cuiuscumque sit et undecumque ueniat quae ad praedictum portum et ad Sanduuic uenerint. Si quid autem in magno mari extra portum quantum mare plus se retraxerit, et adhuc statura unius hominis tenentis lignum quod Angli nominant spreot et tendentis ante se quantum potest, monachorum est. Quicquid etiam ex hac parte medietatis maris inuentum et delatum ad Sanduuic fuerit, siue sit uestimentum, siue rete, arma, ferrum, aurum, argentum, medietas monachorum erit, alia pars remanebit inuentoribus. Quod si aliter deinceps quilibet codicellulus emerserit qui priscae tempestatis stilo digestus huic nostrae confirmationi uisus fuerit aliquatenus refragari, illius modi litteraturae membranula suricum morsibus conrodenda, aut certe potius igniuomi uaporis incendio comburenda adnichiletur, eiusque praesentator cuiuscumque extiterit personae, pro purgamento fauillae deputetur, et ignominiosissima confusione subsannetur, et ab omnibus in circuitu praesentibus uni animo detestetur. Huiusque priuilegii rata confirmatio semper inposterum praeualeat, et tam dei omnipotentis auctoritate quam mea simul et omnium concorditer optimatum corroboratione confirmata contra uniuersa refragatorum cogitamenta cunctis succedentibus aeui temporibus stabilis et inconcussa, columnaris status similitudine, perseuerantissimo iure consolidetur. Si autem, quod non optamus, aliquis tumido supercilio inflatus hanc nostram corroborationem infringere uel minuere temptauerit, nouerit se anathematizatum esse a deo et sanctis eius, ni ante mortem digna satisfactione emendauerit quod iniuste deliquit. Scripta est haec scedula anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Iesu Christi millesimo .xxiii. his testibus concordantibus quorum onomata inferius lucide karaxantur. + Ego Cnut rex Anglorum hanc litteraturae confirmationem indeclinabiliter confirmo. + Ego Æ∂elno∂us Dorobernicus archipraesul hanc praerogatiuam uexillo sancto confirmaui. + Ego Ælfricus Eboracensis aecclesiae archiepiscopus eiusdem regis beneuolentiam cum sanctae crucis signo corroboro. + Ego Ælfwinus Lundoniensis aecclesiae pontifex consensi. + Ego Ælfsinus Wentoniae episcopus assensum praebui. + Ego Byrhtwoldus Coruiniensis aecclesiae episcopus condonaui. + Ego Æ∂elricus Dorccensis aecclesiae episcopus consolidaui. + Ego Ælmær bisceop. + Ego Godwine bisceop. + Ego Bryhtwine bisceop. + Ego Æ∂elstan bisceop. + Ego Ælmær abbod. + Ego Brihtmær abbod. + Ego Brihtwig abbod. + Ego Wulno∂ abbod. + Ego Godwine dux. + Ego Eglaf dux. + Ego ˘rym dux. + Ego Yric dux. + Ego ˘ord minister. + Ego Agemund minister. + Ego Ægelric minister. + Ego Ælfwine minister. + Ego Brihtric minister. + Ego Leofric minister. + Ego Siræd minister. + Ego Godwine minister. + Ego Eadmær minister. + On ∂as hegestes Godes . 7 ures hlauordes hælendes christes naman . ure halige 7 ure rihtwise fæderes mid so∂re gefæstnunge . 7 mid gelomrædre menunge us gemenegi∂ ˇæt we ∂one ælmihti God ∂e we luuia∂ 7 we onbeleua∂ mid inweardre gelustfulnesse ure heorten 7 mid geornfulnesse godre wurke unatirendlice ondræden 7 luuian . For∂i ∂e he scel geldan edlean ealre ure weorke on domesdæge æfter æghwilces mannes earnunge . 7 for∂i mid ∂am hehlicastan gewinne ures modes swinke we him to gefolgienne ˇeah∂e we gesæmde beon mid ∂are berdene ∂ s deadlices liues . 