Index by Archive
22 charters
- S 232. A.D. 673 for ? 683 (3 Aug.). Cædwalla, king, to Wilfrid, bishop, in order to found a monastery at Selsey; grant of 55 hides (tributarii) at Selsey, Medmerry, Wittering, Itchenor, Birdham, Egesawde, Bessenheie, Brinfast and Sidlesham, with 6 hides (cassati) at Aldingbourne and Lidsey, 6 at Geinstidegate (? Westergate), 8 at (North) Mundham, 8 at [Amberley and] Houghton and 4 at Coldwaltham, all in Sussex. Latin with bounds
- S 45. A.D. 692. Nothhelm (Nunna), king of Sussex, to Nothgyth, his sister; grant, in order to found a minster, of 33 hides (cassati) at Lidsey, Aldingbourne, Lenstedegate (? Westergate in Aldington) and (North) Mundham, Sussex. Latin
- S 1172. A.D. 692 x 709. Nothgyth to Wilfrid, bishop; grant of land at Lidsey, Aldingbourne, Genestedegate (cf. Westergate) and Mundham, Sussex, which she had been given by her brother Nothhelm (cf. S 45). With later confirmations by Offa and Ceolwulf I, kings of Mercia, and Æthelwulf, king of Wessex. Latin
- S 1173. c. A.D. 700. Bruny (Bryni), dux of Sussex, to Eadberht, abbot; grant of 4 hides (manentes) Hileigh, Sussex. Latin
- S 44. (a) A.D. c. 705 x (? 716 x ?). Nunna, king of Sussex, to Berhfrith, famulus Dei; grant of four hides (tributarii) at Peppering by the river Arun (Tarente), Sussex. Latin
- S 43. A.D. 775 for c. 705 x c. 717. Nunna, king of Sussex, to Eadberht, bishop; grant of 20 hides (tributarii) at Hugabeorgum and Dene (probably East and West Dean near Chichester, Sussex). Latin with English bounds
- S 42. A.D. 714 (? for 717 or 724). Nunna, king of Sussex, to Beadufrith and the brethren of Selsey; grant of 4 hides (manentes) at Herotunun, 3 (cassati) at Tættæshamstede and 3 at Sidlesham, Sussex. Latin
- S 46. A.D. 733 x (747 x c. 765). Æthelberht, king of Sussex, to Diosza; grant, for the construction of a minster, of 18 hides (tributarii) at Wittering, Sussex, with a note of the transfer of the land by Diosza to his sister and confirmation by Offa, king of Mercia. Latin
- S 47. Æthelberht, king of Sussex, to Wilfrid, bishop; grant of a half-hide (tributarius) at Chichester, Sussex. Latin
- S 48. A.D. 762 probably for 765. Osmund (king), to Walhhere, his comes; grant, for the construction of a minster, of 12 hides (tributarii) at Ferring, Sussex. Latin
- S 49. A.D. 770. Osmund, king, to Wærbald, comes, and his wife Tidburh, for St Peter's Church (Henfield); grant of 15 hides (manentes) at Henfield, Sussex, with later confirmation by Offa, king of Mercia. Latin
- S 1183. A.D. (c. 771 x 780) x 786. Aldwulf, dux of the South Saxons, with the consent of Offa, king of Mercia, to the church of St Peter, Selsey; grant of 3 hides (tributarii) at Peartingawyrth and Wealingawyrth; with confirmation by King Offa. Latin
- S 1184. A.D. 780 (Selsey). Oslac, dux of the South Saxons, to the church of St Paul; grant of land at Earnley, Sussex, and Tielæsora; with confirmation by Offa, king of Mercia, A.D. 787 x 796. Latin
- S 1178. A.D. 711 ? for 791 (Biohchandoune, Sussex). Ealdwulf, dux of the South Saxons, with the consent of Offa, king of the English, to Wihthun, bishop, for St Andrew's church, Ferring; grant of woodland at Cealtborgsteal. Latin with bounds
- S 158. A.D. 801 (Chelsea, Middx). Coenwulf, king of Mercia, to Bishop Wehthun and the church at Selsey; confirmation of 25 (hides) at Denton, Sussex. Latin
- S 1435. A.D. 825 (Clofesho). Record of a synodal dispute-settlement, concerning the recovery by Coenred, bishop of Selsey, of land at Denton, Sussex. Latin
- S 1206. 1. A.D. 918 x 924. Goda, optimas and minister, to Wiohstan; grant of 4 hides (cassati) at Up Marden, Sussex, with a note of Wiohstan's purchase of a further hide (manens), presumably at Marden, from Alfred and his wife Ealhswaru. Latin
- S 403. A.D. 930 (3 April, Lyminster, Sussex). King Athelstan to Beornheah, bishop (of Selsey); grant of 4 hides (cassatae) at Medmerry, with woodland at Earnley and meadow outside Chichester, Sussex. Latin with English bounds
- S 506. A.D. 945. King Edmund to Alfred, bishop (of Selsey); grant of 4 hides (mansae) at Bracklesham and 2 at Thorney (cf. Thorney Farm in East Wittering) or Earnley, Sussex. Latin
- S 616. A.D. 956. King Eadwig to Brihthelm, bishop, and the brethren of Chichester; grant of 60 hides (mansae). Latin
- S 1291. A.D. 957. Brihthelm, bishop, records the restoration to the bishopric and minster of Selsey by King Eadwig of lands fraudulently seized by Ælfsige. The lands recovered comprise 42 hides at Selsey, Wittering, Itchenor, Birdham, Egesawyda, Brinfast and Sidlesham, 7 hides at Aldingbourne and Lidsey, 8 at [Amberley and] Houghton, 4 at Coldwaltham and 9 at (North) Mundham, all in Sussex. Latin with English bounds
- S 872. A.D. 988. King Æthelred to Leofstan, his minister; grant of 4 hides (mansae) at Colworth in Oving, Sussex, and a messuage (haga) in Chichester. Latin with English bounds
2 manuscripts
- Chichester, West Sussex Record Office, Episc. VI/1/2. Cartulary, s. xiv.
- Chichester, West Sussex Record Office, Episc. VI/1/6. Cartulary, s. xiii med..