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Hart, ECE. Hart, C., The Early Charters of Essex, Leicester University, Dept of English Local History, Occasional Paper no. 10, rev. edn (Leicester, 1971). 48 charters cited.
- S 5. Comments, spurious but may be based on a genuine tradition, no. 1 (pp. 8-9)
- S 337. Comments, authentic charter of Æthelred of Wessex, with names of king and archbishop altered, no. 9
- S 452. Comments, spurious, no. 10
- S 453. Comments, spurious, witnesses from Edgar's reign, no. 16
- S 676. Comments, authentic, no. 15
- S 717. Comments, authentic, no. 19
- S 753. Comments, original, estate unidentified, does not appear to be in Essex, no. 21
- S 774. Comments, spurious, no. 22
- S 907. Comments, authentic basis, bounds include estate at Strethle (Stretley Green) granted in S 919 so cannot be contemporary, diplomatic based on S 780, no. 36
- S 908. Comments, spurious, no. 38
- S 911. Comments, authentic, no. 39
- S 914. Comments, spurious, no. 40
- S 919. Comments, authentic, no. 41
- S 926. Comments, authentic, no. 42
- S 939. Comments, original, no. 29
- S 1015. Comments, authentic, discusses MSS, no. 63
- S 1036. Comments, spurious, no. 67
- S 1039. Comments, spurious, no. 70
- S 1040. Comments, spurious, no. 69
- S 1043. Comments, spurious, no. 68
- S 1047. Comments, authentic basis, no. 54
- S 1051. Comments, authentic, no. 55
- S 1056. Comments, spurious, no. 56
- S 1117. Comments, authentic basis, the land æt thære lea may lie in Aveley, Essex, the adjacent parish, no. 50
- S 1118. Comments, spurious, no. 51
- S 1128. Comments, authentic basis, no. 65
- S 1171. Comments, authentic, dates c. 687, identifies Ricingahaam as Rainham and Budinhaam as Barking, no. 4
- S 1218. Comments, late and corrupt version of lost charter, no. 30
- S 1243a. Comments, post-Conquest memorandum, authentic basis, nos 58, 97 (pp. 28, 41)
- S 1246. Comments, wholly authentic, except possibly part of the dating clause, note links with S 1247, no. 5
- S 1247. Comments, p. 10
- S 1428b. Comments, original, no. 6
- S 1481e. Comments, no. 33
- S 1483. Comments, authentic, no. 11
- S 1486. Comments, authentic, no. 34
- S 1487. Comments, original, no. 24
- S 1494. Comments, authentic, discusses descent of Essex estates, no. 18
- S 1495. Comments, authentic basis, no. 37
- S 1501. Comments, authentic, no. 27
- S 1519. Comments, authentic, no. 66
- S 1521. Comments, authentic, no. 46
- S 1522. Comments, MS 1 original, no. 32
- S 1526. Comments, authentic, no. 11
- S 1530. Comments, no. 49
- S 1531. Comments, authentic, no. 59
- S 1535. Comments, authentic, no. 64
- S 1218. Printed Translated, ex MSS 1, 5, pp. 16-17
- S 1530. Printed, Latin version, ex MS 6, p. 25