A.D. 1032. King Cnut to Crowland Abbey; confirmation of privileges and lands, including Crowland itself and the marshes of Alderlound and Goggislound. Latin




1. London, British Library, Arundel 178, f. 50r (s. xvi)
2. Oxford, Queen's College, 368, pp. 205-207 (s. xvii)


Savile, Ingulph, pp. 892-3; Alford 1663, iii. 504-5; Fulman 1684, pp. 58-9, ex MS 1; K, 748; Mon. Angl. (rev. edn), i. 117-18 (no. 14); Birch, Ingulph, pp. 101-2, ex MS 1


Riley 1862, p. 38, spurious; Stevenson 1904, p. 305 n. 7, clumsy fabrication; HRH, p. 233, spurious; Lawson 1993, p. 66 n. 29, likely forgery; Keynes 1994a, p. 52 n. 51, spurious; Roffe 1995, pp. 104-8, on background to fabrication; Sawyer 1998, p. 234; Wormald, English Law, p. 351 n. 411, spurious

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    • (S 965 is omitted because it is manifestly a very late forgery)