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Hart, ECEE. Hart, C., The Early Charters of Eastern England (Leicester, 1966). 142 charters cited.
- S 67. Comments, spurious, MS probably post-Conquest and very poorly preserved, date may originally have read 674, four witnesses are 8th-century, formulation is mid 9th century, hidage as in Domesday Book, no. 3
- S 68. Comments, spurious, suggests the following identifications, Cadenac (Cadney, Lincs.), Lodeshale (Louth, Lincs.), Langeledenham (Leadenham, Lincs.), no. 1 (pp. 21, 97, 107, 110)
- S 72. Comments, spurious, no. 146
- S 349. Comments, spurious, no. 48
- S 437. Comments, authentic, no. 4 and pp. 152-5
- S 483. Comments, authentic, no. 120A (p. 96)
- S 507. Comments, may be authentic, discusses bounds, no. 74 (pp. 54-8)
- S 533. Comments, authentic, no. 163
- S 534. Comments, addendum to Finberg, p. 253
- S 547. Comments, authentic, suggests identification with Orton (Waterville), Hunts, no. 5
- S 556. Comments, authentic, no. 6, and pp. 156-9
- S 566. Comments, authentic, bounds cover whole of Alwalton, no. 7
- S 572. Comments, authentic, regnal year points to 954 x 955, no. 51
- S 595. Comments, authentic, no. 8 and pp. 160-5
- S 646. Comments, authentic, no. 52
- S 649. Comments, original, discusses bounds, no. 9
- S 668. Comments, identifies as Winterbourne Bassett, discusses bounds, pp. 253-4
- S 674. Comments, authentic, cf. S 679, no. 10
- S 676. Comments, p. 250
- S 703. Comments, original, no. 76
- S 779. Comments, citing John, authentic, no. 55
- S 780. Comments, authentic, no. 56
- S 781. Comments, authentic, no. 77
- S 782. Comments, authentic, no. 150
- S 787. Comments, spurious, no. 15 (pp. 25-6, 101, 112)
- S 792. Comments, clumsy but basically authentic text, drawn up at Thorney, general structure modelled on S 782, exists in more than one recension, the final version being created after Edgar's death, no. 16 and pp. 173-86
- S 794. Comments, authentic, no. 57
- S 798. Comments, spurious in present form, no. 18
- S 847. Comments, authentic,bounds substantially identical with those for same estate in S 911, pp. 187-9
- S 898. Comments, original, p. 193
- S 911. Comments, partly based on S 792, pp. 176, 189
- S 914. Comments, spurious, no. 84
- S 919. Comments, authentic, no. 66
- S 926. Comments, authentic, no. 30
- S 931. Comments, authentic, pp. 194-8
- S 936. Comments, treats this as spurious version of S 983, pp. 207-9
- S 943. Comments, no suspicious features, probably authentic, pp. 191-3
- S 947. Comments, authentic, discusses diplomatic similarities with S 948, no. 165 and pp. 202-3
- S 948. Comments, authentic, archaic formulation, no. 85 and pp. 199-203
- S 958. Comments, authentic, no. 71
- S 980. Comments, may be authentic, no. 86
- S 983. Comments, authentic but incomplete, pp. 207-9
- S 984. Comments, authentic, no. 125
- S 995. Comments, spurious, no. 92
- S 996. Comments, authentic, no. 126
- S 997. Comments, authentic, no. 34
- S 1014. Comments, authentic, with discussion on bounds contributed by Finberg, no. 161
- S 1015. Comments, pp. 251-2
- S 1029. Comments, probably forged after Conquest, no. 158 and pp. 105-6
- S 1030. Comments, spurious, no. 47 (pp. 39, 52, 77, 95-6, 106)
- S 1040. Comments, spurious, no. 118A
- S 1045. Comments, spurious, no. 102
- S 1047. Comments, grant of Chartham probably authentic, the remainder a post-Conquest addition, no. 117
- S 1051. Comments, citing Blake, authentic, no. 35 (pp. 34-5, 50, 67, 84) and p. 251
- S 1055. Comments, spurious, anachronisms in witness-list, but list of lands and their original owners may be based on authentic information, no. 134
- S 1059. Comments, not authentic, but transaction probably has a genuine basis, no. 159
- S 1060. Comments, spurious, but probably based on authentic information, MS 1 late-11th-century pseudo-original, no. 157 and pp. 105-6
- S 1068. Comments, authentic, no. 95
- S 1069. Comments, authentic, no. 106
- S 1074. Comments, authentic, no. 111
