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Dumville 1992. Dumville, D. N., Wessex and England from Alfred to Edgar: Six Essays in Political, Cultural and Ecclesiastical Revival (Woodbridge, 1992). 109 charters cited.
- S 80. Comments, spurious., p. 42 n. 58
- S 84. Comments, on estate history, pp. 41-2 n. 58
- S 93. Comments, bogus, p. 40 n. 55
- S 96. Comments, non-contemporary copy, p. 82
- S 100. Comments, cited, with reference to political background, p. 3 n. 16
- S 112. Comments, spurious, pp. 41-2 n. 58
- S 114. Comments, apparent original, p. 41 n. 58
- S 138. Comments, forged not earlier than late 10th century, p. 50
- S 149. Comments, if a forgery then a most ingenious one, p. 41 n. 57
- S 183. Comments, spurious, p. 40 n. 55
- S 187. Comments, original, p. 4 n. 17
- S 194. Comments, on history of estate, treats as authentic, p. 42 n.
- S 215. Comments, on estate history, p. 42 n.
- S 218. Comments, authenticity and authority of date not yet properly established, p. 7
- S 220. Comments, authentic, pp. 3 n. 15, 18
- S 237. Comments, cited, p. 41 n. 56
- S 239. Comments, not genuine in present form, p. 40 n. 55
- S 264. Comments, copy of early 10th century, discusses estate history, pp. 82-3, 109, 112
- S 269. Comments, on transaction, p. 46 n. 91
- S 284. Comments, spurious, p. 46 n. 91
- S 305. Comments, spurious, p. 41 n. 57
- S 337. Comments, poorly transmitted, p. 5 n. 23
- S 345. Comments, cited, p. 41 n. 56
- S 347. Comments, cited, pp. 45-6
- S 353. Comments, formulas more appropriate to 940s and 950s, p. 52
- S 354. Comments, spurious in present form, but information deserves consideration, pp. 45, 46 n. 90
- S 355. Comments, cited, pp. 45-6
- S 356. Comments, on Chelworth, pp. 43-4
- S 359. Comments, treats as authentic, pp. 45-6
- S 363. Comments, p. 45
- S 368. Comments, on beneficiary, pp. 44-5
- S 370. Comments, spurious, discusses history of Collingbourne, p. 111 n. 264
- S 372. Comments, pp. 45-6, 107
- S 373. Comments, on background; on Stoce, pp. 46, 107-12
- S 376. Comments, forgery, script not especially close to that of the annals, suggests Chaplais's date for MS 1 may be too late, p. 60
- S 379. Comments, witness-list belongs to 934 and formulation to Athelstan's reign, p. 111 n. 264
- S 380. Comments, cited, p. 45
- S 382. Comments, on Farnham, p. 43 n. 62
- S 398. Comments, forged, p. 51
- S 401. Comments, forged, p. 168 n. 182
- S 402. Comments, forged, p. 168 n. 182
- S 404. Comments, troublesome, pp. 164 n. 153, 168 n. 182
- S 406. Comments, forged, p. 168 n. 182
- S 408. Comments, spurious, p. 168 n. 182
- S 409. Comments, corrupted, pp. 159-60
- S 410. Comments, spurious, p. 168 n. 182
- S 416. Comments, disputes scribe's Winchester connection; discusses estate history; contemporary, pp. 80-1, 110, 112 n. 272
- S 420. Comments, spurious, forger may have taken some formulas from a genuine diploma of Athelstan, pp. 34 n. 17, 46 n. 92, 52
- S 428. Comments, forged, p. 168 n. 182
- S 448. Comments, on diplomas for nuns, pp. 177-8
- S 449. Comments, on status of beneficiary, pp. 178-9
- S 453. Comments, perhaps forged at St Paul's on the basis of a diploma of 961 x 971, p. 164 n. 153