7 ∂are gewitendre æhte ˇises middaneardes beon awémde . ˇeahhwædere we magen gebecgen ∂a éce meden ∂as heouenlices liues mid ˇam riosenden welan; 7 for∂i ic Cnut ∂urh Godes geue Ænglelandes kining 7 ealre ∂are eglande ˇe ∂ærto licge∂ . legge upan christes weoued inne Cantwareberig mines heouodes kinehelm mid minen agenen h nden to ∂as ilcen menstres freme . 7 ic nn ˇam ilikan menstre to ∂are munece bigleoue ∂a hæuene on Sandwic 7 ealle ∂a lændinge 7 ˇa gehrihte of ∂am ilkan wætere of ægder healue ∂as streames age land se∂e hit age . fram Pipernæsse to Mærcesfleote . swa ˇæt ∂onne hit bi∂ full flód 7 ˇæt scip bi∂ aflote . swa feorr swa mæg an taperæx beon geworpen ut of ∂am scipe up on ˇæt land ˇa gereflanges of christes circean underfon ∂a gerihte. Ne næfre nan man an anes kennes wisan næf∂ nænne anweald on ˇare ilicere hæue'ne' butan ∂a munekes of christes circean . 7 heore is ˇæt scip 7 si ouerfæreld ˇare hæuene . 7 si tolne of ealle scipen bi ˇas ∂e hit beo 7 cume ∂anon ˇe hit cume ˇe to ˇare ilicare hæuene æt Sandwic cum∂ . 7 gif aht is in ∂are micelre s' wi∂utan ∂are hæuene swa micel swa seo s' heo mæst wi∂teoh∂ 7 git anes mannes længe ˇe healt ænne spreot on his hand 7 strec∂ hine swa feor swa he mæg aræcen into ∂are s' ˇæt is ∂are muneke . 7 eal ˇæt ∂e of ∂as healue ˇare middelsæ wur∂ gefunden 7 to Sandwic gebroht . bi hit scrud . bi hit net . o∂∂e wæpne . o∂∂e isen . gold o∂∂e seoluer ˇæt healue dæl sceal beon ∂are muneke . 7 ˇæt o∂er dæl scel beliuan ˇam ∂e hit findæ∂ . 7 gif ænig o∂er gewrit heonefor∂ wur∂ for∂gebroht ˇe beo heortoforen gemaked ˇe on æniges kinnes wisen beo ge∂uht ˇissere ure gefæstnunge to wi∂cwe∂ene ˇæt gewrit beo geworpen musen to gnagene o∂∂e on fere to forbærnenne . 7 se ∂e hit for∂bræng∂ beo swilces hades swilc he beo bio he gehealden for æscegeswap . 7 mid ealre ∂are unwur∂reste scame beo he gescænt 7 of eallan ˇan mannen ∂e ∂ær gehænde beo∂ mid ane mode wur∂e he gescuned . 7 seo strange gefæstnunge ˇi's'sere landboc æfrema heonefor∂ beo gestranged . 7 ægder mid ∂as ælmihtiges Godes ealderdome 7 mire . 7 ealre minre ∂egene gefæstnunge togænes ealre ˇare wi∂cwe∂endre smæigunge on ecnesse sta∂elfæst 7 unawægendlic mid ∂urhwuniende rihte beo gefæstned . 7 gif ænig is ˇæt gewilna∂ o∂∂e to brekene o∂∂e to gelitligene mid to∂undene modignesse ˇas ure gefæstnunge ; wite he hine selfne amansumod fram Gode 7 fram eallen his halgan . butan he toforan ∂am dea∂e mid wur∂e behriwsunge gebete ˇæt he unrihtwislice forgelte. ˘eos landboc wæs gewriten on ∂an ˇusende 7 ∂ri 7 twentehte gære fram ures hlauordes hælendes christes akennednesse . mid ∂are ge∂wærunge ˇissere manne ˇe here naman heræfter beo∂ gewritene + Ic Cnut se kining of Ænglelande ˇas gefæstnunge of ∂isen gewrite unawendedlice gefæstni. + Ic Ægelno∂ ercebiscop of Cantwareberig ˇas sundergeoue mid ˇam halige tacne getremde. + Ic Ælfric se ercebiscop of Euerwic ∂as ilces kinges godne wille mid ∂am halege rode tacne gefæstni. + Ic Ælfwine se biscop of Lundene ge∂wær∂e. + Ic Ælfwine biscop of Wincæstre gæf ge∂wærunge. + Ic Brihwald biscop Coruiniensis ecclesie ge∂wærde. + Ic Ægelric biscop of Dorsætscire gefæstnede. + Ic Ælmer biscop. + Ic Godwine biscop. + Ic Brihtwine biscop. + Ic Æ∂elstan biscop. + Ic Ælmær abbod. + Ic Brihtmær abbod. + Ic Brihtwine abbod. + Ic Wulno∂ abbod. + Ic Godwine eorl. + Ic Ægelaf eorl. + Ic ˘rim eorl. + Ic Yric eorl. + Ic ˘ord minister. + Ic Agemund .minister. + Ic Ægelric .minister. + Ic Ælfwine .minister. + Ic Brihtric .minister. + Ic Leofric .minister. + Ic Siræd .minister. + Ic Godwine .minister. + Ic Eadmær .minister.