- S 1075. Comments, authentic, no. 114
- S 1076. Comments, authentic, no. 137
- S 1077. Comments, authentic, no. 139 and p. 90
- S 1080. Comments, authentic, no. 115
- S 1082. Comments, authentic, no. 138
- S 1085. Comments, authentic, no. 119
- S 1106. Comments, authentic, no. 38
- S 1107. Comments, authentic basis, discusses hidation, no. 42
- S 1108. Comments, authentic, no. 140
- S 1109. Comments, spurious, no. 135
- S 1110. Comments, corrupt, no. 45
- S 1123. Comments, authentic, suggests that Wendlebury is Wandlebury near Cambridge, no. 73
- S 1124. Comments, spurious, no. 113A
- S 1138. Comments, authentic, no. 162
- S 1168. Comments, spurious, probably modelled on S 1167, identifies Slæpi as St Ives, Hunts, no. 2
- S 1191. Comments, spurious, no. 148
- S 1213. Comments, authentic basis, formulation modelled on that of a royal diploma, no. 75
- S 1219. Comments, authentic, record possibly made at Bury soon after date of transaction, no. 83
- S 1224. Comments, authentic, the estate did not descend with the charter, no. 91
- S 1225. Comments, original, no. 93
- S 1231. Comments, authentic, suggests identification with Oakley, a wood in St Ives, Hunts, no. 39
- S 1233. Comments, spurious, but list of estates may be based on a reliable tradition of Godgifu's endowment of Stow, no. 156
- S 1246. Comments, if a forgery then produced within two centuries of Barking's foundation, pp. 124-7, 132
- S 1248. Comments, pp. 136-41
- S 1377. Comments, authentic, cf. p. 169, no. 12
- S 1412. Comments, authentic, no. 147
- S 1440. Comments, authentic, Lehcotum is probably one of the Lincolnshire Cotes, no. 149
- S 1448. Comments, authentic, no. 13
- S 1448a. Comments, no. 164
- S 1463. Comments, authentic, no. 32
- S 1468. Comments, authentic, no. 132
- S 1470. Comments, authentic, no. 107
- S 1478. Comments, authentic, no. 155
- S 1481. Comments, authentic, no. 160
- S 1481a. Comments, authentic basis, no. 44
- S 1483. Comments, authentic, no. 50
- S 1486. Comments, authentic, no. 64
- S 1487. Comments, authentic, dates 989, no. 24
- S 1489. Comments, authentic, no. 88 (pp. 65, 82)
- S 1490. Comments, authentic, no. 127
- S 1494. Comments, authentic, no. 58
- S 1498. Comments, authentic, no. 151 (pp. 100-1, 107)
- S 1499. Comments, authentic, no. 136
- S 1503. Comments, authentic, no. 67
- S 1503a. Comments, authentic, cf. no. 22, no. 21 (pp. 29, 45, 101-2)
- S 1516. Comments, authentic, no. 94
- S 1518. Comments, authentic, suggests identification of Acleya with a wood in St Ives, Hunts, no. 29
- S 1519. Comments, authentic, no. 118 (pp. 77, 95)
- S 1520. Comments, authentic, no. 68 (pp. 48, 63)
- S 1521. Comments, authentic, no. 89 (pp. 65-6, 82)
- S 1523. Comments, authentic, no. 31 and pp. 204-5
- S 1525a. Comments, authentic, no. 121
- S 1526. Comments, authentic, no. 49 (pp. 40, 53, 79)
- S 1527. Comments, authentic, no. 90 (pp. 66, 92)
- S 1528. Comments, authentic, no. 124
- S 1529. Comments, authentic, no. 141
- S 1531. Comments, authentic, no. 72 (pp. 50-1, 70, 85)
- S 1535. Comments, authentic, no. 113 (pp. 72, 91)
- S 1536. Comments, authentic, no. 152
- S 1562. Comments, treats as part of S 926, discusses details of fisheries, no. 30
- S 1608. Comments, authentic, no. 133
- S 437. Printed, ex MS 1, pp. 150-1
- S 556. Printed, ex MS 1, pp. 155-6
- S 595. Printed, ex MS 1, pp. 159-60
- S 792. Printed, ex MSS 2, 23, pp. 165-72
- S 847. Printed, pp. 186-7
- S 931. Printed, ex MS 1, pp. 193-4
- S 936. Printed, pp. 206-7
- S 943. Printed, pp. 190-1
- S 948. Printed, ex MS 1, pp. 198-9
- S 983. Printed, pp. 206-7
- S 1047. Printed, Latin version, ex MS 6, pp. 73-4
- S 1171. Printed, pp. 127-8
- S 1246. Printed, ex MSS 1, 2, pp. 122-3
- S 1248. Printed, pp. 135-6
- S 1523. Printed, ex MS 1, p. 204
- S 1530. Printed, Latin version, ex MS 6, p. 251
- S 1608. Printed Translated, pp. 86-7
- S 1481. Translated, p. 108
- S 1608. Translated, authentic, no. 133
- S 1637. Comments, spurious, no. 79
- S 1645. Printed, ex MS 3, p. 251