- S 464. Comments, on beneficiary, pp. 177-8
- S 465. Comments, on beneficiary, pp. 177-8
- S 474. Comments, on beneficiary, pp. 177-8
- S 480. Comments, p. 40 n. 55
- S 482. Comments, on beneficiary, pp. 177-8
- S 485. Comments, on beneficiary, pp. 177-8
- S 487. Comments, pp. 177-8
- S 493. Comments, on beneficiary, pp. 177-8
- S 534. Comments, on beneficiary, pp. 177-8
- S 535. Comments, on beneficiary, pp. 177-8
- S 550. Comments, unimpeachable, pp. 34 n. 21, 41 n. 58
- S 563. Comments, on beneficiary, pp. 177-8
- S 636. Comments, queries attribution of scribe and script to Winchester, S 636 a royal-chancery product, pp. 63-4 and n. 63
- S 688. Comments, forgery concocted 975 x c. 1150, pp. 109-10, 112
- S 689. Comments, p. 110 n. 257
- S 690. Comments, MS 1 contemporary, p. 110 n. 257
- S 731. Comments, in present from a mid 12th-century document, pp. 167-8
- S 752. Comments, spurious, discusses history of certain estates, p. 52
- S 756. Comments, probably authentic, discusses estate history, pp. 107-12
- S 775. Comments, on status of beneficiary, pp. 177-8
- S 806. Comments, troublesome, represents a confirmation of S 373, p. 108 n. 249
- S 818. Comments, treats as spurious, p. 43 n. 62
- S 823. Comments, treats as spurious, p. 43 n. 62
- S 935. Comments, spurious, pp. 41-2 n. 58
- S 937. Comments, on estate history, p. 109
- S 1035. Comments, spurious, p. 52
- S 1038. Comments, forged, pp. 41 n. 57, 43
- S 1042. Comments, doubtful, p. 41 n. 56
- S 1096. Comments, may be authentic, pp. 52-3
- S 1115. Comments, cited with reference to estate history, p. 41 n. 56
- S 1165. Comments, acceptable, discusses Chertsey archive as a whole, pp. 51-3
- S 1181. Comments, spurious, pp. 46 n. 92, 51-2
- S 1198. Comments, on script, pp. 94-5
- S 1205. Comments, p. 43
- S 1238. Comments, spurious, dicusses estate history, pp. 41-2 n. 58
- S 1250. Comments, spurious, discusses history of estates, pp. 41-2 n. 58
- S 1251. Comments, spurious, pp. 41-2 n. 58
- S 1263. Comments, expresses doubt; discusses Bedwyn, pp. 43, 107-8, 112
- S 1274. Comments, suspicious, p. 43
- S 1281. Comments, cited with reference to script, p. 92 n. 182
- S 1284. Comments, pp. 44-5
- S 1286. Comments, iuxta Scealdeburnan is an interlineation in the MS, so identification may not be secure, pp. 43, 107-8 n. 248
- S 1288. Comments, cited, p. 92 n. 182
- S 1340. Comments, on estate history, pp. 41-2 n. 58
- S 1398. Comments, on Bedwyn, p. 111
- S 1417. Comments, p. 159
- S 1443. Comments, pp. 45-6
- S 1444. Comments, on estate history, p. 46
- S 1445. Comments, on estate history, pp. 44-5
- S 1446a. Comments, on script, pp. 81-2
- S 1485. Comments, queries Purton identification; discusses Chelworth, p. 41 n. 57, 43-4
- S 1494. Comments, pp. 110-11 n. 263
- S 1504. Comments, on testator, p. 44
- S 1506. Comments, original, p. 183 n. 78
- S 1507. Comments, on Lambourn, pp. 110-11 n. 263
- S 1533. Comments, on script, provisions on dorse may have been added at a later stage, pp. 78-82, 110
- S 1560. Comments, on script, estate-survey may have been drawn up before Ealhswith's death, but the MS copy could well be later in date, pp. 83-5, 92 n. 184